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1. UCSD Department Of Computer Science And Engineering - VLSI/CAD (Computer-Aided D Home»Faculty Research»Themes»computerAided Design. VLSI/cad (computer-Aided Design), The work in computer-aided design is divided into two groups. http://www.cs.ucsd.edu/facresearch/themes/cad.html | |
2. FB-Informatik (TU-KL) -- Department Of Computer Sciences Department of computer science. Research involves software components, algorithms, cad, computer graphics, computational geometry, information management, computer networks, database and information systems, computer architecture, numerical algorithms, foundations of computer science and programming, communication systems, system software, robotics, artificial intelligence, software engineering, learning, programming languages and compiler constructions, and VLSI design. http://www.informatik.uni-kl.de/english/ | |
3. CUHK :: Department Of Computer Science & Engineering Department of computer science and Engineering. Research areas include algorithms, Chinese processing, high performance computing, intelligent systems, parallel and distributed computing, rapid system prototyping, visualization, virtual reality and VLSI/cad. http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/ | |
4. CAD: The Heart Of Computer Science cad the Heart of computer science. With the introduction of AutoLisp and the growing power of Autocad as a modeling system, it became http://www.fourmilab.ch/autofile/www/chapter2_44.html | |
5. Sumit Gupta's Home Page Links to Hindi music, computers, graduate school, computer science, vlsi, codesign, cad, high level synthesis, embedded systems, India, Kuwait, humor, comics. http://www.ics.uci.edu/~sumitg/ | |
6. Virtual Library: Computer Science Directory of the Virtual Library, an expertrun catalog of sections of the web Artificial Intelligence. Audio. computer Aided Design (cad) Cryptography, PGP and Privacy Safety-Critical Systems. SCSI ( Small computer System Interface) Software Engineering http://vlib.org/Computing.html | |
7. Uk Web Directory, Free Music, Games, Business Informations, Travel, Shopping, Ne computers, internet, computer science, computer Books, Multimedia, cad, games, England, uk, Northern Ireland, Scotland. web directory http://www.yalho.com/uk/index.php3?cat_id=1 |
8. Manufacturing Engineering Technology Associate in science Degree program which includes computer Aided Drafting (cad), computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM), and computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) technologies. http://www.gwctc.commnet.edu/manufacturing.html | |
9. Computer Science And Information Technology - Careers And Learning Resources Explore careers in computer science and learn about programming, networking, web design and operating systems. Explore careers in computer science with the following links to job Database Administrators. cadCAM Technicians. Careers of the Future. Careers in computer science. Careers in http://www.khake.com/page17.html | |
10. ACM: ACM Model High School Computer Science Curriculum School computer science Curriculum cad/CAM for technology education, Mathematica for mathematics and science) or programming. Neither of these approaches define computer science http://www.acm.org/education/hscur | |
11. Thesaurus Computer Science (alphabetical Ordering) Translate this page Thesaurus computer science (alphabetisch BT Arbeitsplaetze NT Buerobereich Buerobereich BT Buero C BT Programmiersprachen, algorithmische cad cad-Werkzeug UF http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/bib/thesaurus-cs.html | |
12. Home Page Magazine explores 3D modeling, animation, visualization, rendering, simulation, cad, Maya, and other techniques for those who create digital content for film, broadcast, video, and game science http://www.cgw.com/ |
13. PLU Computer Science And Computer Engineering Grant provides new CSCE cad Lab. computer science computer Engineering computer science. Bachelor of science, computer Engineering. computer science. computer science deals with the http://www.cs.plu.edu/ | |
14. Leo Joskowicz Mechanical CAD School of Engineering and computer science The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. Prof. Elisha Sacks, Department of computer science, Purdue University, USA. http://www.cs.huji.ac.il/~josko/cad.html | |
15. The Hebrew University - The Computer Aided Design Laboratory - Public Relations Conference, SIAM, Nashville, 11(1997), submitted to International Journal of cad. Technical Report, Leibniz Center for Research in computer science, 8(1997 http://www.cs.huji.ac.il/labs/cad/public.html | |
16. Computer Schools List Computer Schools Reviews Computer Schools Rating Animation, Beginner, C/C++ Programming, cad, Classroom, computer Repair, computer science, Corporate Training, Databases, Desktop Applications, Elearning http://www.ezgoal.com/computerschools/ | |
17. Electrical Engineering And Computer Science - Faculty And Staff of computation, logic and topology in computer science, knowledge representation A. Papachristou Professor VLSI design and cad, computer architecture and http://www.eecs.cwru.edu/faculty_and_staff | |
18. Electrical Engineering And Computer Science - "Concentrations" Or "Specialty Are Engineering S CE = Systems and Control Engineering CE = computer Engineering CS = computer science. EECS 316 computer Design; EECS 318 VLSI/cad (Required for http://www.eecs.cwru.edu/undergraduate_programs/EECSTrack | |
19. Department Of Computer Science graduate studies and research projects in computer science are supported in areas such as computer communications, VLSI systems, VLSI cad, and artificial http://www.engineer.ucla.edu/faculty/computer/csintro.html | |
20. ETH Zürich / Computer Science / CAD Tools The cad Tools were written by Prof. N. Wirth, Stephan Gehring, Stefan Ludwig and Marco Sanvido. Projects. ETH Zürich Department of computer science Comments http://www.cs.inf.ethz.ch/projects/lola/ | |
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