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61. HAMweather Release History Fixed bug in HW usage of weather.noaa.gov as a (see files for example); Changed thecanadaian DB files Added some general remarks to the beginning of each of the http://www.hamweather.com/support/docs/history.html | |
62. World Travel Guide - Eritrea - Contact Addresses Email asmelasha@state.gov (consular section). canadaian Consulate 87-89 WarsayStreet, PO Box 3962, Asmara, Eritrea Tel (1) 181 940 or 186 490. http://www.biggles.co.uk/Columbus/data/eri/eri000.htm | |
63. Listings Canada: Canada : Culture http//www.loc.gov/folklife/source/canada Hits 14) Federation Of canadaian TurkishAssociations http://listingsca.com/Society/Culture/index2.asp | |
64. CanadianMedsUSA.com Prescription Drugs Memorandum, please click on the following link http//bernie.house.gov/documents/CRS Howto Order Please read the general Information page, then review How to http://www.canadianmedsusa.com/ | |
65. Aviation Safety Postings (NTSB) http//www.ntsb.gov/recs/letters and B4 series airplanes equipped with GeneralElectric CF6 28 MAR 2002 canadaian Transport Minister Collenette announced http://www.planesimulation.com/newsfeed3.htm | |
66. Caribbean Medical Schools, USMLE, Foreign Medical Schools, Residency Reviews, Us Jump to Select a forum. Your opinion, I (and most canadaian physicians) have to thathttp//www.health.gov.on.ca http://www.valuemd.com/viewtopic.php?t=17467&start=15 |
67. FILE AS94-3.TXT AQUATIC SURVIVAL 24/04/95 VOLUME 3, NUMBER 3 (Rob Huntley is the general Manager of The annual fee for affiliation is $10 (Canadaianor US currency 416) 3141165; Internet hynes.julian@nricoa.mnr.gov.on.ca http://www.peter.unmack.net/acn/as/3/vol3no3.txt | |
68. HomeLAN Public Forums - View Topic the wonderful and perfect canadaian government agree requested DNA information fromthe Saudi gov. http://www.homelanfed.com/newforums/viewtopic.php?forum=2&start=15&topic=7604 |
69. Open Roads Forum : Drug Costs And The Religion Of Medicare Reform The gov. Canadian based plants that produce for both canadaian and American http://www.trailerlife.com/cforum/index.cfm/fuseaction/thread/tid/13102648/gotom | |
70. Hotels & Motels From A To Z - Discount Hotels Worldwide Email asmelasha@state.gov (consular section). canadaian Consulate 87-89 WarsayStreet, PO Box 3962, Asmara, Eritrea Tel (1) 181 940 or 186 490. http://a-ztravelguides.com/world/africa/eritrea/contact-addresses.html | |
71. Welcome To Anime Alberta! to his friends, and found out he was canadaian. North Americans and Europeans in generalare quite 3 years now (see http//travel.state.gov/yemen_warning.html http://www.anime-alberta.org/cgi-bin/ikonboard/topic.cgi?forum=2&topic=1336 |
72. Adaptation Web: Application Form For National Funding John Carling Building 930 Carling Avenue Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0C5 FAX (613) 7597490E-Mail CARD-FCADR@agr.gc.ca general Inquiries Lynne Provincial gov t, $, http://www.agr.gc.ca/card-fcadr/application/card_proposal.phtml | |
73. All Right Already (That's Funny, You Don't Look Neoconservative.) forwardlooking, not nostalgic; and its general tone is we are replying on a Canadaianexpatriate s article. by veronica (http//www.majorityleader.gov/news.asp | |
74. Canada Non Prescription are rarely approved for general, nonprescription drugs from our licensed CanadaianNorphar - Prescription http//bernie.house.gov/prescriptions/medicare.asp, http://www.online-pharmacy-links.com/canada_non_prescription.html | |
75. Ottawa Gas Prices - Ottawagasprices.com - Your Comments source http//www.eia.doe.gov/cabs/canada.html. if you could note to the generalpeople who droping, frustrating, sad state of the canadaian government, lying http://ottawagasprices.com/comments/200003 | |
76. Canadian Coalition Against The Death Penalty In The News - 1999 The Canadian Coalition Against the Death Penalty News and Media appearances in 2000. the US Justice System to the UN general Assembly scrutiny to be separated from general population they say http://www.ccadp.org/news1999.htm | |
77. Vive Le Canada - Armed With National Pride : Is The Fight For Social Justice Can AM MDT. ). The best part about being in the canadaian Armed Forces,was never having to say I was American. -P. - History does http://www.vivelecanada.ca/article.php?story=20031008133833496 |
78. Log Cabin Chronicles Genealogy Queries Log Cabin Chronicles Genealogy Queries. Thanks for dropping by. Start. here. Cliff Timpson. ROY/ELLIOTTI am searching for the parents of Marie and Sophie Roy, who supposedly lived in Barford, Quebec http://www.tomifobia.com/cgi-bin/genealogy/guestbook.pl | |
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