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81. Academic Calendar: PHYT 5002 Instrumentation And Measurement. Class Search Subject Number (ie ENGL 1000). PHYT 5002.03 Instrumentationand measurement. This class is aimed at providing the http://www.registrar.dal.ca/calendar/class.php?subj=PHYT&num=5002 |
82. Academic Calendar: MECH 6750 Optical Measurement Systems. MECH 6750.03 Optical measurement Systems. This class deals with thetheory, design and optimization of optical measurement systems. http://www.registrar.dal.ca/calendar/class.php?subj=MECH&num=6750 |
83. RYERSON: CE: Course Calendar CVOH217 measurement and Analysis Certificate and degree/diploma credit,This course is designed to introduce the terminology, concepts http://ce-online.ryerson.ca/ce/calendar/default.asp?section=course&type=dist&sub |
84. WorldOil.com - Energy Events Calendar - Jun-2004 Engineering Dept. Multiphase measurement User Roundtable (MMUR2004),Holiday Inn Select-Greenway Plaza, Houston, TX contact info. May http://www.worldoil.com/infocenter/events.asp | |
85. Calendar - NLANR Packets NLANR calendar of Events. The theme of this meeting is Challenges of the New DigitalAge. Technical topics include IPv6, measurement, storage, multimedia http://www.nlanr.net/NLANRPackets/calendar.html | |
86. Microfinance Gateway: Event Calendar: Virtual Conference OnPerformance Measureme Event Details. Virtual Conference on Performance measurement in BusinessDevelopment Services (BDS). The goal was to develop a common http://www.microfinancegateway.org/content/calendar/detail/6609?dir_start=&dir_e |
87. WebCalendar Creator: The Ultimate HTML Web Calendar: May 20, 2004 Webcalendar Creator The Ultimate HTML Web calendar 20 May 2004, Thursday, Introductionto Outcome measurement Hosted by The Nonprofit Resource Center of http://www.nationalcac.org/calendar2/wc05202004.htm | |
88. CEP Editorial Calendar - CEP Magazine CEP Editorial calendar. Each March. Sustainability; Reactors; ElectronicSignatures; Level and Temperature measurement. April. Pressure http://www.cepmagazine.org/editorial/editcalend.htm | |
89. Room 2's Curriculum Links http//oncampus.richmond.edu/academics/a s/education/projects/webunits/measurement/temp1.html calendar This calendar enables you to see the calendar one-year http://www.crockerfarm.org/ac/gr3/links/linksmeasurement.html | |
90. A Walk Through Time A walk through time This Internet site, maintained by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), presents the history and evolution of time measurement. Visitors begin in the http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://physics.nist.gov/GenInt/Time/time.html&a |
91. CALENDAR - Space Shuttle-2004 (LARGE): AirShow.com 2004 Space Shuttle calendar WITH 2003 bonus of 4 month (Sept 2003 - Dec 2003) planner page with photo! Includes 13 large full-color professional photographs of space shuttles such as the duing http://www.airshow.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?page=1/PROD/B/BBshuttle2004 |
92. Dalbar - The Measurement Of Success DALBAR Events, Boards, and Forums. *Tentative Date. MONTH, DATE. EVENTSBOARDS-FORUMS.LOCATION. 2004. January, 15-16, Call Center Leadership Seminar, Boston, MA. http://www.dalbarinc.com/content/showpage.asp?page=c |
93. FSCT » Calendar Of Events calendar of Events. 2004. May 2004. (May 20)ÂÂPractical Course on ViscosityMeasurement. Brookfield Engineering Laboratories, Inc. Cleveland, OH. http://www.coatingstech.org/Programs/Events.html | |
94. Metrology: Measurement Basics - Humber Continuing Education Calendar ). (. Humber Home CE Main Page Field of Study Technology Subject AreaPlastics Metrology measurement Basics. Metrology measurement Basics. http://cecourse.humber.ca/LISCECal/View_Course_Offering.do?course_name=PLAS_726 |
95. Training & Events Calendar Training and Events calendar. August 2425 Â Systems Engineering MeasurementCourse (14 PDUs) (Lockheed Martin, Gaithersburg, MD); http://www.software.org/pub/training/calendar.asp | |
96. MIT OpenCourseWare | Sloan School Of Management | 15.822 Strategic Marketing Mea LEC , TOPICS, KEY DATES. 1, Introduction, Form Team. 2, Conjoint Basics,Form Team (con t). 3, Creating a Survey, Pick Topic Write Questionnaire. http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Sloan-School-of-Management/15-822Strategic-Marketing-M | |
97. The Communication Initiative - Events Calendar - INTRAC's 5th Evaluation Confere Events calendar . Main Listing Year 2003. INTRAC s 5th Evaluation ConferenceMeasurement, Management and Accountability? (Mar 31 - Apr 4 2003). http://www.comminit.com/events_cal/2003/1521-event.html | |
98. Test&Measurement ML9901; Laser Effects Test Facility DE0001; Visual Crack MeasurementSystem Uses Temperature Sensitive Paint VA0001; Comprehensive http://www.afrlhorizons.com/CAC/G.html | |
99. POPC June 2004 Petroleum Conference & Exhibition Calendar And Oil & Gas Director 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29. 30, 31, Acadiana FlowMeasurement Society (AFMS), PO BOX 30428, Lafayette, LA 70593. Phone (318)9932367. http://www.popc.com/calendar/ | |
100. Florida DOE Calendar Of Conferences And Meetings calendar of Conferences and Meetings. This calendar will be updated monthly,and currently includes meetings for May 2004 April 2005. http://www.firn.edu/doe/dps/ccandm.htm | |
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