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1. California Department Of Education Official site includes Board of education, parent and teacher resources, budget and performance data, grants, legislation and general educational information. http://www.cde.ca.gov/ | |
2. The California Teacher Resources, Lesson Plans, Becoming A Teacher, Math of becoming a teacher in california which involves personal development, behavior, increasing parent involvement, and art, music, physical education We pooled http://www.thecaliforniateacher.com/ | |
3. Parent Resources Page accessing their rights under special education law. 4297, parent Liaison, Ken Ferro, ferrok@mdusd.k12 california Association of Resource Specialists and Special http://www.mdusd.k12.ca.us/specialed/parent_resources.html | |
4. Special Education Law & Advocacy Strategies - Reed Martin, J.D. SPECIAL education LAW ADVOCACY STRATEGIESYour Special education Resource August 20 21 california ADVENTURE- Claremont CA ClassroomMore Teacher, parent Home School resources http://www.reedmartin.com/ | |
5. Irvine Unified School District: Parent Resources data for state reporting to the california Department of A compilation of family life education offerings and parent Support for the Student Internet Use If http://www.iusd.k12.ca.us/parent_resources/ | |
6. Parent Resource Guide To Aviation Programs Check with your parents first! understand the airspace restrictions for northern california or the of links to online web youth and education resources with a http://www.hiller.org/education/parent-resource.html | |
7. Parent Resources and Communtites A california Department of education (CDE) resource for schoolhome partnerships. National parent Teacher Association resources for Kids and http://www.wjusd.k12.ca.us/prnt_resources.htm | |
8. TeachersFirst - E-READY Special Education Parent Resources of 35 representatives of education, county government services providers, employers, and parents in Montgomery and Services at Hartnell College in california. http://www.teachersfirst.com/sped/parents/transition/eric-atrisk.html | |
9. California State PTA | Resources For Parents And Child Advocates Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, california. National Center for education Statistics; National National PTA (parent Teacher Association); National http://www.capta.org/sections/resources/links-parents.cfm | |
10. Parent Resources FamilyWorks Parenting 101 House Rules! Information on california School Achievment education Data Partnership Home Page This page provides fiscal http://www.empire.k12.ca.us/capistrano/Parent Resources/parent.htm |
11. California State Resources Hearing Robert Powell, JD california SpeechLanguage Henderson, Director Disability Rights education and Defense Executive Director MATRIX, A parent Network and http://www.nichcy.org/stateshe/ca.htm | |
12. Parent Resources math, Geography and History, Parenting information and student within the special education realm, Syndromes Developed by a california Special education teacher http://www.resource2000.org/parent_resources.htm | |
13. Special Education Resources services and training for parents in the Southern california area. com SPED*NET New Canaan is the Special education Network of parent to parent of Brevard, Inc http://www.reedmartin.com/specialeducationresources.htm | |
14. Online Resources For Special Education - California - GreatSchools.net become an important place for parents and educators is your state Department of education Web site california Department of education Special education Division http://www.greatschools.net/cgi-bin/showarticle/ca/94/parent | |
15. Online Resources For Parent Involvement In Schools - California - GreatSchools.n together as equal partners in the education of every more than 325,000 parents in california and has PTO Today This site networks parentteacher organizations http://www.greatschools.net/cgi-bin/showarticle/ca/264/parent | |
16. Resources For Parents A parent/Student Guide Recent Changes in UC Admissions Policies Describes the How california Ranks A Comparison of education Expenditures Ed http://www.acoe.k12.ca.us/apps/page.asp?Q=1140 |
17. About The California Parent Center california. california parent Center (parental Assistance, resources,education, Networking, and Training) 619594-4756. American http://parent.sdsu.edu/pirc_aboutcpc.htm | |
18. Education World® - Parent Resources : *Associations & Organizations Calif. Association for the Gifted This site provides resources for educators and parents in support of Gifted and Talented education in california schools. http://db.education-world.com/perl/browse?cat_id=4876 |
19. Education World® - Parent Resources : Children's Health : Mental Health & Guida and Keeping Friends Relationships as Educational Contexts california State University, Stanislaus CAMH) resource and discussion forum for parents, young people http://db.education-world.com/perl/browse?cat_id=425 |
20. Head Start Information And Publication Center: Parent Resources Internet Pathfin Earth has wonderful animation and many interactive, educational activities for parents and children california Department of education  English Learners http://www.headstartinfo.org/infocenter/guides/pi_edu.htm | |
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