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1. The Yearbook Of American And Canadian Churches, Yearbook Of American & Canadian The Yearbook of American Churches Official Web Site. An extensive listing of Canadian and US Churchrelated Internet resources. An editiorial essay The Fevered Frenzy over Faith Based Initiatives http://www.electronicchurch.org/ | |
2. The Yearbook Of American And Canadian Churches, Electronic Church Web Site Redirect to the Yearbook of American and canadian churches Official Web Site. An extensive listing of Canadian and US Churchrelated Internet resources, previews of Yearbook pages and direct means http://www.ncccusa.org/yearbook | |
3. ElectronicChurch.org Yearbook 2000 logo. The Web Resources of the Religious Bodies Listed in the Yearbook of American and canadian churches. Updated and http://www.electronicchurch.org/YBlisting.html | |
4. Yearbook Of American & Canadian Churches The 1998 Yearbook of. American canadian churches. This site is no longer home for the Yearbook was collected for the 1997 edition of the Yearbook of American and canadian churches http://www.dnaco.net/~kbedell/yearbook.html | |
5. Yearbook Stats2 1997 Yearbook of American canadian churches US Religious Bodies with more than 60,000 Members. Serbian Orthodox Church in the USA and Canada, 1986, 68, 67,000, 60. http://www.dnaco.net/~kbedell/ybstats2.htm | |
6. American, Canadian, British Church Leaders Call On U.S. To 'Stop The Rush To War Latest news from the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA News Service Leaders from American, Canadian, British Churches. Appeal to U.S. Government 'Stop the Rush to War' the United States, British and canadian churches meeting at the Central Committee http://www.ncccusa.org/news/02news82.html | |
7. NCCCUSA 1999 Yearbook Of American And Canadian Churches Is Off Press 1999 Yearbook of American and canadian churches Now Off Press New Updated Listings, Data Analysis Make it the Most Valuable Yearbook Ever . http://www.ncccusa.org/news/99news22.html | |
8. Largest 25 U.S. Churches, 2002 at work producing an actual count to be available in subsequent editions. Source Yearbook of American canadian churches, 2002. http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0001481.html | |
9. CCForum: Start Page canadian churches Forum, The canadian churches Forum for Global Ministries Le Forum des églises canadiennes pour les ministères globaux. Welcome! http://www.ccforum.ca/ | |
10. Canadian Church Directory We would like to provide information on canadian churches in your area. Churches are listed by name and denomination. Listing all http://www.generations.on.ca/church.htm | |
11. Www.wsnet.com/~alapadre/canadach.html LookSmart Directory - canadian churches canadian churches - Alphabetical listing of canadian churches, with contact addresses. Directory Categories. http://www.wsnet.com/~alapadre/canadach.html |
12. Canadian Churches List: F1RSTMARK Mailing And Telemarketing Lists F1RSTMARK canadian churches. More than 21,700 churches and other religious institutions of all denominations in Canada, with names of 15,340 clergy. http://www.firstmark.com/fmkcat/canadian_churches.htm | |
13. Canadian Churches Urge Court Not To Allow Extradition - Christianity Today Magaz Today Magazine Hot Issues Life Ethics Christianity Today, Week of February 26 canadian churches Urge Court Not to Allow Extradition Canadian Council on http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2001/109/26.0.html | |
14. NORTH AMERICAN REPORT: Canadian Churches Seek To Resolve Abuse Cases - Christian Home Christianity Today Magazine Christianity Today, July 9, 2001 canadian churches Seek to Resolve Abuse Cases By Ferdy Baglo, Ecumenical News International http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2001/009/13.21.html | |
15. Canadian Churches DIOCESAN CHURCHES. NOVA SCOTIA \ Antigonish Diocese ONTARIO \ Sault Ste. Marie Diocese NFLD. \ Archdiocese of St. John s. PARISH CHURCHES. http://ccor.d2g.com/stmarys/canada.html | |
16. Church Of Scientology Of Kitchener Describes the Scientology church of Kitchener, in Southwestern Ontario, the books and services available and answers to frequently asked questions. Access to other canadian churches and basic information on Scientology. http://www.scientology-kitchener.org/ | |
17. Iraq Letter canadian churches speak out on Iraq. canadian churches cry NO to Iraq war, urge PM to pursue Âgenuine negotiation and resist pressures for invasion. http://www.ccc-cce.ca/english/jp/Iraq02.htm |
18. CNEWS Canada - Canadian Churches Follow Old Testament Tradition Sun, August 10, 2003. canadian churches follow Old Testament tradition. By MICHELLE MACAFEE. MONTREAL (CP) The dim, cramped, muggy http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/Canada/2003/08/10/157964-cp.html | |
19. CNEW: - Canadian Churches Follow Old Testament Tradition Sun, August 10, 2003. canadian churches follow Old Testament tradition. By MICHELLE MACAFEE. MONTREAL (CP) The dim, cramped, muggy http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/Canada/2003/08/10/pf-157964.html | |
20. Canadian Churches Respond To Emergencies [Brochure] Resources. In times of disaster canadian churches Respond to Emergencies (2001) . Site Use Disclaimer. Copyright © 2004 The United Church of Canada. http://www.united-church.ca/action/churchesrespond.shtm | |
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