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         Bulimia:     more books (100)
  1. Breaking Free from Anorexia and Bulimia (Breaking Free Series) by Linda Mintle, 2002-11
  2. Anorexia Nervosa And Bulimia Nervosa: New Research
  3. Dying to Be Thin: Understanding and Defeating Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia--A Practical, Lifesaving Guide by Ira M. Sacker, Marc A. Zimmer, 1987-08-01
  4. Pain Behind the Smile: My Battle With Bulimia by Leah Hulan, 1995-02
  5. Cinderella in the Attic: Bulimia Nervosa, Manic Depression, and the Life Lived in Between by Paula Henke, 2006-11-06
  6. The Psychology of Bulimia Nervosa: A Cognitive Perspective by Myra Cooper, 2003-07-03
  7. The Monster Within: Overcoming Bulimia by Cynthia Rowland, 1985-01
  8. When the Mirror Lies: Anorexia, Bulimia, And Other Eating Disorders by Tamra B. Orr, 2007-03
  9. Leaving Food Behind: An Inspiring Personal Story of Recovery from Bulimia, Starving, Overeating by Sheila Mather, 1999-02
  10. Theory And Treatment Of Anorexianervosa And Bulimia: Biomedical Sociocultural & Psychological Perspectives by Steven Emmett, 1985-05-01
  11. Take Charge of Your Child's Eating Disorder: A Physician's Step-by-Step Guide to Defeating Anorexia and Bulimia by Pamela Carlton, Deborah Ashin, 2006-12-11
  12. Bulimia Nervosa and Binge-Eating: A Guide to Recovery (Overcoming) by Peter Cooper, 1995-04-01
  13. Psychodynamic Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia
  14. Anorexia Nervosa And Bulimia by Marilyn Duker, 2002-12-27

21. Bulimia Nervosa - The Something Fishy Website On Eating Disorders
Translate this page Everything you need to know about Eating Disorders Anorexia, bulimiaand Compulsive Overeating. Definitions bulimia Nerviosa El
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IN ENGLISH ED or Diet? Anorexia Bulimia Compulsive Eating Binge Eating ED-NOS Others ... Books :: S I T E N A V I G A T I O N :: LATEST NEWS THIS CHILD IN LOVING MEMORY WHAT ARE EDs ... who we are , and thank you's . To get authorization for reproduction, in part or in whole, for print or electronic media, you must get permission.

22. Anorexia Y Bulimia
Informaci³n sobre c³mo reconocer la enfermedad en uno mismo o en otras personas, foros de participaci³n y ayuda, enlaces y contactos.
Trucos contra los atracones Persona predispuesta A los padres Centros ... Publica tu testimonio aquí
Trastornos alimentarios
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A los padres

Desde fines del siglo XX, en una sociedad que sobredimensiona la estética corporal, el binomio "anorexia nerviosa-bulimia" ha adquirido una expansión alarmante, considerándose una verdadera "epidemia social".
Ambas afecciones se han constituído en los trastornos alimentarios más frecuentes y temibles de esta última década, con un común denominador claro y preciso: la búsqueda desenfrenada de la delgadez como medio para alcanzar el éxito y la aceptación social.
Hay que considerar que el actual modelo de cuerpo ideal es inaccesible para la gran mayoría de las mujeres e incompatible con una buena salud.
Una dieta aparentemente "inocente" puede hacer ingresar a la persona predispuesta en la peligrosa pendiente de la anorexia nerviosa. Cuanto más tiempo transcurre, más difícil es detenerse, con mayor probabilidad de que queden secuelas irreversibles. compartimos

