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41. OCR Reading Room on the responsibilities of california s school districts laws administered by the Department of education. Federal Register Notices and regulations Title VI. http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/publications.html | |
42. English For The Children This campaign has now culminated in proposed regulations by california s unelected State Board of education that would absolutely violate both the letter and http://onenation.org/0202/020102.htm | |
43. Realty Times - Real Estate News And Advice a nonprofit consumer financial education organization. Under the new regulations, all nonprofit consumer organizations doing business in california must also http://realtytimes.com/rtcpages/20030102_caregulations.htm | |
44. The Foundation For Safe Boating And Marine Info - Your Complete Resource For Mar Commission, Boating and personal watercraft registration, safety education, laws and regulations, and accident statistics. Southern california Boater s Guide, http://www.boatingandmarineinfo.org/opt2.html | |
45. CSSF Research Regulations 2004 and do not supplant, relevant State and Federal regulations dealing with such The State of california education Code §51540 In the public elementary and high http://www.usc.edu/CSSF/Info_Genl/Research_Regs.html | |
46. LookSmart - Article Search For " Bilingual Education Laws Regulations Etc" Results for +Bilingual +education +Laws +regulations +etc from FindArticles 227 was supposed to eliminate bilingual education from california s schools. http://www.findarticles.com/cf_dls/PI/search.jhtml?isp=FA&cat=ref&key=+Bilingual |
47. LookSmart - Article Search For " Special Education Laws Regulations Etc" The Department of education adopted the final regulations of bilingual Prop 227 was supposed to eliminate bilingual education from california s schools http://www.findarticles.com/cf_dls/PI/search.jhtml?isp=FA&cat=ref&key=+Special + |
48. California Tax Education Council I ve always been subject to the regulations and registered by CTEC, but my bond has been Do I have to start all over again and take the qualifying education? http://www.ctec.org/internal.asp?pid=3&spid=19 |
49. CLIBC : Resources : Scholastic Regulations Scholastic regulations A. ACCREDITATION Christian Life International Bible College was state license to grant degrees pursuant to california education Code. http://www.clibc.edu/regulations.html | |
50. Oxnard College Curriculum Committee: Regulations On Distance Education were copied verbatim from the original documents. Excerpts from the california Code of regulations, Title 5 Distance education. http://www.oxnardcc.org/committees/curriculum/distance_ed.htm | |
51. CSUH Library - Legal Research Guide education LII education Law An Overview. california Department of education. US Department of education Legislation, regulations and policy guidance. http://www.library.csuhayward.edu/staff/lawres.htm | |
52. REPP-CREST : ABOUT RENEWABLE ENERGY Energy provides a comprehensive listing of regulations and grant california has a number of small, independent power be found in the Green education module and http://solstice.crest.org/articles/static/1/996090105_982708676.html | |
53. OCC | Catalog 2003-2004 with the laws of the State of california, the california education Code, and College student found to have violated any of the following regulations that are http://www.occ.cccd.edu/catalog/policies.html | |
54. 1961 Amendment To The California State Education Code: Chapter 12 1961 Amendment to the california State education Code Chapter 12. Sec. 2. Rules and regulations. Section 152 of the education Code is amended to read 152. http://dynaweb.oac.cdlib.org:8088/dynaweb/uchist/public/lawlegislation/1961amend | |
55. 1965/04/23, Minutes Of The Regents Of The University Of California the United States and california Supreme Courts. establish and enforce reasonable regulations concerning student v. New York State education Commissioner (1960 http://dynaweb.oac.cdlib.org:8088/dynaweb/uchist/public/regentminutes/regents465 | |
56. Study Finds California Taxes And Regulations Hinder Women-Owned Businesses And W for working women but state regulations remain especially of women entrepreneurs in california and their advances parental choice in education, high academic http://www.pacificresearch.org/press/rel/2002/pr_02-04-09.html | |
57. RBFF - Aquatic Science, Fishing, And Boating Education Web Directory Science, Fishing, and Boating education Web Directory. Course Information on boating regulations as part california HARBORS AND NAVIGATION CODE california law http://www.rbff-education.org/directory/boating_information/regulations/index.sh | |
58. California Medical Assistants Association Medical Regulations to the adoption of any regulations request recommendations pertain to private postsecondary education and career Chancellor of the california Community Colleges http://www.cmaa-ca.org/medical.html | |
59. California State University, Los Angeles - Docket No. 09-97-2002 1996, the US Department of education (the Department OCR), received a complaint against california State University at 34 Code of Federal regulations (CFR) Part http://www.icdri.org/legal/csula.htm | |
60. CSU | The California Academic Partnership Program Based upon evaluation conducted pursuant to Section 11004, the california Postsecondary education Commission may 11006. Rules and regulations. http://www.calstate.edu/CAPP/publications/statute.shtml | |
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