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61. Cambodian History And Culture Hist. PY 1999 PD FAL VL 23 IS 4 AU Wesemann, A Regitz, H Lin, HM TI A sign from Buddha (Helping to rebuild cambodian culture, an interview with Taiwanese http://www.hmongstudies.org/hmongstudies/camhisandcul.html | |
62. Official Site Of The Cultural Celebration Center In addition to delicious Cambodian food, the festival will feature displays of cambodian culture and art, performances of traditional Cambodian dance http://www.culturalcelebrationcenter.org/festival.html | |
63. Traveling Cambodia Traveling Cambodia. History, Culture and Travel Tips Culture. The cambodian culture is mostly agrarian folks live off farms in a mostly tropical climate. http://www.photo.net/travel/cambodia/weinreb/ | |
64. Cambodian Classical Dancers And Family Cambodian Classical Dancers and Family. Here you will see pictures of my Family; my Friends; cambodian culture and; Cambodian Classical Dancers. Favorite Links. http://www.angelfire.com/sc/tomnsor/ | |
65. Khmer (Cambodian) Language & Culture Khmer Language and cambodian culture Resource Highlights. AskNCELA Frequently Asked Questions. AskNCELA No. 5 What are the most common http://www.ncela.gwu.edu/resabout/culture/7_languages/khmer.html | |
66. PE.com | Inland Southern California | San Bernardino Metro cambodian culture thrives in small house 1227 AM PST on Saturday, March 20, 2004. By PENNY E. SCHWARTZ / Specialto The PressEnterprise. CAMBODIAN TEMPLE. http://www.pe.com/localnews/sanbernardino/stories/PE_News_Local_btemple20.56e3c. | |
67. [BCSA]|Berkeley Cambodian Student Association immersed in their culture. It will hopefully be a lasting memory of the beauty that the cambodian culture has to offer. Our event is an http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~cambodia/ | |
68. [BCSA]|Berkeley Cambodian Student Association|Constitution ARTICLE II. PURPOSE To provide one identifiable body on campus of people interested in Cambodia and cambodian culture. To maintain http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~cambodia/2003/constitution.htm | |
69. Khmer Architecture Tours - Modern Architecture In Cambodia style has been called ÂNew Khmer Architecture and is beginning to be recognised as an important artistic milestone in 20th century cambodian culture. http://www.ka-tours.org/ | |
70. CSS: Cambodian Student Society Of CSULB. years. Our mission is to preserve and promote the cambodian culture and heritage amongst the university and community. Within the http://www.csulb.edu/~camss/css_events/2003-2004/christmas_party/christmas_party | |
71. Cambodia Art ,Dance And Culture Page Cambodia Art Dance and culture Page. Click Here to Visit our Sponsor. cambodian Court Dance. cambodian Clasical dance/Court Dances. Costumes and Characters. Music of the Court Dance. America's Ethnic Performing Arts cambodian http://www.khmernet.com/books/directory/link/art.html | |
72. Cambodian History And Culture cambodian Culrural event and site on the Net. Last update 11/30/97 By SSim. Go Sculpture of Angkor and Ancient Cambodia. Front page You http://www.khmernet.com/camcult.html | |
73. Welcome To The Cambodian-American Heritage, Inc. Website An organization focused on preserving cambodian arts and culture in the United States. Includes information an events calendar for its classical and folk dance troupe and music ensemble performances, and free training services. http://www.cambodianheritage.org/ | |
74. The San Jose Cambodian Buddhist, Inc. Strives to preserve Khmer culture, and transmit the Buddha's teachings. Includes events, bylaws and related links. http://www.wattkhmer.org | |
75. KCC: Khmer Cultural Center Dedicated to cambodian art and culture. General information, location and contacts. http://www.khmermarket.com/kcc/ | |
76. Cambodian Students Of Aloha Provides assistance to cambodian students and acts to promote and preserve Khmer culture. Bylaws, officers, sources of information and a Khmer language program. http://www2.hawaii.edu/~csaloha/ | |
77. Cambodian Cultural Center (Lexington) community center, the cambodian Cultural Center is now a place where cambodian and Laotian refugees interact with one another, share their culture, and express http://www.unc.edu/courses/2001spring/reli/006j/001/Publish/page22.html | |
78. Welcome To Cambodian Cultural Village There is a museum inside the Cambodia culture Village that exhibits the way of how Angkor Wat temple was built by the ancient Khmers, the lifestyles of the http://www.cambodianculturalvillage.com/ | |
79. Dance | The Spirit Of Cambodia | Arts & Culture Toni ShapiroPhim The Legacy of Angkor  David Chandler, Georgetown University Depictions of Dance and Drama on Ancient cambodian Temples  Boreth Ly http://www.asiasource.org/cambodia/arts.htm | |
80. Cambodia 2001 Coming To The Country The successorstate of the mighty Khmer Empire - which ruled much of what is now Vietnam, Laos and Thailand - Cambodia boasts a rich culture, French-era http://www.cambodian-online.com/ | |
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