Testimonios El peso justo
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23. Home Page
Napoli Propone attivit  di prevenzione ed il trattamento di disturbi psichici delle donne e degli adolescenti, come ansia, attacchi di panico, fobie, depressione, anoressia e bulimia; corsi di aggiornamento e di formazione degli operatori sanitari.
Servizio Sanitario Italiano Regione Campania "Azienda Sanitaria Locale Napoli 1" PREVENZIONE SALUTE MENTALE DONNA Responsabile dr. Elvira Reale Centro Studi, Ricerca e Formazione "Prevenzione Salute Mentale Donna" Azienda Sanitaria Locale Napoli 1 Direzione: prof. A. Montemarano Servizio di Psicologia clinica e psicoterapia per la donna e l'adolescente via Pia, 25 - 80126 Napoli tel. +39-081-2548410 - Fax +39-081-7283990 e-mail:
Entra nel sito con le tue domande e le tue esperienze

In evidenza Presso le Libre llo Stato è reperibile la " GUIDA ALLA SALUTE DELLE DONNE" Presentazione a Napoli il 20 maggio 2004 LA MENTE, IL CUORE, LE BRACCIA, E... GUIDA ALLA SALUTE DELLE DONNE esso le ribile la " UNA SALUTE A MISURA DI DONNA" UNA SALUTE A MISURA DI DONNA: ATTI DEL GRUPPO DI LAVORO MDS Bacheca
Firma il libro degli ospiti
Tutti i diritti sono riservati. Per motivi scientifici e didattici è possibile riprodurre il materiale a condizione di citarne la fonte.

24. Hoja Informativa: Bulimia Nervosa
Translate this page Hoja informativa bulimia nervosa. Para posibilitar una recuperación completa, unapersona con bulimia debe Participar activamente en el plan de tratamiento.
Hoja informativa: Bulimia nervosa
  • Participar activamente en el plan de tratamiento.
  • Mantener el peso independientemente dentro de 5 libras del peso proyectado asignado.
  • Funcionar independientemente en las actividades cotidianas.
  • Asistir regularmente a la psicoterapia individual, de grupo y/o familiar.
  • Demostrar aptitudes eficaces para hacerle frente a las cosas.
  • Pedir ayuda cuando sea necesario.
  • Hay una variedad de recursos disponibles en la comunidad para la ayuda con bulimia. Su enfermera puede proporcionarle una lista de estos recursos. The New York Hospital (El Hospital de Nueva York)
    Westchester Division
    Department of Psychiatry
    21 Bloomingdale Road
    White Plains, NY 10605 Renuncia equipo de NOAH. Desafortunadamente, NOAH no tiene la capacidad de responder preguntas personales relacionadas con la salud ; sin embargo, por favor vea nuestros . Si usted tiene alguna inquietud o pregunta de índole técnica, por favor visite nuestra página de comentarios.
  • 25. Bulimia, Anorexia, Eating Disorder Information -
    Free Catalogue, Help for Anorexia, bulimia, and Eating Disorders. Also.. . SelfHelp Books, Free Information, Articles, Treatment
    Welcome to
    help for bulimia, anorexia, and binge eating disorder specializes in information about eating disorders including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating, plus related topics such as body image and obesity. We offer books at discounted prices, many free articles about eating disorders, newsletters, links to treatment facilities, organizations, other websites, and much more.
    Save 20% on these books and many more of our 330 titles on eating disorders. . . For Kids! 0% OFF!

    Authors: J. Andrew Mills and Rebecca Osborn
    Illustrated by Erica Neitz
    The first children's book that promotes positive body image by depicting shape and color diversity! For ages 3 to 8. Read more

    26. ICD-10-GM Version 2004
    Sowohl die Anorexia wie auch die bulimia nervosa, Essattacken und Pica sind in der ICD10 im Kapitel 5 Psychische und Verhaltensst¶rungen aufgef¼hrt (F-Klassifikation). f50

