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California Education Parent Resources: more books (16) | ||
21. Physical Education Parent Resources parent resources. Link to Benefits of Vigorous Physical Activity Through Physical education california Department of education State Framework for Physical http://www.lbusd.k12.ca.us/curriculum/Curriculum Services/PE/peParent.htm | |
22. CCCOE Teacher And Family Resources california Department of education parents Rights Legal rights parents from the US Department of education. National parent Information Network A project of http://www.cccoe.k12.ca.us/about/resources_par.html | |
23. Parent Resources for state reporting to the california Department of education and to http://www.cousd.k12.ca.us/parent_resources.htm | |
24. Teacher & Parent Resources Stanislaus County Office of education. University of the Pacific University of Southern california Back to Ceres Exploratorium Parents Place Microsoft Encarta http://www.ceres.k12.ca.us/dp/resource.htm | |
25. MORE EDUCATIONAL AND PARENTING SUPPORT LINKSThe Below List Was Supplied By The L CSEA) california Teachers Association (CTA). Places to Go For parent Involvement resources National Coalition For parent Involvement in education Schoolwise http://pages.prodigy.net/marlaw/ed_links.htm | |
27. Teacher/Parent Resources parent / TEACHER RESOURCE. Links. The Institute for Learning Technologies Pedagogy for the 21st Century; california Space Papers on education; A Humanist http://www.aneducationalemporium.info/t~tea.htm | |
28. Single Parent Central - Support Groups And Programs california resources. Plumas Crisis Intervention and Resource Center 591 W. Main St. pcirc@snowcrest.net Program Information Parenting education, support groups http://www.singleparentcentral.com/sprpca.htm | |
29. Parent Resources extensive collection of information and resources for DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance education) teachers and parents maintained by a DARE officer in california. http://www.northstar.k12.ak.us/parent/parents.html | |
30. COPAA State Special Ed Resource Page california Special education Rights Responsibilities http us/osis/default.asp; Special education Procedures Manual parent and Teacher resources http//www.kde http://www.copaa.net/resources/statespedlaw.html | |
31. LHS Parent Portal, Recommended Family Education Resources and organizational tips easily adaptable by parents. Marine Activities, resources education (MARE) Lawrence of Science University of california at Berkeley http://lhsparent.org/familyedprograms.html | |
32. Parent Resources parent resources. Content Standards for california Public Schools Published by the california Department of education. http://www.sfusd.edu/schwww/sch697/library/Parents-4.htm | |
33. Kent State University Parent Resources california Department of education http//www.cde.ca.gov/. COLORADO Delaware parent education Resource Center http//www.childinc.com/DPERC.htm. http://fpsrv.dl.kent.edu/ecis/Web/Parent Resources/ParentResource.htm | |
34. Preface: Critical Parenting Practices Leader Dorothea Cudaback, Ph.D., california H.Wallace resources listed in the Curriculum Guide section examples of more specific parent education programs that http://www.cyfernet.org/parenting_practices/preface.html | |
35. Energy Education Resources For Teachers And Parents Thank you for visiting the california Energy Commission s In this section, parents and teachers will various energy and environmental education materials and http://www.energyquest.ca.gov/teachers_resources/ | |
36. Energy Quest - Energy Education From The California Energy Commission california Energy Commission's energy and environmental education site for students, parents and teachers. Includes information, Q As, projects, and other resources. http://www.energyquest.ca.gov/ | |
37. Family Involvement In Children's Education; Appendix A - Stockton Unified School Stockton, california. Overview. To help parents become more engaged in the education of their children, the Stockton Unified School District s parent Resource http://www.ed.gov/pubs/FamInvolve/stockton.html | |
38. SDCOE K-12 Resources education Statistics. Health PE. HistorySocial Science. Language Arts. Mathematics. parent resources. Science Nature. Search Research. Special Ed GATE. Student resources. Teacher resources . http://www.sdcoe.k12.ca.us/resources/resframe.html | |
39. Archived: Ahmium Education, Inc. Archived parent Information and Resource Centers March 1996. American parental Assistance Program, Project NAPAP Ahmium education, Inc San Jacinto, california http://www.ed.gov/Family/ParentCtrs/ahmium.html | |
40. California PTA - Educational Resources For California Parent Teacher Association Welcome to the california educational resource page. The goal of this page is to provide a central informational source for parents, educators and school http://www.ptacentral.org/california.htm | |
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