Grow a Butterfly Garden Christine Dvornik Age: Preschool and up Time: An afternoon or more Type of activity: Nature Arts and Crafts Your kids will watch in wonder as flowers that they've planted become home to colorful butterflies. Materials needed: Flowering plants or flower seeds Clean, empty milk carton Scissors Gardening tools A small garden plot, a few large planters, or windowboxes What to do: Step One: Butterflies like flowers that are fragrant, have large petals or blossoms, and require bright sunlight. These types of plants give butterflies easy access to their food: nectar from the flowers. Which flowers are best? Try giant swallowtail, prickly ash, swallowtail ash, violets, pansy, pearl crescent, asters, milkweed, ageratum, beebalm, bougainvillea, calendula, coneflower, dahlia, daylily, geranium, hibiscus, marigold, milkweed, snapdragon, yellow sage, and zinnia. Step Two: Choose a location for your butterfly garden with good soil and plenty of direct sunlight. Step Three: Make sure the garden soil is moist, then begin to plant your plants or seeds (see seed packets for directions). Keep in mind that groups of flowers are easier for butterflies to migrate to, so plant your flowers in bunches. Step Four: Lay some flat stones on the ground near your flowers. Butterflies will perch on the stones and bask in the sun. | |