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81. National Character Education Center - Gene Bedley CEO George E. Corson IV The State Bar of california Board of You can also stop by our Character education Discussion Board Parenting resources from Around the Web http://www.ethicsusa.com/parents.cfm | |
82. Claremont Unified School District: Parent Information: Parent Education Resource Parents Rights This is the Web version of a document developed by the california Department of education in response to california law that http://www.cusd.claremont.edu/par/general.html | |
83. Advocacy [CAAE] california Alliance for Arts education Advocacy Web Page This Community Arts education Project This publication is designed to help parents, local schools http://www.artsed411.org/resources/index.stm | |
84. Primary & Secondary Education In Latin America - LANIC could be of use to students, parents, and teachers at English, Bilingualism General resources. English Learners Language and Culture in education, california; http://lanic.utexas.edu/la/region/k-12/ | |
85. Cmcmath : Online Resources CMP is to enhance the quality of california s K12 Clearinghouse for Mathematics Science education); Hotmath, http Students and parents can instantly see an http://www.cmc-math.org/resources/ | |
86. NorthstateCA.BabyZone.com -- Your Local Guide To Pregnancy And Parenting Resourc enjoyable, both for the child and the parent. from one of our home education experts, buy Homeschool Association of california Represents and assists families http://northstateca.babyzone.com/parentresources.asp?type=Education |
87. ED Publications Overview of sources for U.S. Department of education publications including ED Pubs. Flexibility. International Ed. Learning resources. Math. Reading. Safe Schools http://www.ed.gov/pubs | |
88. PHP.com: Home parents Helping parents, Inc., The Family Resource Center A parent Training california Disability Community Action Network Marty Omoto s Site See http://www.php.com/ | |
89. SWRCB Home Page The State Water resources Control Board web site covers california water quality and rights regulation; board meetings, laws; funding; watershed management; enforcement; citizen involvement, news http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/ | |
90. Los Angeles Unified School District and Community Services Information for parents on programs out what books are on the california Reading List out of the State Department of education. http://notebook.lausd.net/pls/ptl/url/page/LAUSDNET_HOMEPAGE/PG_NET_RESOURCES/PG | |
91. San Diego County Office Of Education County Board of education. Nick Aguilar. Ernest Dronenburg. Susan Hartley. Robert Watkins. John Witt. Business Services. Human Res. Tech. Learning Res. Ed. Tech. Student Services. Email SDCOE webmaster. Read our Web Content Disclaimer. é2003. Video) parent Expo at UCSD ( Video) San Diego County Board of education. All rights reserved. http://www.sdcoe.k12.ca.us/ | |
92. Ed-Data parent. K12 Student. Teacher. Journalist. School Administration. District Administration. County Administration. Board of education http://www.ed-data.k12.ca.us/ | |
93. Welcome To The California Association For The Gifted Professional Development Opportunities for Educators, parents, and Students Teacher and parent Institutes October 16 california Association for the Gifted (CAG http://www.cagifted.org/ | |
94. Resources In Autism Education - Home resources in Autism education (RAE) is an organization committed to providing the highest quality behavioral intervention services to children diagnosed with autism and related Pervasive http://www.autismed.com/ | |
95. Parent Advocacy Coalition For Educational Rights The mission of PACER Center is to expand opportunities and enhance the quality of life of children and young adults with disabilities and their families. From california to Minnesota to New York http://www.pacer.org/ | |
96. VCSSO - Teaching & Parenting Resources The site is an incredible resource for parents, students, educators and others. about planning for a gaining admittance to california colleges and http://www.vcss.k12.ca.us/vcsso/teach.htm | |
97. Preventviolence.org - Youth Violence Prevention Programs School Shootings the california wellness foundation fight crime invest in kids training in parenting skills, education about child and exercises to help parents develop skills http://www.preventviolence.org/ | |
98. @LA Children/Kids/Youth Resources In Southern California: Los Angeles County, Or UCAN , Lancaster United Parents, Moorpark - support Family Assessment Counseling Educational Services, Fullerton USA In the States california Family Helpline http://www.at-la.com/@la-kid.htm | |
99. Assessment Reform Network - Homepage Stanford 9 testing gaining support among parents. impartial nonprofit organization in california established to clarify complex K12 education issues. * See http://www.fairtest.org/arn/parents.html | |
100. California Elementary Media Center convenient access to quality, teacher approved educational resources. for children, young adults, teachers, and parents. at lwilliam@mail.california.k12.mo.us. http://www.california.k12.mo.us/ces/library/parentpg.htm | |
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