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21. California Churches Move Ahead On Ordination california churches Move Ahead on Ordination. Last December, two Adventist churches in Southern California ordained women pastors on their staffs. http://www.sdanet.org/atissue/wo/CalifOrdination.htm | |
22. California Churches . california churches. First Baptist Church of Milpitas, Milpitas. Tahoe Family Worship Center, Kings Beach. Living Waters Bible Center, Lake Elsinore. http://www.unitedchristians.com/directory/california_churches.htm | |
23. California Churches Lobby For Gay Marriage california churches Lobby For Gay Marriage (Sacramento, California) A group of California clergy lobbied California legislators Monday on behalf of samesex http://www.gaynetsa.co.za/updates/california_churches_lobby_for_ga.htm | |
24. California Churches Fire Baptized Holiness Church In California. Churches in California. Church, Address, City State, Phone. Gospel Tabernacle, 11861 South http://www.fbhchurch.org/lcalifornia.html | |
25. Churches.California california churches. Please! This list must NOT be used for solicitation of any sort. Return to the top of california churches. Return to top of Churches. http://across.co.nz/churches.california.html | |
26. Southern California Churches Give Aid In Wake Of Deadly Fires Home / World News / Southern california churches give aid in wake of deadly fires. Southern california churches give aid in wake of deadly fires. http://www.georgiabulletin.org/world/2003/11/03/US-1/ | |
27. California Churches Lobby For Gay Marriage california churches Lobby For Gay Marriage. 04.20.04. By Mark Worrall. To chance33_98. The California Council of Churches and ministers http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1121491/posts | |
28. Churches In Julian, California Churches. Hillside Community Church Pastor Rick Hill Hillside Community Church is an independent, nondenominational church serving the entire Julian community. http://www.julianca.com/churches/ | |
29. Churches Directory Of California california churches Directory. Home Churches ADD YOUR SITE Select A City or County. http://california.uscity.net/Churches/ | |
30. Churches Community Directory Of California california churches Community Directory. Home Churches / Community ADD YOUR SITE Select A City or County. http://california.uscity.net/Churches/Community/ | |
31. Galt California Churches, Christian Church, United Methodist Chruch, First Congr Galt s four historic churches. Each of these churches lists pioneer names in its early roster. Two of the churches, St. LukeÂs and St. http://galthistory.org/history/galtchurches.htm | |
32. California Churches california churches. http://www.bibledoctrine.net/directory/california.shtml | |
33. CMF - U.S. Contacts california churches not near military installations, that have links to CMF. http://members.iquest.net/~c_m_f/cmfus2.htm | |
34. CMF - Reciprocal Church Links Church. Windsor, Sonrise Christian Church. california churches near military installations. COLORADO. Longmont, LifeBridge Christian Church. http://members.iquest.net/~c_m_f/cmflinkr.htm | |
35. Wfn.org | California Churches Giving Away Free Gun Locks From the Worldwide Faith News archives www.wfn.org. california churches giving away free gun locks. From NewsDesk NewsDesk@UMCOM.UMC http://www.wfn.org/1999/07/msg00241.html | |
36. Churches In California Churches - FlockFinder.com Find churches in California that are right for you. . _ _ _ _ _, Churches in California Having trouble http://www.flockfinder.com/churches_in_california.jsp |
37. California Genealogy Mine board minutes. committee records california churches; California Missions Studies Association; Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles http://home.ptd.net/~nikki/CA.htm | |
38. Locations - Churches & Chapels California Bay Area Churches Chapels Fresno CA Churches Chapels Los Angeles CA Churches Chapels Northern california churches Chapels Orange County CA http://www.partypop.com/Categories/Churches_Chapels.html | |
39. Covenant News - Two California Churches Celebrate New Facilities Covenant News. Two california churches Celebrate New Facilities. OAKLAND, CA (March 25, 2003) Two Pacific Southwest Conference (PSWC http://www.covchurch.org/cov/news/item2640.html | |
40. California Churches california churches. California Christian ChurchRoute 1 Box 6A. California Methodist Church. Carthage United Methodist Church-This http://www.rootsweb.com/~kycampbe/californiachurches.htm | |
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