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21. Radio Australia News - 2/03/01: Cambodian Government Moves To Protect Wildlife The cambodian government is taking steps for the first time to give legal protectionto its wildlife Prime Minister Hun Sen says the legislation is still in http://www.abc.net.au/ra/newsdaily/s253494.htm | |
22. Correspondents Report - Human Rights Groups Put Pressure On Cambodian Government Human rights groups put pressure on cambodian government. PRINT FRIENDLY, EMAILSTORY. Correspondents Report Sunday, 6 July , 2003. Reporter Peter Lloyd. http://www.abc.net.au/correspondents/content/2003/s895604.htm | |
23. Cambodian Government Creates 1,000,000-Acre Protected Area cambodian government Creates 1,000,000Acre Protected Area Cardamom MountainsFormer Home to Khmer Rouge. Washington, DC - The Cambodian http://www.conservation.org/xp/news/press_releases/2002/070802.xml | |
24. Cambodian Government To Compensate Samart Cambodia Travel News. cambodian government to Compensate Samart Issued28 July 2003. Thailand Samart Crop. PCL (H) said Monday http://www.cambodia-travel.com/news/2003/Jul4.htm | |
25. Bretton Woods Project World Bank rewards cambodian government despite forest mismanagement.News 16th January 2004 Bretton Woods Project URL. Despite http://www.brettonwoodsproject.org/article.shtml?cmd[126]=x-126-32915 |
26. Cambodian Government Creates 1,000,000-acre Protected Area Cardamom Mountains former home to Khmer Rouge The cambodian government announcedtoday the creation of the Central Cardamoms Protected Forest, a 1000000acre http://www.innovations-report.com/html/reports/environment_sciences/report-11708 | |
27. Human Rights Watch: Asia : Cambodia January 23, 2004 Press Release Printer friendly version Cambodia Arrest Murdererof Political Activist s Daughter The cambodian government should arrest the http://www.hrw.org/asia/cambodia.php | |
28. Cambodia: Tribunal Must Meet International Standards (Human Rights Watch Press R Given the failure of the cambodian government to address the concerns about thetribunal raised more than a year ago, we feel the UN acted appropriately. http://www.hrw.org/press/2002/02/cambodiatribunal.htm | |
29. Cambodian Government Delegation Expressed Support For FCTC [11/22/01] cambodian government Delegation Expressed Support For FCTC 11/22/01The Cambodia government is participating from the 22 to 28 http://nosmoking.ws/news/newscambodiangov112201.htm | |
30. Cambodian Government Honors Church World Service Presbyterian News Service. 00038 27 January 2000. cambodian government Honors ChurchWorld Service. by Wendy S. McDowell National Council of Churches News Office. http://www.pcusa.org/pcnews/oldnews/2000/00038.htm | |
31. Ireland: Letter To The Cambodian Government | Clearharmony - Falundafa In Europe Falun Gong practitioners in Ireland are shocked that the cambodian government wouldbow before the Chinese regime and ?sell? someone?s life under pressure http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/200208/6201.html | |
32. Friends Of Falun Gong Europe Asks Cambodian Government To Honour Its Obligation We therefore urge the cambodian government to use all the power at its disposal tosafeguard the rights of those with official refugee status and to honour its http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/200208/6429.html | |
33. Eleblog: Cambodian Government Illegally Approves Plantation In National Park, Sa activists. May 06, 2004. cambodian government illegally approves plantationin national park, say activists. Category Conservation http://www.kimwoodbridge.com/elephant/archives/004027.php | |
34. Eleblog: Comment On Cambodian Government Illegally Approves Plantation In Nation eleblog. Comments cambodian government illegally approves plantationin national park, say activists. Post a comment. Name Email http://www.kimwoodbridge.com/mt/mt-comments.cgi?entry_id=4027 |
35. UN Khmer Rouge Tribunal Flawed - Global Policy Forum The Human Rights Watch briefing paper cites concerns about cambodian government interferencein the work of the tribunal, confused and contradictory laws under http://www.globalpolicy.org/globaliz/law/intllaw/2003/0430cambodia.htm | |
36. Special Tribunal For Cambodia - Global Policy Forum - International Justice Finally, on March 17, 2003, the United Nations reached a draft agreement with thecambodian government for an international criminal tribunal to try former http://www.globalpolicy.org/intljustice/camindx.htm | |
37. Khmer.org | Europe Wants To See New Cambodian Government Form Google, Europe wants to See New cambodian governmentform. http://www.khmer.org/us/doc/doc907.htm | |
38. Khmer.org | Cambodian Government Head Returns Home Japan Promises To Help The Im Google, cambodian government Head Returns Home Japan Promises to Help theImpoverished Countries Along the Mekong River. http://www.khmer.org/us/doc/doc759.htm | |
39. Cambodian Government To Remain In Office Until Coalition Formed cambodian government to remain in office until coalition formed, saysPM Hun Sen 05/01/2004 2144(GMT+7). Phnom Penh, May 1 (VNA http://www.vnagency.com.vn/NewsA.asp?LANGUAGE_ID=2&CATEGORY_ID=33&NEWS_ID=97482 |
40. Secretary-General Clarifies Position On Cambodian Government Responsibility For SG/SM/7868 28 June 2001. SECRETARYGENERAL CLARIFIES POSITION ON CAMBODIANGOVERNMENT RESPONSIBILITY FOR TRIALS OF FORMER KHMER ROUGE LEADERS. http://www.unis.unvienna.org/unis/pressrels/2001/sgsm7868.html | |
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