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         Bulimia:     more books (100)
  1. Monitoring Forms For Use With Bulimia Nervosa by Unknown, 2005
  2. How to Cope with Bulimia (Overcoming Common Problems) by Joan Gomez, 2003-06

141. Anna Y Mia
Define a la anorexia y bulimia como un estilo de vida. Informaci³n sobre dietas y explicaci³n del t©rmino Ana y Mia.

142. Archive Of Anti-anorexia/anti-bulimia
WELCOME TO THE INDEX OF THE Archive of ResistanceAntianorexia/anti-bulimia. 2.The History of the Archives of Resistance - Anti-anorexia/Anti-bulimia. folder/anti_anorexia_index.htm
Archive of Resistance:Anti-anorexia/anti-bulimia
Entry Conditions Home Bookshop Training ... Narrative Therapy Papers and Information This Site The Web Click on image for more resistance art Resource Description Audience Date Author(s) Fighting Words Introductory Essay General 21/Mar/00 David Epston with Rick Maisel The History of the Archives of Resistance - Anti-anorexia/Anti-bulimia Introductory Essay General/Professional 21/Mar/00 David Epston with Rick Maisel Letter of Apology to Jenny Letter from a therapist General 21/Mar/00 David Epston Conversation with Jenny and Ron Breaking the Spell General 21/Mar/00 David Epston Separating the Person From the Problem Introductory Essay General /Professional 21/Mar/00 David Epston Consultation-Gerald Insider Consultation General 21/Mar/00 Anti-Anorexic Parenting Parenting and Anti-anorexia Parents 21/Mar/00 Richard and Ann What is Anti-Anorexia?

143. Behandling Av ätstörningar Vid MHE Kliniken
Erbjudar behandling p¥ behandlingshem f¶r psykosomatiska sjukdomar. Specialiserat p¥ behandling av anorexia/bulimia nervosa och andra ¤tst¶rningar.

144. Anorexia Nervosa And Bulimia - Eating Disorders Information
BUPA eating disorder factsheet anorexia nervosa and bulimia are two common eatingdisorders, find out the causes, treatment and related health problems.
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BUPA services around the world at health information ABC of health Eating disorders - anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa What are eating disorders? Everyone needs food to survive. But for some people, food can become an overwhelming and destructive force that can completely dominate their thoughts, feelings and actions. People can be said to have eating disorders when their life revolves around food and they take extreme measures to control what they eat. Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are two common eating disorders, and affect women in particular. What is the difference between anorexia and bulimia? Anorexia is an illness that occurs mainly in teenage girls, although increasingly boys suffer from it too. People with anorexia are obsessed with being thin and are terrified of gaining weight. As a result, they starve themselves (especially avoiding high-calorie foods), and exercise obsessively until they become extremely thin and well below the normal weight for their age and height. Why do people get these eating disorders?

145. Eating Disorders -
Articles, discussions and links about eating disorders including anorexia, bulimia and compulsive overeating.

Eating Disorders
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146. Resource Library Find Information On Bulimia At MerckSource
Find information on bulimia at MerckSource. Learn more about bulimia,bulimia bulimia. Definition bulimia is an illness defined

147. Bulimia Nervosa, Anorexia. Help For Bulimia
A comprehensive website about bulimia run by a psychotherapist. Includes information on causes of bulimia, how to recover, how family and friends can help, chatrooms, and bulletin boards.
Beat Bulimia
About Me About Bulimia Intervention by
to a friend

Welcome to the Beat Bulimia website. I'm Judith Asner, M.S.W. I specialize in treating people suffering from eating disorders, especially bulimia nervosa. Bulimia (bulimia nervosa) is defined as periods of uncontrolled eating. The person eats anywhere up to 10,000 calories in a sitting. The binge eating is followed by purging behaviors, i.e., vomiting, laxatives, excessive exercise or sleep. Bulimia is not a pretty disease. It does not bring the admiration of peers, as starving does. Writer's have spoken about "the moral superiority" of anorexia nervosa. Being able to starve is an "art" because it involves self-control. One feels so morally superior! Society admires starving women. Not so with purging out-of-control women! There is no moral superiority in throwing up your food after stuffing yourself. But all-in-all, it is a way of avoiding feelings by focusing on food and thinness. Therefore, many people with this illness hide in shame. On the Beat Bulimia site, we'll be talking about the causes of bulimia, what you need to do to recover from bulimia, and how your family and friends can help. Our goal here is to bring bulimics out of hiding and form a virtual community where we can help each other.

