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California Charter School Standards: more detail |
41. NEA: Charter Schools in New York, Massachusetts, and california. The National Education Association supportspublic charter schools that have the same standards of accountability http://www.nea.org/charter/ | |
42. Education Week: Charter Schools - School, Teacher, Educator, Student, State, Reg california charter Profile Raised in State Agency May Disband New charter SchoolOrganization, Nov http://www.edweek.org/context/topics/issuespage.cfm?id=42 |
43. 6/10/98 - News: Charter Schools Struggle With Accountability In california and other states where districts are the are negotiated on a schoolby-schoolbasis charter schools are right to question whether they should be http://www.edweek.org/ew/vol-17/39chart.h17 | |
44. The Center For Education Reform: California's Charter Law CER Grade BCalifornia (1992; last amended in 2001). Accountability. charter schoolsshall meet all statewide standards and conduct the pupil assessments http://edreform.com/charter_schools/laws/California.htm | |
45. Charter School Websites: California charter school Websites. california. A Touch of Love Academy school, Tracy, CA, Opened 2002, Serving Grades K8, Enrollment 18. Academia Semillas del Pueblo, Los Angeles, CA, Opened 2002, Serving Grades K-8, Enrollment 140 Leadership charter High school, Palermo, CA Einstein Academy charter school, San Diego http://edreform.com/charter_schools/websites/california.html | |
46. About Charter Schools - A To Z Home's Cool Homeschooling In California From california Network of Educational Charters important issues affecting the charterschool movement nationally New Policy Raises standards, Accountability for http://homeschooling.gomilpitas.com/regional/CaliforniaCharters.htm | |
47. Julian Charter School to help school districts establish standards for content areas not adopted by theCalifornia State Board Julian charter school K12 State Content standards. http://www.juliancharterschool.org/3/standards/menu.php | |
48. CSUN: California Academic Content Standards Site The california standardsBased Tests (NEW! API) The california High school Exit Exam californiaCharter schools, Governor s Professional Development Initiatives http://www.csun.edu/~hcbio027/k12standards/ | |
49. Charter Schools Offer An Array Of Choices - California - GreatSchools.net california currently has almost 300 charter schools in operation Most charter schoolsoffer Smaller class size (20 to If the school doesn t manage its fiscal http://www.greatschools.net/cgi-bin/showarticle/CA/241/improve | |
50. Revere (Paul) Middle (Charter) - Los Angeles, California / CA - School Informati school type, charter. how to get an Enhanced school Profile for your school, clickhere. of Data Information on this page comes from the california Department of http://www.greatschools.net/modperl/browse_school/ca/2344/ | |
51. O'Connell On California Charter Academy - News Releases (CA Dept Of Education) is held to the same high standards and accountability is to guarantee that all schoolsdo what and serious concerns over california charter Academy s handling http://www.cde.ca.gov/re/nr/nr/yr04rel26.asp | |
52. Developing Educational Standards - California california Instructional Technology Clearinghouse The california Instructional Technology prominenteducational issues as charter schools and standards. http://edstandards.org/StSt/California.html |
53. California Charter Schools Association The california charter schools Association is pleased to announce comes very highstandards, said Marc director of the Massachusetts charter school Association http://www.charterassociation.org/ | |
54. Charter Schools. ERIC Digest individual attention from teachers, curriculum, discipline, parent involvement,and academic standards. 1. charter schools in california, Colorado, and http://www.ericdigests.org/1999-2/charter.htm | |
55. Charter Schools A 1998 UCLA study of california charter schools found that charter schools rarelyhad clearly defined goals or standards and none was doing more with less http://www.cfepe.org/charter_schools.htm | |
56. PPI: Catching The Wave: Lessons From California's Charter Schools By Nelson Smit 157,000 students or 2.4 percent of all public school students in the state california remains at the forefront of charter school innovation, with the http://www.ppionline.org/ppi_ci.cfm?knlgAreaID=110&subsecID=134&contentID=251858 |
57. Progressive Policy Institute: Education: Public School Choice & Charters charter wave is still going strong in california. guarantee access, quality, andstandards in public Backgrounder May 16, 2001 charter school Districts By http://www.ppionline.org/ppi_sub.cfm?knlgAreaID=110&subsecID=134 |
58. Archived: Research Today - Charter Schools: A State Legislative Update Minnesota, california, Colorado Georgia Massachusetts Michigan New 8. AccountabilityStudent assessment, charter must contain school s student education http://www.ed.gov/pubs/ResearchToday/98-3037.html | |
59. Archived - Charter Schools And Students With Disabilities: Accountability concern to researchers that state standards and assessments uniformity and limitcharter schools flexibility to A study of california charter schools by SRI http://www.ed.gov/pubs/chartdisab/account.html | |
60. California's Charter Law california s charter Law. As early as 1983, the california legislature mandated higherstandards, revamped curriculum frameworks, lengthened the school day and http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/pbriefs/93/93-2ca.htm | |
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