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81. FOIC Military Schools FOIC military schools. Most military graduates of ETAI approved fiber optics installer training schools are eligible to receive ETA-I FOIC Certification. http://www.eta-sda.com/certification/foic-milschools.htm | |
82. Military Colleges And Universities Fishburne military School Located in Waynesboro, Virginia West Point United States military Academy located california Maritime Academy The california Maritime http://www.electronics-ee.com/Aerospace_and_defense/Military/Military_Colleges_a | |
83. Parent-Teen: Military Boarding School Life Parents decide to send their kids to military schools for many reasons, including Grades Invariably, students make better grades at military schools. http://www.parent-teen.com/school/militaryschool.html | |
84. LawSchool.com, LawTV's Site For Law Students, Lawyers, Future Lawyers, Law Profs california Pass Rate Drops Pass Rate 49.4% / Story Why Al Gore Flunked Law School / Silicon Valley the Dream / Judge Permits military Challenge Opinion http://www.lawschool.com/ | |
85. NPR : The Oakland Military Institute Bradford M. Jones of the california Army National Guard believe that had I been sent to a military academy as OMI student Kelly Velasquez and school color guard http://www.npr.org/programs/morning/features/2002/june/omi/ | |
86. California Colleges Search - University Of Phoenix Online - Military Web Resources. 3 easy steps to find california colleges. Step 1 Conduct a search for california colleges. School Details University of Phoenix Online military. http://www.california-colleges-search.com/directory/school/347/ | |
87. Freedom Alliance - Military Leadership Academy Basic School, Weapons Training Battalion and the NATO and Confidence Obstacle Courses. June 23 27, 2004 Â military Leadership Academy, Southern, california http://www.freedomalliance.org/academies.htm | |
88. Military Intelligence Service Research Center Recruiters for the school screened students based on Intelligence Service Association of Northern california. military Intelligence Service Resource Center. http://www.njahs.org/misnorcal/resources/resources_faq.htm | |
89. Admission Information paying Nonresident Tuition if they enroll in courses for high school credit Nonresident US military personnel on active duty in california (except those http://www.peralta.cc.ca.us/adminfo.htm | |
90. Armed Forces Careers Offering You Information About Military Careers - Air Force The military Brats Registry, based in california, contains more than 14,400 names and claims at least one marriage from reunited high school sweethearts. http://armedforcescareers.com/articles/article4.html | |
91. California School Boards Association More education news. california School News. california schools magazine. Question Answer. california School Boards Association 3100 Beacon Blvd. http://www.csba.org/ | |
92. JobStar--Guides For Specific Careers Interpreters FAQ Judicial Council of california offers a Guide Online Excellent guide to military careers (enlisted created by three high school students (one http://jobstar.org/tools/career/spec-car.cfm | |
93. Military Schools Partial List of military schools. Name, City, State, Telephone, Web Address. This is only a list and not a recommendation or endorsement of these military schools. http://www.school-placement.com/militarylist.html | |
94. [Hydro] Did Terrorist Pilots Train At U.S. Military Schools? http://www.mail-archive.com/hydro@topica.com/msg00354.html | |
95. Classmates - Military Registration Select Installation OF TECHNOLOGY, ROTC/OTHER california POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIVERSITY, ROTC/OTHER california School of Aeronautics california STATE military RESERVE california http://www.classmates.com/cmo/reg/military/index.jsp?affiliationId=&type=Reg&key |
96. American Universities Dominican University of california. Dordt College. Johnson C. Smith University. Joint military Intelligence College. The Julliard School. Juniata College. http://www.clas.ufl.edu/CLAS/american-universities.html | |
97. Marketing The Military: Should Soldiering Be Sold Like Soap? In several states, school districts must give lists of As one antimilitary activist puts it, That vocational tests. Indeed, one california mother remembers http://www.medialit.org/reading_room/article54.html | |
98. Contact Us and Systems Management, University of Southern california. Research/Systems Analysis military Application Course Combined Arms and Services Staff School. http://depts.washington.edu/armyrotc/Contact Us.htm | |
99. Center For The Study Of Sexual Minorities In The Military | UCSB Study of Sexual Minorities in the military is an research unit of the University of california, Santa Barbara and Professor Janet Halley of Harvard Law School. http://www.gaymilitary.ucsb.edu/PressCenter/press_rel8.htm | |
100. FCMAT : Public Employees And Military Leaves including community college employees, the california Education Code compensation due employees from the school employer for 30 days of active military duty is http://www.fcmat.org/stories/storyReader$833 | |
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