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81. SCCAC Resources - Resources For Charter Schools Join us charter schools Office, california Department of Education Important information from the california Department of Education on charter schools. http://sccac.lacoe.edu/resources/charter.html | |
82. CTA | California Educator According to the california Department of Education, approximately 166,000 students attend 480 charter schools in california. In http://www.cta.org/CaliforniaEducator/v8i2/Feature_1.htm | |
83. East Bay Conservation Corp of the EBCC charter School documents are used as exemplars promoted by the california Network of Educational charters, the charter schools Development Center http://www.ebcc-school.org/ | |
84. Charter Schools. ERIC Digest 1. charter schools in california, Colorado, and Minnesota have had their contracts renewed because they produced measurable achievement gains, including that http://www.ericdigests.org/1999-2/charter.htm | |
85. NewSchools Venture Fund Announces Launch Of Pacific Charter School Development schools, Pacific charter School Development will help increase the supply of outstanding public charter schools serving lowincome communities in california. . http://www.newschools.org/viewpoints/pacific.html | |
86. Charter Schools This site is maintained by WestEd in collaboration with the california State University charter schools Development Center and the US Department of Education. http://interact.uoregon.edu/wrrc/Charterschools.html | |
87. Matt Cox On Teachers' Union & Charter Schools On National Review Online As a recent study by california State University, Los Angeles, shows, charters are currently more successful than oldline public schools in educating poor and http://www.nationalreview.com/comment/comment-cox091703.asp | |
88. California S Charter School Law that charter schools are and should become an integral part of the california educational system and that establishment of charter schools should be encouraged http://www.usc.edu/dept/education/globaled/hentschke/documents/California's Char | |
89. Contra Costa Times 02/29/2004 Embattled Charter School Drops california has more than 470 charter schools, and Gov. california charter Academy runs 24 schools under the Oro Grande charter, enrolling about 3,000 students. http://www.contracostatimes.com/mld/cctimes/living/education/8070814.htm |
90. Charter Schools Development Center charter School Development Center, Development of Private charter schools. http://www.csus.edu/ier/charter/charter.html | |
91. Center For Education Reform Choose from the menus below california charter School Websites. A Touch of Love Academy School Tracy, CA. Academia Semillas del Pueblo Los Angeles, CA. http://edreform.com/index.cfm?fuseAction=linkPage&stateIDlist=10&formsubmitro=1& |
92. Alianza Charter School, A Two-way Bilingual Immersion K-6 Public Charter School Alianza School is a twoway bilingual immersion charter elementary school in Watsonville, california, USA Alianza es una escuela http://www.alianza.pvusd.net/ | |
93. Chicago Tribune | Registration from I ll never get to college to When I go to college was the Preuss School, a public charter school run by the University of california, San Diego as a http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/printedition/chi-0405040224may04,1,7902235.st |
94. HACS: CANEC Conference 2001 california charter School Conference. 2001 A charter Odyssey March 1517, 2001 Burbank Airport Hilton Sponsored by the california http://www.k12.hi.us/~bwoerner/hacs/caconf2001/canecconf2001.html | |
95. Pacific Collegiate School Homepage Her contributions to the PCS community were recognized by the california charter School Association on March 30, 2004 at the CCSA Banquet in Sacramento. http://www.pacificcollegiate.com/ | |
96. Choices Charter School - San Juan School District, Sacramento, California Choices charter School 3425 Arden Way, Sacramento, CA 95825 Telephone (916) 5752830 Enter Site. Choices charter School charter. http://www.sanjuan.edu/schools/choicescharter/ | |
97. California Charter School Wins Competition Contact Royce Van Tassell 916448-1926 Release Date May 5, 1998. california charter School Wins Competition. Policy Group Awards $20,000 to Innovative School. http://www.pacificresearch.org/press/rel/1998/pr98-05-05.html | |
98. AFT: Research: Publications, Reports And Surveys: Charter School Laws: Do They M Looking at charter School Legislation StateBy State Analysis. california, california meets most of the criteria for good charter school legislation. http://www.aft.org/research/reports/charter/csweb/states/CA.HTM | |
99. PE.com | Inland Southern California | Inland News Perris first in the state. Perris Union High School District was the first to offer an online charter school in california. Choice http://www.pe.com/localnews/inland/stories/PE_News_Local_virtu10.57945.html | |
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