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California Family Programs General: more detail | ||||||||||
81. NAMI California In addition, to the family To family program, NAMI california supports other programsthat assist mentally ill individuals and their families in various ways. http://www.namicalifornia.org/supportedprogram.aspx?id=2 |
82. Your Vote 2002 :: Healthcare Cuts :: California Connected part by income taxes rather than general sales and poverty level, sidelining the HealthyFamilies Program to low The california Senate Budget and Fiscal Review http://californiaconnected.org/yourvote/2002/archive/healthcarecuts.html | |
83. Funds At The California Community Foundation of the community foundationÂs Endowment Partners program. A member of the CaliforniaCommunity Foundation Dorothy Courtney established this family fund to http://www.calfund.org/ar2002/funds/funds_2.html | |
84. Match 2001 Results Listed By Specialty Emergency Medicine, University of california (Irvine) Program. family Practice,Trident Medical Center/Medical University of South Carolina Program. http://www.bumc.bu.edu/www/busm/osa/Match_Results/match_2001_specialty.htm | |
85. California Society Of Pediatric Dentistry - Latest News DBC Dental Board of california. GASC general Anesthesia and Sedation Committee. HCIFinancial Holding Company for CDA HFP Healthy Families Program A state http://www.cspd.org/news/message.asp?news_id=219 |
86. BW Online: Executive Education Profile: University Of Southern California 2003 EXECUTIVE EDUCATION PROFILE University of Southern california MarshallSchool of Business Sections tools. family Business Program Type http://www.businessweek.com/bschools/03/exec_ed_profiles/usc2.htm | |
87. Foundation Consortium: Staff State Intermediary, After School Network, family Resource Centers Sasha Minton, ProgramAssociate. offices located with the Southern california Association for http://www.foundationconsortium.org/who/staff.html | |
88. Express Lane Eligibility - Online Resources general health insurance program information is available from for the Healthy FamiliesProgram and Medi california Immigrant Welfare Collaborative (CIWC) The http://www.childrenspartnership.org/expresslane/stateresources.html |
89. Families To Amend California's 3-Strikes: Prevention Programs at least two classes to participate in the yearlong program. public, reprinted, orreposted without permission of Families to Amend california s 3Strikes. http://www.facts1.com/reasons/prevent.htm | |
90. SFSU Bulletin 2003/04--Human Sexuality Studies SOC 464, Families and Society (4). public policy institutes located at StanfordUniversity and the University of california at Berkeley. Admission to Program. http://www.sfsu.edu/~bulletin/current/programs/humsexst.htm | |
91. University Of California Human Resources And Benefits - At Your Service Life/Work Changes. Savings. http://atyourservice.ucop.edu/ | |
92. California School Of Professional Psychology At Alliant for application to the State of california s examination for a marriage and familytherapist license master s degree hours toward the MFT doctoral program. http://www.alliant.edu/cspp/mft/ |
93. USGS Earthquake Hazards Program-Northern California recent earthquake activity in california, the nation your home, business and familyfor earthquake http://quake.wr.usgs.gov/ | |
94. Adopt And Foster Children In California Adoption and Fostering in california, and a Child Available Photolisting. http://www.futurefamilies.org/master.html | |
95. LWVC Nonpartisan In-Depth Analysis Of Prop 10 create a new state commission, the california Children and Families FirstCommission, to develop statewide program guidelines. http://ca.lwv.org/lwvc.files/nov98/id/prop10.html | |
97. Los Angeles For Youth Training programs, Santa Monica, CA, Children s Bureau of SouthernCalifornia, $222,000. For Families Unlimited program, Los Angeles, CA, http://www.rrmtf.org/communities/2002grants/losangeles.htm | |
98. Covering Kids & Families: Projects Local Projects in california. Copyright © 2003 Covering Kids Families CoveringKids Families is a national program of The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. http://coveringkidsandfamilies.org/projects/index.php?StateID=CA |
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