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California Newspapers Magazines: more detail | |||||
61. The Aviation Home Page - Newspapers, Magazines, Events, & Museums... Avion OnLine Aviation Newspaper select site News USA By Air Flight Magazine Virtual Horizons Warplane Heritage Museum Central california Historical Military http://www.avhome.com/news-mags-scheds.html | |
62. Magazines, Newsstand, Newspapers, Magazine Subscriptions, Library, Discount Maga vacation magazine subscription, equus magazine subscription, newspaper article, ohio newspaper, arabic newspaper, california newspaper, houston newspaper http://www.nowthatsabargain.com/magazines.htm | |
63. Cerritos College Library - Library Internet Resources more . RAND california provides california and US statistics. Ethnic NewsWatch is a fulltext collection of the newspapers, magazines and journals of the ethnic http://www.cerritos.edu/library/e-resources.html | |
64. NewsDirectory Search for newspapers and magazines by Title Search for US and Canada News Links by Area Code california Daily newspapers Sort http://newsdirectory.com/news.php?co=USA&p=ca |
65. Newspapers Worldnewspapers.com - World newspapers, magazines, and News Sites in English; Newspaper Links - gateway to local US newspapers; california; http://www.library.ucsb.edu/eresources/epubs/newspaper.html | |
66. LawBuys Legal Magazines, Legal Newspapers, And Law Journals - California Fish & LawBuys Legal magazines, Legal newspapers, and Law Journals california Fish Game Code. california Fish Game Code Publisher Gould Publications, Inc. http://www.lawbuys.com/legal-magazines/california-fish-game-statutes.asp | |
67. LawBuys Legal Magazines, Legal Newspapers, And Law Journals - California Penal C LawBuys Legal magazines, Legal newspapers, and Law Journals california Penal Code Handbook. california Penal Code Handbook Publisher Gould Publications, Inc. http://www.lawbuys.com/legal-magazines/california-penal-code-statutes.asp | |
68. Links To College And University Newspapers And Magazines College and University newspapers and magazines. University (GOLDEN GATER) (PRISM MAGAZINE) (NEWSPORT) (FLUX TRAVELER) University of california, Berkeley (DAILY http://www.ulaverne.edu/~comms/links/colnews.htm |
69. Researching Funders: Newspapers & Magazines From a 1998 newspaper article Âcalifornia State University, Stanislaus, administrators field can be changed to Major newspapers, magazines Journals http://www.grantproposal.com/research_news_inner.html | |
70. The Multiracial Activist - Newspapers, Magazines, Television And Radio Shredder; Slate Magazine; Salon Magazine; Searchlight; *spark Century News Service; Cox newspapers, Inc california; Colorado; Connecticut; Delaware; District of Columbia; http://www.multiracial.com/links/links-media.html | |
71. Newspapers, Magazines, Broadcast, And Campus Radio Stations UC Student newspapers Berkeley The Daily californian Davis The california Aggie Irvine National magazines Atlantic Monthly New Republic Newsweek http://www.ucop.edu/services/newspapers.html | |
72. Internet Resources For Romance Languages And Literatures sites. Maintained by the University of california, Santa Barbara. newspapers, News Media, magazines, and Journals Online. Italian http://www2.lib.udel.edu/subj/lanr/internet.htm | |
73. News, Newspapers & Magazines KEYWORDSnewspapers san francisco california Smithsonian Covering natural history and science. KEYWORDSmuseums natural history science magazines Sources of http://www.irit.fr/~Ralph.Sobek/humongous/news.shtml | |
74. News Article Databases - Doe/Moffitt Libraries - UC Berkeley Alternative, radical, and independent magazines, newspapers, and journals in Indexes more than 200 newspapers including many california papers such http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/doemoff/adb_news.html | |
75. Boston Apartments - Massachusetts Print Media, Newspapers, Magazines A magazine for residents of the california desert community and those who vacation there, Palm Springs Life focuses on the lifestyle, fashion, sports and http://www.bostonapartments.com/magazines-travel.htm | |
76. Library Services california State Library to use both volunteer readers and stateof-the-art technology to provide access to printed materials such as newspapers, magazines, http://www.saclibrary.org/lib_services/access_news.html | |
77. News & Newspaper Resources california newspapers Los Angeles Times Monterey County Herald list of online newspapers International News of backfiles News magazines Newsweek Fulltext http://libwww.cabrillo.edu/depts/news.html | |
78. Research Databases - Off-campus Access This database provides fulltext access to california newspapers including The by ProQuest, offers full-text from over 200 newspapers, magazines and journals http://www.arc.losrios.edu/~library/databases/newsoff.htm | |
79. Five Views: A History Of Mexican Americans In California california has also been the scene of a boom in Chicano publications as a whole, including newspapers, magazines, and scholarly journals. http://www.cr.nps.gov/history/online_books/5views/5views5e.htm | |
80. MAME: News/Current Events Barbara) InfoSurf News (from the University of california Santa Barbara region, or by type Associations, City Guides, magazines, newspapers, Radio, Syndicates http://www.mame.gen.mi.us/resourc/news.html | |
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