    27. Bulimia Nervosa, Anorexia. Help For Bulimia
    bulimia Nervosa. Help For bulimia binge eating, then purging. Judith Asner hashelped thousands of people with bulimia. Welcome to the Beat bulimia website.
    Beat Bulimia
    About Me About Bulimia Intervention by
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    Welcome to the Beat Bulimia website. I'm Judith Asner, M.S.W. I specialize in treating people suffering from eating disorders, especially bulimia nervosa. Bulimia (bulimia nervosa) is defined as periods of uncontrolled eating. The person eats anywhere up to 10,000 calories in a sitting. The binge eating is followed by purging behaviors, i.e., vomiting, laxatives, excessive exercise or sleep. Bulimia is not a pretty disease. It does not bring the admiration of peers, as starving does. Writer's have spoken about "the moral superiority" of anorexia nervosa. Being able to starve is an "art" because it involves self-control. One feels so morally superior! Society admires starving women. Not so with purging out-of-control women! There is no moral superiority in throwing up your food after stuffing yourself. But all-in-all, it is a way of avoiding feelings by focusing on food and thinness. Therefore, many people with this illness hide in shame. On the Beat Bulimia site, we'll be talking about the causes of bulimia, what you need to do to recover from bulimia, and how your family and friends can help. Our goal here is to bring bulimics out of hiding and form a virtual community where we can help each other.

    28. Eating Disorders (Anorexia, Bulimia, Compulsive Overeating) Community
    Eating disorders site covering anorexia, bulimia, compulsive overeating.Eating Disorders chat rooms, journals, support groups.
    Beat Bulimia Concerned Counseling
    Eating Disorders Site
    Peace, Love and Hope ... Triumphant Journey
    Healthyplace Radio
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    Personality Disorders Self Injury ... to a friend Needing support, information and friendship? Sign up below for the "Eating Disorders Community" mailing list. Your name: Your email:
    Welcome Home
    From Our Eating Disorders Forum Do I Have a Problem? lost_in_texas wrote: For the past year or so when I feel I have ate too much I purge (I think that's the word for it) afterwards, sometimes, I don't even have to make myself do it. I will just start to gag. My friend caught me and said that he was going to get me help. I don't think there is anything wrong with me. Please continue reading and write to me here click here now Beat Bulimia Intervention: Does Someone You Know Have Bulimia? If you think someone you know may be suffering from bulimia, answer the following questions as honestly as you can.

    29. Eating Disorders - Anorexia Bulimia Compulsive Overeating - The Something Fishy
    Eating Disorders Everything you need to know Anorexia, bulimia and Compulsive Overeating. Definitions, signs and symptoms, physical dangers, online support and so much more. Quick Links Eating Disorders. Anorexia. bulimia. Overeating. Binge Eating
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    Why are you visiting Something Fishy today? I Have an ED I am in Recovery I am Recovered Loved-one has an ED Not sure if I have an ED I'm a Medical Prof. Research and Info I Stumbled In Other view results Eating Disorders FREE SFWED Newsletter YOUR NAME YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS ex: Stop Annoying Diet-Ad Pop-Ups Press Release: We do NOT supply or display any type of diet-ad advertising. If you are seeing annoying pop-ups ads while visiting any of the Something Fishy Websites, click here We are a PRO-Recovery Website Press Release: Media attention and websites that promote Eating Disorders as a "lifestyle" or "diet" Ephedra ban takes effect nationwide Upcoming Chats RADER RECOVERY CHAT Monthly Chat (twice a month) for FAQ's about anorexia, bulimia, and treatment options. Specific topics featured each month. Hosted by Jennifer of the Rader Programs. Tuesday, June 1st - 9:00pm ET (6:00pm PT)

    30. Campaigns - Changing Minds - The Royal College Of Psychiatrists
    The Royal College of Psychiatrists Charity Registration Number 228636
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    Anorexia and bulimia THIS BOOKLET HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO MAKE YOU THINK TWICE ABOUT HOW YOU VIEW PEOPLE WHO SUFFER FROM ANOREXIA AND BULIMIA The campaign to increase the understanding of mental health problems and reduce their [stigma] and discrimination. They say size isn't important. But when does a girl become a woman? Is it when she is seventeen? Or when she has her first kiss? No, it is when she no longer looks like a girl. But that isn't all of it. A woman is woman-sized. She is also mature, responsible, motherly, caring, supportive, submissive, strong, reliable, successful, sensual, compassionate, kind, sensible and … that is a bit much when you are forty let alone fourteen. No wonder it takes time to grow into and come to terms with the shape that nature has given you

