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21. Emeritus Spotlight: Natalie Thomas coworkers who traveled from New Mexico, california, Oregon and at http//www.uaf.edu/coopext/esp. aneducational capacity for the cooperative extension service http://www.uaf.edu/coop-ext/esp/emeritus_spotlight2.html | |
22. AHS - Youth Gardening - Youth Garden Resource List Ithaca, NY 148535908 Phone (607) 255-4568 Fax (607) 255-0599. extension service,USDA Tom Willis Rm. 3328, South Bldg. University of california coop. ext. http://www.ahs.org/youth_gardening/youth_garden_resource_list.htm | |
23. Selected Books Alaska http//www.uaf.edu/coopext/publications/. Arkansas extension service http//www.uaex.edu california Southern http//danr.ucop.edu/publications.htm. http://library.tamu.edu/vgn/portal/tamulib/ssl/content/renderer/0,2774,1724_1819 | |
24. Directory Of Entomology Departments And Institutes: USA 55 South Sacramento Street Susanville, california 96130 Phone 3452288 E-mail mkoch@coop.ext.colostate.edu HealthProtection USDA Forest service Post Office http://www.sciref.org/links/EntDept/UC.htm | |
25. Sources Extension Resource Materials http//www.uafadm.alaska.edu/coopext/html/publist ag.arizona.edu/pubs/ cooperativeextension service html Publications University of california Agriculture http://www.msue.msu.edu/msue/imp/modtd/33629843.html | |
26. Pubs Main Bulletin 815, Agdex 231, Ohio cooperative extension service, Ohio State Agricultureand Natural Sciences, University of california, 6701 San Virginia coop ext. http://viticulture.hort.iastate.edu/pubs/pubsmain.html | |
27. I. LEAVE ACCRUAL TABLE (pdf File - Must Have Acrobat Reader To for the State of california (including Hastings College of Law), the Department ofEnergy Laboratories and the california State University coop ext. service Appt http://accounting.ucr.edu/leave.htm | |
28. Stream Releaf Tables L; NRMP; W, S, C, E Groups. University of california Department of Forestry Resource Management. $15/copy/Also available from PA coop. ext. service. http://www.dep.state.pa.us/hosting/streamreleaf/tables.htm | |
29. ASAE Employers Around Arkansas coop ext service, PO Box 30 Augusta, AR 72006, coop ext service, PO Box 391Little Rock, AR 72203, Cargill Inc, 218 Amador 52 california, MO 64798, http://www.baeg.engr.uark.edu/corporate/ASAE_employers.html |
30. League Service Corporations NV. Steve Renock, Chief Operating Officer california League Services Corporation9500 6424 (Tom), ext. 469385-6505 e-mail thodge@tcul.org mchatfield@tcul.coop http://www.cuna.org/cuna/lsc_roster.html | |
31. Southern California Turfgrass Council california coop ext Vermeer Vitamin Institute Walla Walla Sprinkler Company WCSDistributing West Coast Aggregate Supply West Coast Turf Western Farm service http://www.turfcouncil.org/NewSite/past_events.htm | |
32. Cooperative Extension In Science > Agriculture > Education http//www.uaf.edu/coopext/. University of Arkansas cooperative extension service. http//www.uaex.edu/.University of california cooperative extension. http://ilectric.com/glance/Science/Agriculture/Education/Cooperative_Extension/ | |
33. Alternative Crops Alternative Crops Links. Click on a crop below to learn about its culture and marketing in the state shown. State cooperative extension agents compiled most of the information presented in these links. Alfalfa Mississippi State U. coop. ext. Agronomy Pubs Alfalfa Montana State University coop. ext. Pubs. Montana Artichoke U. of californiaDavis coop. ext. california. Vegetable http://plants.usda.gov/cgi_bin/alt_crop_rpt.cgi | |
34. Other Plant Disease And Ag Related Sites Plant Disease Information. Pacific Northwest Plant Disease Control Handbook (byOregon State Univ.); california Pest Management Guidelines (by Univ. coop. ext. http://www.uidaho.edu/ag/plantdisease/other.htm | |
35. Products And Services (Alternate Crops And Systems) BASF COMPANY DATA 6BASFC BASF CORP., RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC 6CALIF CALIFORNIAAGRICULTURE 6CHENG OF FL coop ext. service BULL SSSOS-OOXXRH-90-C(DRAFT) P 13 http://www.arsusda.gov/acsl/services/ppdb/coden.html | |
36. Cooperative Extension http//www.uaf.edu/coopext/ University of University of Arkansas cooperative extensionService uaex.edu/ University of california cooperative extension Offers http://www.zookle.com/Science/Agriculture/Education/Cooperative_Extension/ | |
37. Farm Books: Poultry of california extension Circular 8 (5th edition Poultry Mash Formulas, Michigan StateUniversity Cooperative ext. service Folder F245, 1957, folded single sheet http://www.users.mis.net/~gwill/fb-poult.htm | |
38. Black Page Of ESPM 210 Wellman Hall University of california Berkeley, CA 94720 Ph 510643-5159Fax 510-642-8479 email Entomology (Project Leader) LA coop. ext. http://www.alabamapecangrowers.com/scientistslist.htm | |
39. Programs, Curriculum Guides & Activities University of california coop. ext., San Francisco San Mateo Counties 4H TWIGS(Teams with InterGenerational Support) San Mateo 625 Miramontes http://hort.ifas.ufl.edu/ggk/resprog.htm | |
40. Weed Management Areas 2.) Control noxious weeds within the Big Valley Pest Abatement District.U. california Department of Fish and Game coop. ext. 175 Russell Ave. http://www.cdfa.ca.gov/phpps/ipc/weedmgtareas/Lassen/lassen_wma-mou.htm | |
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