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21. Teacher Education | Faculty And Staff Directory Ed. Ohio University. 1961 BS. Elementary education california University of Pennsylvania.Professional Experience 1992Present Faculty, dev. 1971-1974 http://www.mscd.edu/~ted/contact/faculty_staff.shtml | |
22. CCMB Staff education. Research Technician, Center for Craniofacial Molecular Biology, Schoolof Dentistry, University of Southern california, Los Angeles, CA. Mech dev. http://www.usc.edu/hsc/dental/ccmb/pages/pages_Lab Staff/Tefft Denise page.htm | |
23. BLIND-DEV Archives -- March 2003, Week 1 (#3) to a communication from staff within the Director Catherine Campisi, california Departmentof Rehabilitation. Attorney, Disability Rights education Defense Fund. http://maelstrom.stjohns.edu/CGI/wa.exe?A2=ind0303a&L=blind-dev&F=&S=&P=308 |
24. National Network For Educational Renewal california Polytechnic State University, School staff development Fund enables inboth multicultural and special education knowledge. Stewardship staff dev. http://mse.byu.edu/nner/news/reportmo.htm | |
25. Santa Cruz County Office Of Education: Guide To Santa Cruz County Schools 6/11/04. staff dev. Days 11/10, 1/2627; Conferences NBMS 10/29-30, Elem 11/24-26,All Schools 3/10-11; Min. COUNTY OFFICE OF education. 476-7140. 8/27/03. http://www.santacruz.k12.ca.us/schools/school_calendars.html | |
26. Education World ® - Administrators: Creating A Successful Staff Development Pro members very involved in staff development workshops. as the Mathematics RenaissanceInitiative in california. by Sharon Cromwell education World® Copyright http://www.education-world.com/a_admin/admin111.shtml | |
27. Anita Carmen Choy, M.D. A board certified Allergist serving allergy and asthma patients in Silicon Valley. Located in Palo Alto, california. Fine patient education, services offered and staff details. http://www.paloaltoallergy.salu.net |
28. Radiology The site describes the residency and fellowship programs, faculty and staff links with selected profiles, online continuing medical education content and brochures of upcoming courses, the visiting education program, research laboratories and programs, and the medical student clerkship. http://www-radiology.stanford.edu/ | |
29. CASFS - Welcome On campus of University of california, Santa Cruz; research, education, public service program to raise ecological sustainability and social justice in food and agriculture system. Runs 2acre Alan Chadwick Garden, and 25-acre Farm. Both sites managed with organic methods; are research, teaching, training facilities for students, staff, faculty. http://zzyx.ucsc.edu/casfs/ | |
30. AMR-CES.com - Clinical & Education Services Provides online registration for ACLS, CPR, PALS, PHTLS courses located throughout Southern california's Inland Empire. Includes services, calendar, tuition, registration, campuses, staff and contact information. http://www.amr-ces.com/ | |
31. Staff Dev. Web california State University, Sacramento. Paradise Unified School District, Paradise Elementary. The Development Process http://imet.csus.edu/imet1/speed/staff_dev__web.htm |
32. Educational Services Areas of focus for the staff members of Health Programs includes california SafeSchools Assessment. Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco education. Hearing Conservation. http://www.vcss.k12.ca.us/vcsso/edsrv.htm | |
33. SCTPG, The Southern California Technical Processes Group SCTPG provides continuing education and networking opportunities to keep technical services library staff abreast with the latest issues and developments in the profession. http://library.csun.edu/sctpg/ | |
34. Women's Community Medical Clinic: Abortion And Family Planning Services Health education information on many topics, helpful links to national, state and local agencies and hotlines. English, Spanish and Vietnamese speaking staff. (Jose, california) http://www.womenscommunitymedicalclinic.com/ | |
35. Teaching With Technology: Distance Education california community college distance education education http//yubaonlineweb.yuba.cc.ca.us/ staff development - http//www.yccd.edu/district/faculty_ staff/flex_staff_dev http://one.evc.edu/twt/de/resources/u-z.htm | |
36. Lakewood Village Community Church Christians United In Strength And Service Long Beach, california (nondenominational). History, staff, missions, education, music, and newsletter. http://lvcc1.org/ | |
37. Professional Dev. Opportunities to support chief business officials and all other business related staff and administration. PartnersCalifornia Department of education, School Services http://www.kern.org/fcmat/profdev/prof-dev-opp.html |
38. Central California Faculty Medical Group Inc. Physicians affiliated with the University of california, San Francisco Medical education Program. Describes programs, provides a directory of physicians, and staff contact information. http://www.ccfmg.org/ | |
39. Entrez PubMed Abstract, Program evaluation in pediatric education. J Nurses staff dev. 2002SepOct;18(5)258-66. PMID 12394575 PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?dopt=DocSum&cmd=Search&db=PubMed&o |
40. UCSC - Staff Human Resources Top/Reference/education/Colleges_and_Universities/North_America/United_States/california/University_of_california/Santa_Cruz/Administration http://www2.ucsc.edu/staff_hr/ | |
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