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21. Gateway High School : About : California Charter School Fact Sheet California Charter School Fact Sheet. california charter schools, originally authorized in 1992 (SB 1448). operate outside many of http://web.gwhs.org/www/about/charter_school_faq.php | |
22. Charter Schools: A New Breed Of Public Schools Report 2, 1993 In some cases, california charter schools might be entirely new schools, but the legislature tends to assume that they will be converted from current public http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/areas/issues/envrnmnt/go/93-2new.htm | |
23. Charter Schools: Student Achievement Higher At California Charter Schools Veteran california charter schools are improving more in student achievement than other public schools. These charter schools have http://www.iedx.org/article_1.asp?ContentID=EN569&SectionGroupID=WHAT_WORKS |
24. Charter School - California - A Charter School Has Open Enrollment phone 626. http//www.pasadena56.tv/. california charter schools Association. http//www.smartpages.com. Your California Charter School business here! http://www.servicesdirectory.us/dir/340/6.php |
25. Charter School - United States - A Charter School Has Open Copyright © 2004 Pasadena, California 91104. phone 626. http//www.pasadena56.tv/. california charter schools Association. http://www.servicesdirectory.us/dir/340/1/21.php |
26. Accrediting Commission For Schools - WASC Accreditation - Public California: Cha Although the california charter schools are public schools, there is a choice of protocol; schools may choose the WASCCDE Focus on Learning Joint Process, or http://www.acswasc.org/process_ca_charter.htm | |
27. Education World ® Schoool Issues: EDscoops california charter schools Help LowIncome Kids Low-income students who attend charter schools in California show greater academic gains than students in http://www.education-world.com/a_issues/edscoops/edscoop027.shtml | |
28. Teachers' Unions Spend Big Bucks To Infiltrate Charter Schools -- 01/14/2004 Today, Vaughn s teachers rely on services provided by the california charter schools Association, but they themselves make up the school s governing body. http://www.cnsnews.com/ViewNation.asp?Page=\Nation\archive\200401\NAT20040114a.h |
29. Charter Schools california charter schools Association (CCSA) http//www.charterassociation.org The california charter schools Association (the ÂAssociationÂ) is the http://www.edsource.org/edu_chart_cal.cfm |
30. Charter Schools, Education, Reform, Privatization, Outsourcing, Privatization Wa In the case of K12 s california charter schools and the Indio Charter School, these California attendance regulations defeat the spirit of the charterschool http://www.rppi.org/charterschoolstory.html | |
31. Charter Schools, Education, Reform, Privatization, Outsourcing, Privatization Wa Crippling California s Schools. by Lisa Snell. Related Links. A Sad Charter School Story. (12/3) In the case of K12 s california charter schools and the Indio http://www.rppi.org/cripplingcalifornia.html | |
32. Governor Protects CA's High Performing, Low-Income Charter Schools for charter schools doing the best job of educating California s most disadvantaged kids, said Caprice Young, CEO of the california charter schools Association http://finance.lycos.com/qc/news/story.aspx?symbols=BWIRE:100&story=200405132324 |
33. California Teachers, Parents, And Principals Support Charter Schools San Francisco, CA Â california charter schools are doing a better job of educating children than the schools their students previously attended, according to http://www.pacificresearch.org/press/rel/2000/pr00-03-22.html | |
34. Charter Schools Process for Approval of a School Charter. california charter schools Law of 19992 (AB544) California Education Code Sections 4760047616.5. http://www.sdcoe.k12.ca.us/iss/charter/howto.html | |
35. LAO Recommends Broadening Charter School Authorization And Oversight The california charter schools Association is sponsoring Assembly Bill 2764 by Assembly Member Patricia Bates, RLaguna Niguel, that would permit the http://www.csba.org/csn/March04/csnStoryTemplate.cfm?id=31 |
36. Archived - Charter Schools And Students With Disabilities: Accountability A study of california charter schools by SRI International (Powell et al., 1997) provided data related to the accountability issue that has interesting http://www.ed.gov/pubs/chartdisab/account.html | |
37. Archived - The State Of Charter Schools 2000 - Fourth-Year Report: B. Students O However, the number of students enrolled in charter schools continued to grow, with california charter schools continuing to enroll the greatest number of http://www.ed.gov/pubs/charter4thyear/b.html | |
38. USC Rossier School Of Education Charter Schools. Multiple Measures of Accountability for california charter schools (MMACCS) (August 2003 to present). Overview of http://www.usc.edu/dept/education/cegov/charterschools_projects.html | |
39. Charter School Fight Turns Nasty By DAVID SCHARFENBERG SENTINEL STAFF WRITER Mar At stake, Alianza backers say, is the right of all california charter schools to pursue innovation and provide school choice, without interference from http://www.santacruzsentinel.com/archive/2004/March/12/local/stories/02local.htm | |
40. Directory Of Online Resource Directories On Charter Schools From Free-Market.Net california charter schools directory Source Charter Schools Development Center State CA, Country United States A list of charter schools in California, with http://www.free-market.net/directorybytopic/charter/C1/ | |
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