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181. A Semantic View Of Classical Proofs. - Type-theoretic, Categorical, And Denotati Article by C.H. Luke Ong presenting the semantics of classical proof theory from three prespectives a formulae-as-types characterisation in a variant of Parigot's lambda-mu calculus, a denotational characterisation in game semantics, and a categorical semantics as a fibred CCC. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/did/231416 | |
182. J. R. Hindley University of Wales, Swansea Lambda-calculus, combinatory logic and type-theory. http://www-maths.swan.ac.uk:80/staff/jrh/ | |
183. Inductive Theorem Prover INKA 4.0 Firstorder theorem prover with induction based on the explicit induction paradigm. It is based on a full first-order calculus, a special variant of the resolution calculus with paramodulation. http://www.dfki.de/vse/systems/inka/ | |
184. UBC Calculus Help Integrals University of British Columbia course notes. Covers integration and series with applications. Illustrated with interactive Java applets. http://www.ugrad.math.ubc.ca/coursedoc/math101/ | |
185. OJK's Precalculus Page A study guide for high school precalculus students. It contains explanations and examples in 15 topical areas. The site contains sample tests and detailed answers, interactive and email quizzes as http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Launchpad/2426 | |
186. PRACTICE PRECALCULUS EXAMS PRACTICE PRECALCULUS I EXAMS. With Answers. The tests are organized by parts. Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 exams are one hour each, the http://www.sosmath.com/cyberexam/precalc/test.html | |
187. S.O.S. Mathematics - CyberExam SOS Mathematics CyberExam PreCalculus II. This page is a place for students and educators to check out sample tests, midterm exams http://www.sosmath.com/cyberexam/precalc2/test.html | |
188. Thinkwell | Our Products area code locate your sales rep, locate your nearest sales rep. Product Overview. with Edward Burger. Thinkwell s Precalculus with http://www.thinkwell.com/marketing/viewTitle.cfm?disciplineID=1&productID=5 |
189. Sullivan Main Page Order Information Contact Us Legal Information © Copyright 2004, Pearson Prentice Hall Inc, Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. http://www.prenhall.com/sullivan/ | |
190. Maple PowerTools - Precalculus This is a set of 17 Maple lessons for high school Precalculus or Elementary Analysis, developed by Gregory Moore of Orange Coast College. http://www.mapleapps.com/powertools/precalc/precalculus.shtml | |
191. WRHS Precalculus Overview We are using STELLA to model the growth of the number of cases of AIDS in the United States.......Precalculus AIDS Epidemic. Overview. Model http://www.ncsec.org/cadre2/team17_2/precalc/overview.htm | |
192. Top Six Precalculus Resources Top Six Precalculus Resources on the Web Dozens of web sites were reviewed by Math 120 students at BCC during Spring Quarter, 1999. http://scidiv.bcc.ctc.edu/Math/precalc.html | |
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