148. Número 34
Bolet­n de la Asociaci³n riojana Asex³rate, con informaci³n sobre estas enfermedades.
la imagen del propio cuerpo
Anorexia Nerviosa
Bulimia Nerviosa
A su vez puede existir pensamiento y actitudes que impliquen :
.- no aceptarse como es
.- tomar el cuerpo como algo que se puede moldear a voluntad.
"Veamos que explico... Soy una joven que sufre bulimia, aunque antes pasé anorexia. En contra de lo que mucha gente piensa no me es ni pizca de agradable, no me es fácil y sobre todo, no es un capricho por estar delgada. Es una enfermedad. Sí es cierto que empiezas a lo tonto y luego no lo puedes parar" - Sola. Poca gente conoce realmente la enfermedad, y muy poca gente te comprende. - De no salir de esto, de que no me entiendan lo suficiente como para darme lo que necesito. Tengo miedo de verme sola. - No. son ahora dos problemas. Y ya estoy cansada. - Vivir. Orientadora Personal A.C.A.B.-RIOJA Tfno Horario: (Julio y Agosto)Martes y Jueves de 17.30 a 21.30 : Centro de Salud Espartero. Familias de enfermos afectados por Anorexia y Bulimia Nerviosa. Presidenta: Riojainternet Principal

149. Learning To Conquer Bulimia
Learning to conquer bulimia. Joan and Joan, a 21year-old college student,suffered from bulimia nervosa for two years. bulimia nervosa
Learning to conquer Bulimia
Joan and others like her live in a world shadowed by painful self-evaluation and life-threatening rituals of dieting.
NIKOLA M. ZYTKOW Collegian Editor's note: Names have been changed in this story to protect identities. Joan recalls sitting at the kitchen table at 3 a.m. rapidly eating a quart of Breyer's strawberry ice cream straight from the container. With tears streaming down her face, she ate faster and faster. "That was the lowest point in my life. I was no longer in control of myself. My life was dominated by food. On these binges, I ate past feeling full. I ate till I felt I couldn't breathe. I felt bloated and often suicidal," she said in an over-the-phone interview. Joan, a 21-year-old college student, suffered from bulimia nervosa for two years. Bulimia nervosa is characterized by "recurrent episodes of binge eating (eating in a discrete period of time, an amount of food that is definitely larger than most people would eat during a similar period of time and under similar circumstances,)" according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV-Revised. The episodes are accompanied by a feeling of lack of control over eating behavior and then self-induced vomiting, use of laxatives or diuretics, according to the DSM-IV-R.

150. IRIS
L'associazione di volontariato per la lotta contro l'anoressia e la bulimia presenta le attivit  ed i servizi offerti, informa sui programmi di cura, sui corsi di formazione per medici e psicoterapeuti e sulle iniziative di sostegno ai genitori. Metodologie d'intervento e link utili.

