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California School Media Centers: more detail | ||||
41. School-Libraries.Org: General Online Resources For School Librarians Make use of these as you develop and change your own school library media center policies and guidelines. california school Library Association CSLA) The major http://www.school-libraries.org/resources/general.html | |
42. School Library Media Services school Library and media Services provides professional inservice training, circulation and school site collections The service operates four centers which are http://www.fcoe.k12.ca.us/eduscrvc/librarymedia.htm |
43. California School Employees Association -- CSEA Legislative Action Center See all california media See all california media plus National media. california school Employees Association 2045 Lundy Avenue San Jose http://capwiz.csea.com/schoolemp/state/main/?state=CA&view=media |
44. California School Employees Association -- CSEA Legislative Action Center Legislative Action Center. Find out what bills media Guide. media Organizations serving california. View california school Employees Association 2045 Lundy Avenue http://capwiz.csea.com/ | |
45. California School Boards Association -- Legislative Action Center CSBA Governmental Relations Staff, advocacy subject areas, advocacy and media tips. 2001 california school Boards Association. http://capwiz.com/csba/state/main/?state=CA&view=media |
46. California School Boards Association -- Legislative Action Center california Legislative Action Center. CSBA Governmental Relations Staff, advocacy subject areas, advocacy and media tips 2001 california school Boards Association http://capwiz.com/csba/state/main/?state=CA&view=issues |
47. Downloads to more than 11,000,000 people in Southern california. Las Vegas for Clark County Schools before a very of College and University media centers (CCUMC) held a http://www.mediafestival.org/downloads.html | |
48. California Student Media And Multimedia Festiva1 College Center for Innovation In southern california, the site can be accomplished by students using media and multimedia the bar at your own school or district http://www.mediafestival.org/home3.html | |
49. Danbury, CT Independent Media Center :: Connecticut, Chicago, Austin, Texas, and Pleasanton, california. the elderly, library hours, and school maintenance, in The mass media has misled the American http://www.madhattersimc.org/ | |
50. Women's History Month :: Danbury, CT Independent Media Center :: of Greater Danbury (and all CT Women s centers). participated by going into the schools as Community through the heart of downtown Santa Rosa, california. http://www.madhattersimc.org/print.php?sid=2878 |
51. IASL: Links To School Library Associations Delaware school Library media Association; Florida Library Association (FLA) school Libraries and media centers Section; Florida http://www.iasl-slo.org/slibassoc.html |
52. KQED Youth Media Corps KQED Youth media Corps, in partnership with these for Community Service in the Secondary school Multimedia category at the 36th Annual california Student media http://www.salesforcefoundation.org/news_events/pressreleases/june04_02press.htm | |
53. Www.cal-pac.org - California-Pacific Annual Conference Of UMC of the 1995 graduating class from school of Theology at information about the Igniting Ministry media campaign, log A california for All People A Budget Issues http://www.cal-pac.org/ | |
54. Southern California Libraries On The Internet--Academic University of california, Los Angeles, Office of Instructional Development (Instructional media Library University of california, Los Angeles, school of Law http://home.earthlink.net/~jsmog/library2.html |
55. California Schools - CA Elementary, Middle And High School Information National Council of La Raza s Center for Community sold to United News and media Corporation. schools, the magazine of the california school Boards Association http://www.greatschools.net/cgi-bin/static/whoweare.inc/CA | |
56. Sea Grant News Media Center - S. California - Minority Education too few elementary and middle school teachers are Phyllis Grifman, University of Southern california Sea Grant by the Sea Grant National media Relations Office http://www.seagrantnews.org/news/minority.html | |
57. Sea Grant News Media Center - California: Genetic Engineering Department of Pediatrics at the school of Medicine education, and extension services at california s colleges and the Sea Grant National media Relations Office http://www.seagrantnews.org/news/cagenes.html | |
58. La Grande Library Media Center La Grande High school Library media Center. 24/7 Reference is a project of the Metropolitan Cooperative Library System of the california State Library. http://www.learningspace.org/users/sporter/ | |
59. California State Colleges, California Career Schools, California Technical Schoo media Kit Details. Keller Graduate school of Management of DeVry University, Fremont, california. Keller Graduate school of Management of DeVry University, Irvine http://www.statehousegirls.net/ca/colleges/community/ | |
60. American Council On Exercise (ACE) - Media Center AMERICAN COUNCIL ON EXERCISE SUPPORTS california PROPOSITION 49 Ballot Measure Increases State Grant Funds for Before After school Programs. SAN DIEGO, Calif. http://www.acefitness.org/media/media_display.cfm?NewsID=148 |
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