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61. Universiti Tenaga Nasional ACADEMIC AND SUPPORT staff. DEAN. BA in Linguistic (Option in ESL) california StateUniversity (Fresno). Secondary education (English) Central State University. http://www.uniten.edu.my/newuniten/content_list.asp?contentid=631 |
62. Roll Call All Staff Developers Sign In Please - Allnurses.com - Nursing Discussi Registered User. CaliNurse s Avatar. Join Date Aug 2002. Location california, USA. Iwould love to hear from other staff educators. Hi, I have been in staff dev. http://allnurses.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20943 |
63. PLS Client List Nat l staff dev. Council (NSDC) Annual Conf. NC State Dept. of education, NC; NorthwestLouisiana University, LA; Oakwood City Schools, Dayton, OH; Oklahoma Dept. http://www.plsweb.com/professional_development/clients/ | |
64. California AIDS Clearinghouse 2001-2002 Advisory Council 530541-8409 health01@oakweb.com, california State HIV mail.co.ventura.ca.us, Communityhealth education. 7th Street Sacramento CA 95827, DHS/OA staff/Consultants. http://www.hivinfo.org/cac/aboutcac/advisorlist.shtml | |
65. TQC Policy Recommendations: Hard To Staff Schools students achievement than any other single factor, including poverty, race, andparent education. Our vision is to staff every classroom in california with a http://www.jointventure.org/initiatives/21st/tqc/polrec_incentives.html | |
66. Teacher Education | Faculty & Staff Information 1974. BA, Visual Arts, University of california, San Diego UniversitySpecial Assistantto the Dean of education. Pennsylvania State University-staff Associate. http://www.mscd.edu/~ted/dptinfo/faculty.shtml | |
67. Andrus Gerontology Center : Online Education Classes Our faculty and staff are available throughout the University of Southern california,Los Angeles, CA Gerontology Distance education Online Classes Geriatrics http://www.usc.edu/dept/gero/AgeWorks/ | |
68. Staff Development california State Fullerton Dept. of Elementary Ed-Concerned with training educatorsand students on using Web browsers and the Internet, the staff here has http://members.tripod.com/exworthy/staff.htm | |
69. Loma Linda University Medical Center: Staff Development staff development can be found in the Carrol Small Alumni Center on the corner of Starr and Loma Linda University in Loma Linda, california. Phone (909) 5584322 http://www.llu.edu/llumc/ceu | |
70. Entrez PubMed Abstract, Collaborative teachinglearning a potential framework for staffdevelopment educators. J Nurs staff dev. 1994 JulAug;10(4)195-201. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=PubMed&cmd=Display&dopt=pubmed_ |
71. Educational Services Programs partnership with the Mathematics and Science Leadership Office of the CaliforniaDepartment of education, this program provides staff development consultancy http://www.acoe.k12.ca.us/apps/page.asp?Q=527 |
72. Los Angeles County Office Of Education Home between the Music Center education Division and current information for student supportstaff management of The Classroom Management A california Resourc (more http://www.lacoe.edu/includes/templates/search_servicesfor.cfm?t_id=16&more=1342 |
73. Course Listing: Educational Leadership Educational Leadership. 50, LEC, S, 900 AM1200 PM, staff, california State University,Hayward, 25800 Carlos Bee Boulevard, Hayward, CA 94542, (510) 885-3000. http://www.csuhayward.edu/schedule/clist4/edld.html | |
74. Foundation For California Community Colleges ..... california COMMUNITY COLLEGE DIRECTORY Trische Robertson, Director of Dir; Hum Res/StaffDev, Sallie Savage, 831 Dir; South Co education, Paulette Bumbalough, 831 http://g2.foundationccc.org/CCC_dir/college-detail.asp?which=106 |
75. California Catholic Conference 2004 CCC Major Legislation to the safety of the facility, staff, inmates or Teegarden, 5/4/04 passed AssemblyEducation, referred to to improve the safety of all california residents by http://www.cacatholic.org/2004majorlegs.html | |
76. WestEd ASDS: Teacher Assessment And Prof. Development a single district, a county office of education, or a entries focused on each of fiveCalifornia Standards for WestEd BTSA staff participate on the Design team http://www.wested.org/asds/profdev.shtml | |
77. EUSD ETT Teacher Resources Committees; Departments Ed Tech, staff dev, BTSA, GATE http://www.eusd4kids.org/edtech/teachers.html | |
78. Minutes, July 11, 2003, Continuing Education Committee, Texas Library Associatio Dr. Robin Hill from california is willing to serve as the main presenter The ContinuingEducation and Development Committee agreed to serve as a sponsor for http://www.txla.org/groups/committees/CE/min071103.html | |
79. 2000 Calendar, Continuing Education And Training, Texas Library Association Provided by the staff Development and Continuing education Providers Interest Group.For questions concerning the calendar, please contact Christine Peterson. http://www.txla.org/groups/sdcep/previous/tlacecal00.html | |
80. Education World ® : Curriculum: Learning On The Fly: On-Line Tutorials Teach It Are you ready to get serious about Office or Hyperstudio? Do you need an overview of the practical aspects of the product? Perhaps you just need a quick refresher on FileMaker Pro for a database http://www.education-world.com/a_curr/curr158.shtml | |
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