151. Eating Disorders: Coping With Bulimia
COPING WITH bulimia. Diana K. Weiss, Ph.D. Melissa was a happening toher . bulimia Nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by

Seeking the assistance of a therapist can be a difficult process ...
Diana K. Weiss, Ph.D.
Melissa was a bright, attractive, popular teenager with everything going for her. People didn't know she secretly ate huge amounts of food, and vomited it wherever she could: the toilet at home or friend's houses; the garbage disposal; paper bags she would throw out of her car; and even bathrooms in all-you-can-eat restaurants. Her heart dropped when her boyfriend told her that he knew she was overeating and vomiting. He insisted she see a psychologist on campus immediately. She reluctantly agreed, and soon began to understand what was happening to her....
Bulimia Nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by:
  • Recurrent binge eating (eating a much larger amount of food than most individuals would eat under similar circumstances);
  • Recurrent purging behavior (self-induced vomiting, misuse of laxatives, diuretics, enemas, fasting, and/or excessive exercise);
  • Bingeing and purging behavior both occur at least twice a week for 3 months;

152. Bulemia
bulimia nervosa has been identified primarily in men and women in their teensand 20s, with about 90% women and 10% men (the same as for anorexia).
Definition, Signs And Symptoms Treatment
The Course Of Bulemia Definition, Signs, Symptoms: Bulemia is a disorder in which the person has recurrent episodes of binge-eating and acts to prevent weight gain by self-induced vomiting or other compensatory behaviors. Bulemia is a combination of binge-eating... i.e. eating, with a sense of lack of control, in a single time period, an amount of food that is definitely larger than most people would eat during a similar time period... and recurrent inappropriate compensatory behavior, in order to prevent weight gain. After a binge, someone who's ill with bulemia may make him/herself ill, abuses laxatives or diuretics, fast, or exercise excessively. The binge eating and inappropriate compensatory behaviors both occur at least twice a week for 3 months. Note that 'fasting' includes going without food for longer than the usual time between meals or snacks, ignoring hunger signals; that is, 'fasting' does not refer only to the more extreme practice of going days without food. Fasting between daily episodes of binge eating is probably the most common compensatory behavior used by bulimics. And please note also that although many people loosely self-define a "binge" as eating any food or quantity of food that does not conform to their personal diet ruleseating a muffin at coffee break, for example, when they had promised themselves never to eat at coffee break, this is *not* the clinical definition of a binge.

153. RAiN On ME::..
Enfocada en la bulimia, diario personal de actividades y enlaces.
rAiN On mE::.. rAiN On mE::..
QUiEn sOy yO...

MY DIARY:::....

DuDaS ?CoMeNtArIoS? SugErEnCiAs?...

154. Eating Disorders: Bulimia/Anorexia And Compulsive Overeating: When Family And Fr

Seeking the assistance of a therapist can be a difficult process ...
by Joanna Poppink, M.F.C.C
Often a person with an eating disorder covers her pain so well that even when she tells the truth about her suffering, people don't believe her. They think she is exaggerating, overreacting, in a mood that will pass, etc. She can look so good or so happy that people who love her and think they know her well, cannot get past what they wish to see and hear. They can also be too afraid to believe that her expressions of pain might actually be true. So, if that eating disorder person is you, you are in a situation where there may be many well meaning people in your life, but none who take your anguish seriously. Perhaps they feel helpless because they don't know how to help. They wish and try to believe that whatever is bothering you would just go away. Nobody likes to feel helpless in a painful and bewildering situation, especially when it concerns someone they love. But as you well know, recurrent bouts of anxiety are not something you can make go away through an act of will. Anxiety like yours is often a signal that something needs to be dealt with. It's what usually sends people looking for relief and then real help. Attempts to find relief take many forms such as starving, overeating, drinking, using drugs, overplaying, overTV viewing, overflirting, overdating i.e. doing anything to excess in order to block out thoughts and feelings.

