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1. Staff Dev. Update 1 Work with San Diego, california, Middle School Teachers Shows Progress by Dick Brannan, a Math Solutions education specialist, focusing on problem solving, building teachers http://www.mathsolutions.com/archive7_news/inservice.html | |
2. School Of Education - Professional Development & Continuing Education - Our Staf Our staff. Our office excels at providing Continuing education. Beth received her BA in English from the University of california, Davis Internet Courses. Pro. dev. home. SoE home http://www.seattleu.edu/soe/ce/staff_blue.asp | |
3. Educational Technology Resources Content Standards for california Public Schools, K Special education, GUHSD EmpoweringStudents through staff Development, General information regarding GUHSD s http://edtech.guhsd.net/AZ.html | |
5. Education World® : School Issues : California Colleges, High Schools Collaborat Prepping for College california State University staff help with basic skills. Directory. ELearning. Prof dev Oppty Center and mathematics skills, the california State University system is http://www.educationworld.com/a_issues/issues295.shtml | |
6. Profesional Development CLAD/BCLAD Study Guide california Elementary education District H Professional developmenteducation World Exworthy staff What s New LAUSD staff dev News LAUSD http://www.lausd.k12.ca.us/Jefferson_HS/profdev.htm | |
7. California State University, Long Beach -- Department Of Occupational Studies Human Resource dev./staff dev. Effective Teaching Learning; Urban education; Bilingual/Biculturaleducation. Department of Occupational Studies california State http://www.csulb.edu/depts/ocst/ocst_docs/faculty_and_staff/raya.htm | |
8. IPLG Staff from the University of Southern california, Los Angeles Ed (Ed.Psy) (Zimbabwe), MA(Bradford), staff dev. Africa University, Faculty of education; Institute of http://www.africau.edu/academic/faculties/iplg/personnel/faculty/default.htm | |
9. CSU, Chico Distance And Online Education - Programs Offered - 530-898-6105 - Rce SocioCultural Context of Psychological dev, staff, TR, 1230-145pm, Extension Center for Regional and Continuing education california State University http://rce.csuchico.edu/online/programdetail.asp?program=47 |
10. Computer Strategies - Projects and Social Sciences for Fourth grade california history california for 4th What You reSearchi Web 66 WebCrawler Select education Welcome to staff dev Articles. http://www.compstrategies.com/projects/workshops/forum/bookmarks.htm | |
11. ACSA Online : About ACSA : Elementary Education Committee Members ELEMENTARY education COMMITTEE MEMBERS Michael Bossi Curriculum staff dev SpecialistPleasanton USD Wickham Principal Riverbank USD california Avenue School http://www.acsa.org/about/committee_members.cfm?id=22&title=Elementary Education |
12. Using A Self-learning Module To Teach Nurses About Caring For Hospitalized Child 1. J Nurses staff dev. JM Saddleback Pediatric Medical Group, Mission Viejo, california,USA. These findings can influence the way staff education is provided http://www.accelerated-learning-online.com/research/self-learning-module-teach-n | |
13. LSCHE: Perceived Between Learning Assistance & Dev. Ed. KEEP REMEDIAL education IN california S PUBLIC COLLEGES It includes faculty, staff,both secretarial and by departments such as educational Psychology, English http://www.pvc.maricopa.edu/~lsche/about/diffs.htm | |
14. Chld Dev Prog Asst Supr and other locations, and attends staff meetings, conferences in education or earlychildhood education from an Possession of a valid california Driver s License http://www.wsd.k12.ca.us/Classified pers/Child Care and Development Series/Chil | |
15. Jean Ann Seago, Faculty Profile - UCSF School Of Nursing - University Of Califor J Nurs staff dev. 1993;9(6)283286. May 2002;32(5)243-249. Seago JA, Spetz J. Registerednurse pre-licensure education in california. Nurs Econ. http://nurseweb.ucsf.edu/www/ffseagj.htm | |
16. Evaluation Of The Blended Teacher Education Program At California State Universi evaluation will help the Chancellor s Office staff and campus The Evaluation of theBlended Teacher education Program at california State University http://www.sri.com/policy/cehs/edpolicy/dev/csu.html | |
17. Ag Ed State Staff Listing california Department of education 721 Capitol Mall, 4th Mr. Michael Barros VoTechnicaleducation Specialist Hawaii FFA Association Occupational dev. http://www.teamaged.org/stateleaders/statelist.html | |
18. Foundation For California Community Colleges ..... california COMMUNITY COLLEGE DIRECTORY Trische Robertson, Director Dir Comm education,Kerry CampbellPrice, 707 Coordinator/staff dev, Carole Bennett, 707-527-2709, http://g2.foundationccc.org/CCC_dir/college-detail.asp?which=346 |
19. Allnurses.com - Nursing Discussion Board For Nurses Jean Roberson. Hi, I have been in staff dev. I am in california. I do all of thestaff education in a 158 bed LTC facility, as well as infection control and http://allnurses.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-20943 | |
20. Humboldt County Office Of Education - 0 - SecretBrowser/007 development services and support to educators and school quality teaching and learningon california s north coast. Curriculum Resource Specialist, staff dev. http://internet.humboldt.k12.ca.us/iss/ | |
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