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1. Cambodia.gov.kh Hong Kong Tuesday, where he will hold meetings with Cambodian leaders on bilateral trade and mutual Xinhua China The cambodian government is ready to build on the heritage http://www.ocm.gov.kh/ |
2. Global Witness: Cambodian Government Terminates Independent Forest Monitoring 22/04/2003. cambodian government Terminates Independent Forest Monitoring. The cambodian government has, with effect from today http://www.globalwitness.org/press_releases/display2.php?id=190 |
3. JURIST Cambodia - Cambodian Law, Legal Research, Human Rights The Royal cambodian government (RCG), a constitutional monarchy formed on the basis of elections The cambodian government generally respected the human rights of its citizens in http://jurist.law.pitt.edu/world/cambodia.htm | |
4. Royal Government Of Cambodia Official site of the cambodian government with information on its leadership, political appointments, country statistics and departments. http://www.cambodia.gov.kh/ |
5. Cambodia E-Gov Homepage The cambodian government is ready to build on the heritage of friendship betweenCambodia and China built and nurtured by the leaders of the older generation http://www.cambodia.gov.kh/unisql1/egov/english/home.frame.html |
6. ENN News Story - Cambodian Government Illegally Approves Plantation In National The cambodian government has illegally approved setting up a plantation in a nationalpark that s home to the biggest habitat for the country s elephants http://www.enn.com/news/2004-05-06/s_23524.asp | |
7. CNN.com - Seven Dead, Eight Injured In Gunbattle At Cambodian Government Offices CNN http://cnn.com/2000/ASIANOW/southeast/11/23/cambodia.gunbattle.ap/index.html | |
8. Tourismcambodia: Cambodian Government The Royal Government continues to cooperate with international organizations toset up the repatriation program to settle the Cambodian refugees into their http://www.tourismcambodia.com/CamFacts/government.htm | |
9. Cambodian Government Creates 1,000,000-acre Protected Area The cambodian government announced today the creation of the Central Cardamoms Protected Forest, a 1 000 000acre (402 000-hectare) area in southwestern Cambodia's Central Cardamom Mountains. The http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2002-07/ci-cgc073002.php | |
10. Go Asia Pacific Breaking News Asia - Hun Sen To Lead Historic Tripartite Cambodi Hun Sen to lead historic tripartite cambodian government. Cambodia's main parties have broken months of political July by agreeing to form a coalition government. It is to be http://www.goasiapacific.com/news/GoAsiaPacificBNA_983073.htm | |
11. Cambodian Government Illegally Approves Plantation In National Park cambodian government illegally approves plantation in national park5/6/04. Comment on this article. Click Here! Send Page To a Friend http://www.planetsave.com/ViewStory.asp?ID=4970 |
12. LookSmart - Directory - Cambodian Government cambodian government Learn about the political parties and nationaldepartments of the government of Cambodia. Directory Listings http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317836/us552286/us554374/us526499/us5 | |
13. Cambodian Government facts, maps, flags and pictures from countries around the world. Thecambodian government. Country name conventional long form Kingdom http://www.abacci.com/atlas/politics3.asp?countryID=162 |
14. Go Asia Pacific Breaking News Asia - Hitch In Talks To Form Cambodian Government Hitch in talks to form cambodian government. Cambodia s ruling CambodianPeople s Party (CPP) and its royalist rivals remain deadlocked http://goasiapacific.com/news/GoAsiaPacificBNA_1101540.htm | |
15. Donors Meet With Cambodian Government To Discuss Concrete Steps To Donors Meet with cambodian government to Discuss Concrete Steps toReduce Poverty. News Release No2002/373/WBOPP. PHNOM PENH, June http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/COUNTRIES/EASTASIAPACIFICEXT/CAMBODIAEX | |
16. Donors Meet With Cambodian Government To Discuss Concrete Steps To Search News Go. Home News Press Releases By Region / Country DonorsMeet with cambodian government to Email to a friend. Print version. http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/NEWS/0,,contentMDK:20051117~menuPK:3446 | |
17. NiDA: Online Forum Post Reply to this message Did the cambodian government shut down thepublic s access to the Internet? Posted on 1/11/2004 11757 http://www.nida.gov.kh/forum/viewmessage.asp?forumid=8&messageid=158 |
18. Feminist Daily News 6/27/2002: Cambodian Government Arrests 14 Teenage Sex Traff Feminist Daily News Wire June 27, 2002. cambodian government Arrests14 Teenage Sex Trafficking Victims. CambodiaÂs Ministry of http://www.feminist.org/news/newsbyte/uswirestory.asp?id=6659 |
19. Cambodia Government | Cambodia And Cambodian Government | Pinoy Showcase Cambodi of Cambodia Official site of the cambodian government with information on itsleadership, political appointments, country statistics and departments. http://www.pinoyshowcase.com/search/Asia/Cambodia/Government/ | |
20. :: Xinhuanet - English :: It is a historic visit and has a strategic significance, Hor said at a press conferenceheld at the Phnom Penh Airport. The cambodian government is ready to http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2004-04/25/content_1439002.htm | |
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