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1. Canada International Relations - Trade International Markets Customs Information on Canadian trade, international markets, business practices, customs and immigration for companies doing business in international markets, and international companies doing business http://canadaonline.about.com/cs/international | |
2. Canada International Relations And Foreign Policy - Federal Government Federal government organizations in Canada dealing with international relations and foreign policy Search. Canada Online. International Relations and Foreign Policy Foreign Affairs and International Trade. Finance Canada International Issues. International Boundary Commission http://canadaonline.about.com/library/fed/blfinternl.htm?once=true& |
3. Canada International Relations And Foreign Policy - Federal Government Federal government organizations in Canada dealing with international relations and foreign policy. You are here About News Issues Canada Online. http://canadaonline.about.com/library/fed/blfinternl.htm?once=true& |
4. Canadian Institute Of International Affairs - Links on international relations and Security. Delegation to international Organizations Conference (Brigham Young University). G8 Kananaskis Summit canada June 26, 27 http://www.ciia.org/links.htm | |
5. International Relations Home Page Welcome to Environment canada s international relations home page. Over the past 30 years, we have seen the focus of Canadian environmental http://www.ec.gc.ca/international/index_e.htm | |
6. Vincent Ferraro, Resources For The Study Of International Relations And Foreign Resources for the Study of international relations and Foreign Policy. to the History of international relations. Documents Relating to international Development Research Centre, Ottawa, canada. international Institute for Environment and Development http://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/feros-pg.htm | |
7. Canadians/Relations  History Of Canada's International Relations By then, canada was in full control of its international relations, encouraging its politicians and diplomats and soldiers to help shape a new, more hopeful http://www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/ciw-cdm/intrel_history-en.asp | |
8. Research Centers In International Relations On The Web: Library And Links: Jeann Association for international Law and international relations (ADIRI Center for Political and international Studies (CPIS for the US and canada Studies, Russian http://www.usip.org/library/rcenters.html | |
9. Welcome To NCCAR Dedicated to fostering a better understanding of the Arab world through international partnerships with canada. http://www.NCCAR.ca/ | |
10. Georgetown International Relations Club Brings over 200 delegates to Model United Nations conferences across the Eastern United States and canada. Activities include travel, discussion of international relations, and hosting conferences. Calendar of events, conference information, and executive board and alumni lists. http://saxa.georgetown.edu/irc/ |
11. Ni-Ka Online - DFAIT / Ni-Ka En Direct - MAECI Site officiel du Minist¨re des Affaires Etrang¨res et du Commerce international du canada. Informations sur les relations entre les deux pays au niveau politique, ©conomique, scientifique, culturel, de l'©ducation. Informations pour les voyageurs et les r©sidants. http://www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/ni-ka/ | |
12. International Relations - Antarctic As part of a global effort to protect the Antarctic environment, canada ratified the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty, commonly http://www.ec.gc.ca/international/regorgs/antarctic/1antarctic_e.htm | |
13. History Department - University Of British Columbia Undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Research focuses on canada, Pacific Rim countries, America, Europe, and international relations. http://www.history.ubc.ca/ | |
14. CanadaInternational - Foreign Policy, Canadian International Relations And Inter Organizations Links Links to international organizations such as canada - Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC information on the relations between canada http://canadainternational.gc.ca/Canada_and_International_Organizations-en.asp | |
15. CanadaInternational Overview - Canadian International Relations And Canadian For Environment canada and international relations The international relations Website provides the general public and other government departments with an http://canadainternational.gc.ca/Canadian_International_Relations-en.asp | |
16. Government Of New Brunswick - Department Of Intergovernmental And International Department of Intergovernmental international relations Centennial Building 670 King Street PO Box 6000 Fredericton, New Brunswick, E3B 5H1, canada tel. (506 http://www.gnb.ca/0056/index-e.asp | |
17. The Royal Society Of Canada - International Relations international relations. The Royal Society of canada works to establish and strengthen the connections with other national academies through formal and informal http://www.rsc.ca/english/programs_relations.html | |
18. La Société Royale Du Canada - Programmes - Relations Internationales Translate this page et au renforcement de relations avec d Academy - Société royale du canada 1991 - Professeur DE organisations internationales Centre international de Recherche http://www.rsc.ca/francais/programs_relations.html | |
19. International Relations And Policy Development - International Bilateral Relatio Bilateral relations contributes to the advancement of canada s international cultural diversity agenda abroad, by developing and maintaining strategic http://www.pch.gc.ca/progs/ai-ia/ridp-irpd/09/index_e.cfm | |
20. Transport Canada; Policy; International Relations In keeping with Canadian foreign policy objectives, Transport canada s international relations Branch coordinates the department s involvement in such http://www.tc.gc.ca/pol/en/IntlCooperation/internationalRelations.htm | |
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