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21. Transport Canada; Policy; International Relations component. To provide advice, technical guidance and support, Transport canada s international relations Branch works interactively by http://www.tc.gc.ca/pol/en/IntlCooperation/internationalConsultation.htm | |
22. International Relations canada. Children and Armed Conflict Unit, The impact of armed conflict on children. Chicago Council on Foreign relations. CIAO Columbia international Affairs http://www.psa.ac.uk/www/international_relations.htm |
23. SOSIG: International Relations Browse this resource, Theses canada Portal, Browse this resource, Academics and Professionals in international relations a British Perception by Keith Webb(1992), http://www.sosig.ac.uk/roads/subject-listing/World-cat/intrelations.html | |
24. SOSIG: International Relations international relations and Global Politics in the UK. Browse this resource, Survival. Browse this resource, Swiss Daily. Browse this resource, Theses canada Portal. http://www.sosig.ac.uk/roads/subject-listing/World/intrelations.html | |
25. Poly-Cy Guide To Internet Resources For Political Science - International Politi international Development Research Centre ( Ottawa, canada); Vilnius University Lithuania - Institute for international relations and Political Science. http://www.polsci.wvu.edu/PolyCy/psintrel.html | |
26. Copyright And Disclaimer - International And Intergovernmental Relations and policies for Alberta s relations with international governments and organizations; and federal, provincial and territorial governments in canada. http://www.iir.gov.ab.ca/ | |
27. International Relations - Mission Statement Mission Statement international relations Advances Alberta s interests internationally by building strategic relationships with governments outside of canada. http://www.iir.gov.ab.ca/inter_rel/pages/mission.htm |
28. Canadian Foreign Policy And Foreign Relations Resources international relations canada Online Laurier Centre for Military Strategic and Disarmament Studies Lester B. Pearson Canadian international http://www.library.ubc.ca/poli/cpwebf.html | |
29. International Relations Graduate Programs In Canada international.gradschools.com navigation. international relations. Graduate Schools in canada. Sponsoring Institutions http://www.gradschools.com/listings/Canada/int_relat_canada.html | |
30. Scouts Canada - Official National Web Site: International Relations Committee The international relations Committee serves as your link to the World Organization of the Scout Movement. It formulates Scouts canada policies and procedures http://www.scouts.ca/inside.asp?cmPageID=112 |
31. Internet Resources -- International Relations well; canada Online international relations; see American Politics Public Policy for more sites. South America. Internet Resources http://wally.rit.edu/internet/subject/intrel.html | |
32. BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: International Relations of Toronto G8 Research Group Subjects economic development, international relations DeweyClass 338.9 ResourceType documents Location canada Last checked http://bubl.ac.uk/link/i/internationalrelations.htm | |
33. History Of The Canada Centre For Remote Sensing - International Relations Jean Claude Henein, international relations. Suffice it to say that canada is now well known as being an important international contributor in all aspects http://www.ccrs.nrcan.gc.ca/ccrs/org/history/history13_e.html | |
34. Fletcher-Ginn-General International Relations La Politique étrangère du canada; Canadian Journal of the inclusion in a truly international history of Council on Foreign relations The Council on Foreign http://fletcher.tufts.edu/inter_resources/dhpgenresources.html | |
35. International Relations Office The international relations Office (IRO) provides a window on the world for the Treasury Board of canada Secretariat consistent with its interests as a central http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/ip-pi/index_e.asp | |
36. Navigate By Topic - International Relations Related document(s) Click to expand or collapse section international relations A Profile of the Public Service of canada Government of canada Report; http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/tbsimScripts/topic-sujet-list_e.asp?ID=383&view=expand |
37. International Relations Resources Strategic Studies at the University of Calgary in Alberta, canada and is tool in the areas of Strategic Studies, Security, international relations and Politics http://internet.ggu.edu/university_library/intrel.html | |
38. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS international relations OF GAP RDA. 720,000 US $. 377,000 US $. canada international DEVELOPMENT AGENCY CIDA. CIDA. GAP REGION POST HARVEST TECHNOLOGIES. http://www.gap.gov.tr/English/dkpanasyf.html | |
39. International Relations Canadian Foreign Policy, a journal which aims to deepen and broaden the discussion of canada s international relations by creating a regular, highlevel forum http://www.people.virginia.edu/~rjb3v/ir.html | |
40. Political Science (Politics And Government) - Canadian Information By Subject relations (Queen s University) Intergovernmental Affairs (Government of canada, Privy Council Office) international and Intergovernmental relations (Alberta) http://www.collectionscanada.ca/caninfo/ep032.htm | |
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