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21. Brazil Indigenous People Indians Survival International ngo; publishing and advocacy; brazilian page; UnitedNations Commission on Human Rights indigenous peoples page, working groups http://www.brazilink.org/nativepeople.html | |
22. Brazilian Indian Music & Books: The Indigenous Peoples Of Brazil Techno Forro Funk/Soul Historic indigenous International JazzMeetsBrazil BrazilianIndian Music CDs Books. The Amazon Pantanal indigenous peoples of Brazil. http://www.thebraziliansound.com/indian.htm | |
23. 05/30/01 -- Brazil's Indigenous People Resist Large River Modifications for the Pascoal Mount and the Bananal Island, the brazilian Institute for the rightof usufruct and permanent possession of the land by indigenous peoples. . http://forests.org/archive/brazil/brinpeop.htm | |
24. RF-US Kids Page-Rainforests And Indigenous People the entire brazilian Amazon, and host a high degree of preservation, in additionto a social and cultural diversity represented by the indigenous peoples who http://www.rainforestfoundation.org/1indigenouspeople.html | |
25. Indigenous Peoples AIDS is not uniformly spread among the brazilian population who have sex with men,the indigenous populations, drug injecting drug users) and people living with http://www.unaids.org/en/in focus/topic areas/indigenous peoples.asp |
26. OneWorld News Service - Indigenous Peoples ENVIRONMENT/indigenous peoples Strong Winds Stoke Fires in brazilian YanomamiReserve. brazilian rainforests and indigenous peoples again under threat http://www.oneworld.org/news/world/indigenous.html | |
27. Brazil: Tupinikim And Guarani Indigenous Peoples Vs Aracruz Cellulose Since 1934 the brazilian Constitution guarantees the rights of indigenous peoplesto the possesion of their traditional lands, which cannot even be handed over http://www.wrm.org.uy/bulletin/1/Brazil.html | |
28. Brazil: The Struggle Of The Pataxó Indigenous Peoples In Bahia During the period, the brazilian Environment Institute (IBAMA) triedby all means to remove the indigenous people from the Park. http://www.wrm.org.uy/bulletin/41/Brazil.html | |
29. MM March 1996 By rewriting the law, the brazilian government is making it possible for and pristineareas that have long been the sacred homeland of indigenous peoples. http://multinationalmonitor.org/hyper/mm0396.03.html | |
30. New Page 1 beliefs, traditions and grants to the indigenous peoples the original rights tothe lands they traditionally occupy. brazilian indigenous lands cover 947,011 http://www.un.int/brazil/speech/02d-mlrv-57agnu-indigenas-2110.htm | |
31. New Page 1 My delegation has repeatedly reaffirmed the brazilian GovernmentÂs commitment tothe promotion of the rights of indigenous peoples, which in Brazil amount to http://www.un.int/brazil/speech/01d-del-56agnu-indigenous-peoples-2910.htm | |
32. Indigenous Peoples & 3W For indigenous, they can bring utter devastation. In 1960, the developmentalist brazilian government bulldozed homeland of the Nambiquara people, allowing an http://www.thirdway.org/files/world/all3wnow.html | |
33. Amazonia a day of defeat, a day reflecting the way in which the brazilian government treatsits people, particularly the original inhabitants the indigenous peoples. http://www.amazonia.net/Articles/393.htm | |
34. Amazonia In spite of this, the brazilian indigenous National Fund (FUNAI), instead of protectingthe indigenous peoples rights as it is mandated to- is now trying to http://www.amazonia.net/Articles/344.htm | |
35. Klima-Bündnis - Alianza Del Clima E.V., Climate Alliance, Brazilian Policies On KlimaBündnis - Alianza del Clima, Climate Alliance brazilian policies onindigenous peoples, Resolution. brazilian policies on indigenous peoples. http://www.klimabuendnis.org/english/association/5521962e.htm | |
36. BRAZILIAN RAINFORESTS In 1988, in its new democratic constitution, the brazilian state finallyagreed to recognize the rights of its indigenous peoples. http://www.lightparty.com/Economic/BrazilianRainforest.html | |
37. Brazil Indigenous The future of indigenous peoples in Brazil is still uncertain. The following isa list of brazilian contemporary indigenous peoples, in alphabetical order. http://edtech.tennessee.edu/itc/grants/twt2000/modules/mferrei1/brazil indigenou | |
38. Witness Statement - Fiona Watson displacement if indigenous peoples from their lands, to which they have originaland inalienable rights as enshrined in the brazilian Constitution (article 231 http://www.mcspotlight.org/people/witnesses/environment/watson_fiona.html | |
39. Health Needs Of Indigenous People Stressed At Permanent Forum Brazil. The brazilian constitution recognized indigenous peoples, andtraditional indigenous lands had been set aside for them. The http://www.un.org/rights/indigenous/may16.htm | |
40. CTI - Centre Of Service For The Indigenous Peoples Starting in 1981, some legal actions of CTI on behalf of the rights of indigenouspeople in Brazil made legal history and became part of brazilian legislation. http://www.trabalhoindigenista.org.br/eng/ctiinfo.asp | |
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