    31. Salud:un Fenomeno Peligroso
    Informe que trata acerca de los sitios que alientan la bulimia y anorexia y t©cnicas para ocultar la enfermedad. Explica el porqu© es inºtil prohibirlos.
    La bulimia y la anorexia, alentadas en sitios Web
    Los frecuentan jóvenes que buscan mejores técnicas para ocultar su enfermedad. Los médicos opinan que son "guías para suicidas". Pero advierten que es inútil prohibirlos.
    L laman "Inspiración para flacas" a los consejos que comparten. Y eligen sobrenombres que reflejan su obsesión: "Quiero ser perfecta" o "Diosa anoréxica". Los jóvenes que sufren de bulimia y anorexia, y que no buscan curarse sino descubrir mejores técnicas para ocultar su enfermedad , ya encontraron un polémico refugio en Internet.
    Una investigación del New York Times reveló que la Red tiene innumerables sitios Web que promueven la bulimia y la anorexia, autodenominados "pro-ana" y "pro-mia", o pro-anorexia y pro-bulimia. El debate en los Estados Unidos gira acerca de la conveniencia y la posibilidad de retirarlos del ciberespacio
    El año pasado hubo campañas —de las que participaron profesionales de la salud y también algunos servidores importantes como Yahoo y MSN— para que estos portales desaparecieran de Internet. Actualmente es posible encontrarlos en otros servidores.

    32. Bulimia - Womens Health: Health And Medical Information Concerning Womens Health
    What is bulimia? bulimia, also called bulimia nervosa, is a disorderin the eating disorder spectrum. bulimia is characterized by
    MedicineNet Home Women's Health Home > Bulimia Advanced Search
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    What is bulimia?
    Bulimia, also called bulimia nervosa, is a disorder in the eating disorder spectrum. Bulimia is characterized by episodes of secretive excessive eating (bingeing) followed by inappropriate methods of weight control, such as self-induced vomiting (purging), abuse of laxatives and diuretics, or excessive exercise. Like anorexia , bulimia is a psychological disorder. It is another condition that goes beyond out-of-control dieting. The cycle of overeating and purging can quickly become an obsession similar to an addiction to drugs or other substances. The disorder generally occurs after a variety of unsuccessful attempts at dieting. Bulimia is not as obvious as anorexia, but is actually more common. It affects at least 3% to 10% of adolescent and college- age women in the United States. Approximately 10% of identified bulimic patients are men. Bulimics are also susceptible to other compulsions, affective disorders, or addictions. Unlike anorexics, bulimics experience significant weight fluctuations, but their weight loss is usually not as severe or obvious as anorexics. The long-term prognosis for bulimics is slightly better than for anorexics, and the recovery rate is felt to be higher. However, many bulimics continue to retain slightly abnormal eating and dieting behaviors even after the recovery period. For further information on anorexia, please read the

    33. Firegal. My Life
    A newly constructed site by a struggling anorexic choosing not to go into recovery. Includes information on anorexia and bulimia and pictures.

