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61. Computer Science II - CAD G. Farin, Curves and Surfaces for computer Aided Geometric Design, Academic Press, 3 ed., 1992 D. Hilbert, S. CohnVossen, Anschauliche Geometrie, Springer http://www.mif.vu.lt/katedros/cs2/courses/projcaz.html | |
62. Computer Science Faculty At IIT Kanpur Tel +91 (512) 2597231 Research Interests Logic in computer science. Tel +91 (512) 259-7170 Research Interests cad/CAM, computer Graphics, Robotics. http://www.cse.iitk.ac.in/people/faculty.html | |
63. Theoretical CS At Princeton multimedia technologies in teaching mathematics, science and reading. Efficient combinatorial algorithms for computeraided design (cad) of digital http://www.cs.princeton.edu/theory/ | |
64. College Majors And Careers - Computer Science computer science is primarily concerned with information vision, robotics, and computeraided design. Artificial Intelligence Specialist, cad/CAM Designer. http://careerservices.rutgers.edu/Mcomputer.html | |
65. College Of Engineering And Computer Science - Mechanical, Materials, And Aerospa The professional and computeraided tracks are D. are Aerospace Systems, Materials science and Engineering Computational Methods in Mechanics, cad/CAM Technology http://www.ucf.edu/gradcatalog/grad0001/engine/mechanical.htm | |
66. Portland State College Of Engineering & Computer Science | Electrical And Comput Design Automation Laboratory Workstations loaded with computer Aided Design (cad) software provide students with the opportunity to develop algorithms for http://www.pdx.edu/cecs/ece_labs.html | |
67. Southern Methodist University professor of computer science and Engineering at Southern Methodist University. His research interests are Reconfigurable Computing, VLSI cad Testing http://engr.smu.edu/~mitch/colloquium/kocan.htm | |
68. School Of Engineering And Computer Science, Exeter University - Engineering Comp A cluster of 11 PCs in the cad/CAM Suite, room 215 in the Harrison building is for use by computer support for undergraduates is available at several levels. http://www.secs.ex.ac.uk/labs/engComp/engComp.htm | |
69. Master Of Science In Applied Computer Science robotics applications, safety, sensors, Robotics Languages Model for computerAided Design (cad) , speech recognition COSC 591 Seminar in computer science 3 cr http://www.cs.frostburg.edu/cdesc.htm | |
70. RYERSON UNIVERSITY: Computer Science range of computer science electives in areas such as operating systems, software engineering, data communications networks, compiler design, graphics, cad/CAM http://www.ryerson.ca/programs/compsci.html | |
71. Binghamton University Department Of Computer Science Home Page Topics computer architecture, parallel systems, VLSI cad, VLSI design; Research Labs VLSI cad Laboratory (Madden); Low Power Research http://www.cs.binghamton.edu/research.html | |
72. Technology CAD Computer Simulation Of IC Processes And Devices|KLUWER Academic P Technology cad  computer Simulation of IC Processes and Devices. Series THE KLUWER INTERNATIONAL SERIES IN ENGINEERING AND computer science Volume 243. http://www.wkap.nl/prod/b/0-7923-9379-1 | |
73. In Brief: DARPA, NSF To Fund University Research On CAD Technology - CS Dept research effort to develop the next generation of computerAided Design (cad) tools - incoporating School of Engineering and Faculty of Arts and science. http://www.cs.pitt.edu/articles/2002/cad.html | |
74. Nat'l Academies Press, Computer Science And Artificial Intelligence (1997), 2 Ar Intelligence (1997) Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and via concurrent engineering, computeraided design (cad), computer-aided manufacturing (CAM http://books.nap.edu/books/0309058317/html/4.html | |
75. The UMass Lowell Computer Science Major languages, automata, VLSI design, computer aided design (cad), computer aided instruction to 91.461 to complete a twocourse computer science project sequence. http://www.cs.uml.edu/curriculum/ugrad/Brochure.html | |
76. Miami University - Department Of Engineering Technology Associate in Applied science. The mechanical engineering technology program emphasizes courses in computer aided drafting (cad), computer aided engineering http://www.ham.muohio.edu/ent/mechanical.html | |
77. Task 2 [GAMES Aachen] 2000}, PUBLISHER = {SpringerVerlag}, PAGES = {290301}, SERIES = {Lecture Notes in computer science}, VOLUME = {1770}, URL = {http//www-cad.eecs.berkeley.edu http://www-mgi.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/games/Research/index-bib.html | |
78. PLU Computer Science And Computer Engineering of equipment for a computerAided Design Lab. The lab will contain 15 SUN workstations running advanced hardware and software design tools. Use of the cad Lab. http://www.cs.plu.edu/news/murdock_grant.php | |
79. CS 210 What Is Computer Science WhatÂs the difference between computer science, information systems CS 527 CS 530) Simulation, Graphics and computerAided Design (cad), and Embedded http://www.cs.wmich.edu/~kerstett/Announcement-CS210-Linked.htm | |
80. Selected Publications Maryland DSP-CAD Research Group DSPcad Group Students. Research in the DSP-cad Group is directed by Professor Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya. Also computer science Technical Report CS-TR-4546. http://www.ece.umd.edu/DSPCAD/papers/contents.html | |
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