155. Susan Quinn, MA, MFT - Hypnotherapy And Psychotherapy
Uses hypnosis and EMDR to help people make changes faster than traditional therapy. Treats anorexia, bulimia, fears, PTSD, and depression.
Medical Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, and Psychotherapy in Los Angeles
"Therapy is like holding up a mirror in which a client can see themselves. I relate more deeply to my clients the more I see myself in them: my pain, my struggles, my courage...and I always do, because we are more alike than we are different. The empathy of sharing this experience in the process of therapy; of being so very human together; therapist and is from this 'place' that healing and change occur."
By: Susan Quinn
Susan Quinn is a licensed psychotherapist in private practice in Los Angeles, CA (West Side) since 1987.
Her address is 11911 San Vicente Bl. Suite 280,Los Angeles, 90049.
Please use the links provided for more specific information on services, information about Susan Quinn and how to contact her regarding services.
Call Susan Quinn, MFT at (310) 600 3458, for a free initial phone consultation or email her at

156. NOVA Online | Dying To Be Thin
Companion web site to the NOVA program broadcast on December 12, 2000. Examines debilitating and sometimes lifethreatening eating disorders, particularly anorexia and bulimia. Includes personal stories sent in by readers.
Welcome to the companion Web site to "Dying to be Thin," originally broadcast on December 12, 2000. The film examines a disturbing increase in the prevalence of debilitating and sometimes life-threatening eating disorders, particularly anorexia and bulimia. Here's what you'll find online:
  • Watch the Program Here
    If you missed "Dying to be Thin" on television, you can watch it in its entirety here.
  • Ask the Experts
    Two experts on eating disorders answer selected questions e-mailed by viewers in December, 2000: Dr. Craig Johnson, director of the Eating Disorders Program at Laureate Psychiatric Hospital, and Kate Dillon, a plus-size model and recovered anorexic.
  • Share Your Story
    Learn from the stories of dozens of sufferers of eating disorders who chose to share their experiences on this web site.
  • One Man's Battle
    In a refreshingly honest disclosure drawn from the book Making Weight, co-author Dr. Thomas Holbrook, a specialist in eating disorders among men, reflects on his own distressing slide into anorexia, and his ultimate recovery.
  • Minority Women: The Untold Story
    Long considered primarily afflictions of young white women, anorexia and other eating disorders are on the rise among African-Americans, Hispanics, and other minority groups.

157. Cultural Bulimia | Beagles, Beech | Variant 16
Cultural bulimia John Beagles Dave Beech Famously, Raymond Williams arguedthat culture is one of the most complicated words in the English language.
Variant issue16 back to issue list Cultural Bulimia
Famously, Raymond Williams argued that culture is one of the most complicated words in the English language. It would be reasonable to assume that its complications are accretions, i.e. that an original and simple word, meaning, say, to grow, has been stretched, morphed and twisted around to the loss of any core reference it once possessed. Anyone harbouring suspicion of the academic world could no doubt explain this by wagging a finger at meddling academics prone to too much intellectual monkey business.
Yet they would be wrong as, according to Williams, from the beginning the word had a range of meanings. Colonies, cults and cultivation were there at the outset, like a chain linking habitation, worship and natural growth. To paraphrase Williams, culture may be ordinary but it has also always existed in a state of flux. What gives contemporary complications of the word culture their special quality is that they are flavoured with all sorts of contestation, rivalry, dispute and fissure, which have effects and consequences beyond the confines of academia.
The culture which has no name
If the substitution of the term popular culture for its predecessors had done away with conservative and radical anxieties about it, then popular culture would possibly be no more than an anthropological term referring to an heterogeneous field of cultural and economic activity. Instead, it is one of the most contested and misconstrued pieces of jargon of the 20th and 21st Century.

158. Bulimia In Athletes
bulimia In Athletes. I am your bulimia, which is more common than anorexia,describes a cycle of bingeing and purging. bulimia can begin
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Bulimia In Athletes
From Elizabeth Quinn
Your Guide to Sports Medicine
Sign up for my Newsletter Bulimia, which is more common than anorexia Some health complications of bulimia include:
  • Signs and symptoms of bulimia include:
  • appropriate help
  • 159. Bulimia Y Anorexia, Juntos Podemos
    Grupo de autoayuda.
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    160. Girls & Women Text
    bulimia Nervosa. Eating disorder specialists believe that the chancefor recovery increases the earlier bulimia nervosa is detected.

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