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81. The Massacre Of The Branch Davidians ( In Parts ) The Committee for (waco) Justice believes that and Firearms drove the branch Davidianreligious group to its refusal to acknowledge branch Davidian attempts to http://oldster.future.easyspace.com/Waco07.html | |
82. Waco econ.sscnet.ucla.edu Keywords topical, original, chuckle, religion. Q How is Wacolike a Snickers bar Carmel on Monday, the branch davidians will be holding a http://http.cs.berkeley.edu/~lorch/humor/waco.html | |
83. Wright, Stuart A.: Armageddon In Waco of Separation The Balance between Religious Freedom and H. Williams 14 The WacoTragedy Constitutional Dean M. Kelley Appendix branch davidians Who Died http://www.press.uchicago.edu/cgi-bin/hfs.cgi/00/12926.ctl | |
84. KWTX | Anniversary Of Branch Davidian Siege Staff Reports. Feburary 28th marks the date when federal agents attempting to servewarrants on the branch Davidian religious cult just outside (waco) were met http://www.kwtx.com/home/headlines/621436.html | |
85. CULTS AND NEW RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS do cults begin? ÂWhat is their cultural and religious significance? ÂWhy shownin the cases of Jonestown, the branch davidians of (waco), Texas, and http://www.stfx.ca/people/aahern/CULTS AND NEW RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS.html | |
86. Waco And The Branch Davidians International Coalition for Religious Freedom. Why (waco)? Judas, Masada, and the Massacreof the branch davidians of (waco), Texas Exercises in the Projection of http://persweb.wabash.edu/facstaff/royaltyr/waco.html | |
87. NewsHole Stan s Mom was married to the leader of the branch davidians prior to David Koresh. cultleader, and they lived on a commune the east of (waco), Texas. http://www.holecity.com/asp/tvhole.asp?issue=129&sec=7&hole=1 |
88. Anticultists Influence In The Waco Tragedy community had targeted the branch davidians for attention Nancy Ammerman comparedWaco and Jonestown There too, an exceptionally volatile religious group was http://bernie.cncfamily.com/waco3b.htm | |
89. New Religious Movements (waco), Federal Law Enforcement, and Scholars of Religion* Reprinted from ARMAGEDDONIN (waco) (Buy it and Treasury Departments on the branch davidians in (waco) http://hirr.hartsem.edu/org/faith_new_religious_movements.html |
90. Remember Waco REMEMBER (waco). 04191993. Nine years ago an event changed my political direction. April 19, 1993. A group of religous freaks burned themselves to death during a mass suicide in (waco), Texas. Or so http://www.dekalbcity.com/waco/waco.html |
91. Armageddon In Waco: Critical Perspectives On The Branch Davidian Conflict Keywords book review, conspiracy, psychology, religion, (waco) branch DavidianDisaster, Texas, 1993, religious cults 1960, United States. http://www.weyrich.com/book_reviews/armageddon_waco.html | |
92. Armageddon In Waco: Critical Perspectives On The Branch Davidian Conflict Keywords book review, conspiracy, psychology, religion, (waco) branch DavidianDisaster, Texas, 1993, religious cults 1960, United States. http://www.weyrich.com/book_reviews/armageddon_waco_perspectives.html | |
93. Detailed Record Primary Language English  Document Type Book  Subject (waco) branch DavidianDisaster, Tex., 1993., Psychology, Religious., Cults, Psychology., United http://worldcatlibraries.org/wcpa/ow/2c7b674336a343bca19afeb4da09e526.html | |
94. Branch Davidian WACO Jokes Books The branch Davidian guide to putting out fires The FBI/BATF guide to successfulnegotiations with religious cults and fanatics The original (waco) acronym http://www.runningpage.com/drears/humor/waco.html | |
95. Frontline: Apocalypse!: Apocalypticism Explained: America's Doomsday Cults he went back to Texas, and he rejoined his branch Davidian community outside ofWaco. And all the davidians report, even to this day, that he was http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/apocalypse/explanation/cults.html | |
96. Religious Cults In Twentieth Century America so much the existence of the branch davidians themselves (they The events at Wacoperhaps teach us as American society with respect to religious minorities as http://www.americansc.org.uk/Online/cults.htm | |
97. Branch Davidian Conflagration Muslim men 72 virgins in paradise if they died as religious martyrs was beyond thefederal agents waiting outside the branch Davidian compound in (waco). http://www.ronaldbrucemeyer.com/rants/0419almanac.htm | |
98. Breaking Issue: Waco An Investigation; and Armageddon in (waco) Critical Perspectives on the branch DavidianConflict; and Why (waco)? Cults and the Battle for Religious Freedom in http://reason.com/bi/biwaco.html | |
99. The Committee For Waco Justice ATF chief vows to keep an eye on religious cults, John Magaw (waco) was not the first statement The raid by ATF agents on the branch Davidian compound resulted http://www.boogieonline.com/revolution/firearms/enforce/waco/cwj.html | |
100. The Marcolian acted as a liaison for federal officials in interviewing former members of the BranchDavidian cult in (waco). He has studied the Davidian movement since 1988 http://www.marietta.edu/~marc/00SP/2-3/front/5.html | |
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