    34. Medicine-Worldwide: Bulimia Nervosa (Bulimie)
    Translate this page bulimia nervosa (Bulimie). Seite 1 2 vor.
    Sie befinden sich hier: startseite krankheiten Psychische Krankheiten A ... Über uns
    Bulimia nervosa (Bulimie)
    Seite: vor Kapitelübersicht: Zusammenfassung Allgemeines Ursachen Symptome ... Ratgeber
    Die Bezeichnung "Bulimia nervosa", kurz auch Bulimie genannt, bedeutet sinngemäß "Ochsenhunger" (der Anhang "nervosa" deutet auf psychische Ursachen hin) und steht für ein Krankheitsbild, das in der Umgangssprache häufig "Ess-Brech-" oder "Fress-Kotz-Sucht" genannt wird. Neben der Anorexia nervosa
    Gesellschaftlich vorgegebenes Schlankheitsideal Lernerfahrungen Die Erfahrungen, die schon früh im Umgang mit Nahrungsmitteln gemacht wurden, können bei der Entstehung von Bulimie eine entscheidende Rolle spielen. So ist es z.B. denkbar, dass ein Kind, das immer wenn es traurig war mit Schokolade getröstet wurde, auch später auf gedrückte Stimmung damit reagiert, sich etwas zu gönnen; insbesondere dann, wenn keine anderen Arten der Problembewältigung gelernt wurden. Es kann ein Problem dadurch entstehen, dass die Nahrungsaufnahme von dem eigentlichen körperlichen Bedürfnis losgelöst ist (beispielsweise, weil ein Kind gelernt hat zu essen, "was auf den Tisch kommt", unabhängig davon, ob es Hunger hat) und so das normale Hunger- und Sättigungsgefühl verlernt wird. Biologische Faktoren Belohnende Konsequenzen des Erbrechens
    Seite: vor Kapitelübersicht:

    35. Hetsätning, Bulimia Nervosa
    Om symptom, framtidsutsikter och behandling.

    36. Tuotromedico: Bulimia
    Translate this page La bulimia es una enfermedad de causas diversas (psicológicas y somáticas), queproduce desarreglos en la ingesta de alimentos con periodos de compulsión
  • Ansiedad o compulsión para comer
  • Vómitos
  • Seguimiento de dietas diversas
  • Deshidratación
  • Alteraciones menstruales
  • Aumento y bajadas de peso bruscas
  • Aumento de caries dentales TRATAMIENTO El tratamiento de bulimia generalmente consiste en:
  • Psicoterapia individual, de grupo y/o familiar.
  • Orientación nutricional. Voluntariedad en llevar una pauta de tratamiento Disciplina en las dietas, y con las hospitalizaciones si son necesarias Control de peso en los objetivos proyectados Hacer una vida social normal Regularidad en las consultas individuales o familiares Fortalecer la personalidad. Confianza en el entorno familiar Confianza con su terapeuta VER TAMBIÉN Asegúrese de conocer las limitaciones de este servicio antes de utilizarlo Información mantenida por Pulsomed y patrocinado por Sanitas
    Última actualización: Mayo 2004
  • 37.
    Novel (set in the music industry) about one woman's healing from anorexia and bulimia.
    An old message, a new messenger...

    38. Counseling Center - What Is Bulimia?
    WHAT IS bulimia? bulimia is binge eating followed by selfinduced vomitingand/or abuse of laxatives. Binge weight. WARNING SIGNS OF bulimia.

    39. A C A B Rioja [ Asociación Contra La Anorexia Y La Bulimia De La Rioja ], ACAB
    Historia, objetivos, actividades y congresos de esta asociaci³n que lucha contra los trastornos de la alimentaci³n.

    40. Trastornos Alimenticios
    Informaci³n recopilada por una enferma chilena de anorexia. bulimia, anorexia, trastornos alimenticios no espec­ficos, signos de alarma y las experiencias personales de la autora.
    var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded"
    Hola este es mi primer web site, espero que les guste y les sirva. Mi idea es darles a conocer mi historia sobre la experiencia que he tenido al vivir con un trastorno alimenticio. También voy a tratar de poner ideas para ayudarlos. Aquí van a encontrar muchos links a otros sitios, especialmente sitios de trastornos alimenticios con mucha información también. Aunque la mayoría están en inglés. Es por esto que decidí hacer una página web en español, ya que no hay mucha información sobre éstos, especialmente en Chile.También van a encontrar fotos, la historia de mi vida y mucho más!!! ENTRAR

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