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Brain & Nervous Disorders General Resources: more detail | ||||||
82. Neuroguide.com - Some Essential Medical Resources in Lithium, Bipolar Disorder, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder information). MEDLINEplus brain and nervous System Topics listing. MEDLINEplus - brain Diseases. http://www.neuroguide.com/medbio2_2.html | |
83. Neuroguide.com - Neurosciences On The Internet: Best Bets disorders and Stroke Science for the brain The United States leading supporterof biomedical research on disorders of the brain and nervous system. http://www.neuroguide.com/bestbets.html | |
84. Loyola Univ. Health Sys. - Neurosciences Anderson, Douglas, MD Acoustic Tumors brain Tumors epilepsy Facial Pain general Leonetti,John, MD Ear disorders Facial Nerve disorders Facial Paralysis http://www.luhs.org/template/luhs/physearch/neuroscience_search.cfm | |
85. The Classroom-Psychology/Sociology Class source of information about the brain and learning System Basic information aboutthe nervous system. Health disorders Links PSYCHOLOGICAL disorders Click on a http://www.gradebook.org/psychology.html | |
86. Academic Directories that scroll through the brain and have prominent brain structures labeled. page containsa variety of information about disorders of the nervous system and http://www.allianceforlifelonglearning.org/er/tree.jsp?c=40333 |
87. HealthyNJ--Information For Healthy Living--Parkinson's Disease Research Web The National Institute of Neurological disorders and Stroke (NINDS)conducts and supports research on brain and nervous system disorders http://www.healthynj.org/dis-con/parkinsons/links.htm | |
88. Facial Injuries And Disorders -- Web Sites Serving Carteret County -- NC Health and specialists affiliated with Carteret general Hospital Facial Injuries and disorders Web Sites with http://www.nchealthinfo.org/resources.cfm?info=0,188,16,0,0 |
89. MIT OpenCourseWare | Brain And Cognitive Sciences | 9.95-A Research Topics In Ne US addresses a set of genetic disorders which cause research across modalities exploringhuman brain mapping. of techniques used to evaluate the nervous system http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Brain-and-Cognitive-Sciences/9-95-AResearch-Topics-in- | |
90. Child Health Library - Neurological Disorders - Overview Of Neurological Disorde Overview of nervous System disorders. What is the nervous system? centralnervous system consisting of the brain and spinal cord. http://www.chp.edu/greystone/neuro/overview.php | |
91. Neuropsychology general LINKS. Conversations with Neil s brain focus on language disorders MedicineOnline Traumatic brain Injury Mental Health Net - brain Injury Stroke http://home.epix.net/~tcannon1/Neuropsychology.htm | |
92. Brain And Nervous System - National Institutes Of Health (NIH) Peripheral Nerve disorders. Phenylketonuria. Pituitary disorders. PKU see Phenylketonuria. Shingles(Herpes Zoster). Skull Injuries see Head and brain Injuries. http://health.nih.gov/search.asp/3 | |
93. Health Library - Intracranial Tumors; Primary Tumors of Central nervous System. Disorder Subdivisions.brain Tumors, Benign; brain Tumors, Malignant; Benign Tumors of the Central http://www.stjhs.org/Library/HealthGuide/IllnessConditions/topic.asp?hwid=nord81 |
94. MedlinePlus: Peripheral Nerve Disorders Pain  Thoracic Outlet Syndrome  Trigeminal Neuralgia  brain and NervousSystem. Neuropathy (National Institute of Neurological disorders and Stroke http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/peripheralnervedisorders.html | |
95. Pelizaeus Merzbacher Brain Sclerosis Many areas of the central nervous system may be Several forms of the disorder havebeen identified onset (or lateonset) Pelizaeus-Merzbacher brain sclerosis. . http://www.meritcare.com/hwdb/showTopic.asp?pd_hwid=nord158 |
96. Werdnig Hoffman Disease that transmit nerve impulses from the spinal cord or brain (central nervous system)to The disorder is caused by changes (mutations) of a gene or genes http://www.meritcare.com/hwdb/showTopic.asp?pd_hwid=nord36 |
97. Primary Care Clinical Practice Guidelines 6 1 The Burner A Common Nerve Injury in Care Physician monograph; MEDLINEplusBrain Cancer National review Myopia; MEDLINEplus Vision disorders Blindness http://medicine.ucsf.edu/resources/guidelines/guide6.html | |
98. Ask NOAH About: Neurological And Neuromuscular Disorders for Surgery of the Hand general Brachial Plexus United Brachial Plexus Network BrainCancer Cephalic Fabry Disease Genzyme Facial Nerve disorders (See also http://www.noah-health.org/english/illness/neuro/neuropg.html | |
99. HealthCentral - General Encyclopedia - Pick's Disease mass) of affected lobes of the brain. anticholinergics, analgesics, cimetidine, centralnervous system depressants The disorder progresses steadily and rapidly. http://www.healthcentral.com/mhc/top/000744.cfm | |
100. Links | Rainbow Rehabilitation Centers - Services For People With Brain Injuries The nation s leading supporter of biomedical research on disorders of thebrain and nervous system. ADVOCACY AND LEGISLATION. http://www.rainbowrehab.com/news/links/ | |
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