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81. CWS-Québec - Threatened Birds See also threatened species in Québec. A National Approach to endangered SpeciesConservation in Canada Over the last 20 years, Canadian governments and http://www.qc.ec.gc.ca/faune/faune/html/threatened_birds.html | |
82. Endangered Birds Are Threatened In Missouri River Debate - 1/23/2003 - ENN.com endangered birds are threatened in Missouri River debate. Thursday,January 23, 2003. By The Associated Press. WASHINGTON Â The long http://www.enn.com/news/wire-stories/2003/01/01232003/ap_49400.asp | |
83. Endangered Bird Species In Maryland Bird species on the endangered and threatened lists are provided. The Maryland OrnithologicalSociety Presents The endangered and threatened birds of Maryland. http://www.mdbirds.org/lists/endangered.html |
84. Endangered & Threatended Species In Pennsylvania endangered And threatened Species. Kids Corner, US Fish Wildlife Service sectionfor students who want to learn more about endangered and threatened species. http://sites.state.pa.us/PA_Exec/PGC/endangered/ | |
85. Search For Species endangered (EN). Near threatened (NT). http://www.birdlife.net/datazone/search/species_search.html | |
86. Yellowstone's Endangered Birds the Bald Eagle was downlisted or reduced in status from endangered to threatenedas of by the Bald Eagle over the last two decades, this bird is expected http://www.nps.gov/yell/nature/animals/birds/birds.html | |
87. Endangered And Threatened Bird Species At The Tijuana Estuary endangered and threatened Bird Species at the Tijuana Estuary. http://www.tijuanaestuary.com/endang.asp | |
88. 1999 CFR Title 50, Volume 1 TEXT, PDF, 17.41, Special rulesbirds. TEXT, PDF, 17.42, Special rulesreptiles. TEXT,PDF, 17.51, Treatment as endangered or threatened. http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/cfr/waisidx_99/50cfr17_99.html | |
89. Monitoring Of Endangered And Threatened Species At Oceano Dunes of threatened and endangered species have suggested that trapping shrikesa speciesprotected under both the endangered Species Act and Migratory Bird Treaty http://www.crowley-offroad.com/Dave_Widell_Editorial.htm | |
90. Endangered And Threatened Species Agriculture. http://www.woodstockconservation.org/Endangered_and_Threatened Species.htm | |
91. Endangered And Threatened Species At Lake Eureka endangered and threatened species at Lake Eureka . Mammals (endangered) - Currentlyno endangered mammals are known from the Lake. Mammals (threatened) - http://www.lakeeureka.eureka.lib.il.us/learnmore/endangered.html | |
92. NJDEP Division Of Fish & Wildlife - Endangered And Nongame Species Program nearly 500 wildlife species found in the Garden State. These includethe 63 species currently listed as endangered or threatened. http://njfishandwildlife.com/ensphome.htm | |
93. Threatened & Endangered Species Of South Florida's National Parks Brochure abundant bird life, has seen its wading bird population decline Fort Jefferson NationalMonument there are 16 endangered and 6 threatened wildlife species. http://everglades.fiu.edu/education/threatenedbr.html | |
94. Protecting Threatened And Endangered Species are several other federal laws that protect endangered and threatened species, suchas the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), the Migratory Bird Treaty Act http://www.hsus.org/ace/16046 | |
95. EndangeredSpeciesLink Montana Natural Heritage Program National Audubon Society Watch List Southern Africa sThreatened Wildlifebirds United States endangered birds Fact Sheets. http://www.sentex.net/~tntcomm/kwfn/EndangeredSpeciesLink.htm | |
96. US Fish And Wildlife Service Endangered Species Program US Fish and Wildlife Service endangered Species Program This World Wide Web (WWW) site, part of a larger site maintained by the US Fish and Wildlife service, is intended as an information source http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://endangered.fws.gov/&y=02778569FEF410 |
97. Audubon: Birds & Science At the same time, Audubon s BirdLife International partners are protectingthreatened bird species across the hemisphere and all over the world. http://www.audubon.org/bird/watchlist/ | |
98. Satellite Tracking Of Threatened Species Enter the Site http://sdcd.gsfc.nasa.gov/ISTO/satellite_tracking |
99. Raptor Center - The University Of Minnesota In addition to treating approximately 800 birds a year, the http://www.raptor.cvm.umn.edu/ |
100. HCPB-California's Plants And Animals Search for Species Accounts You may only search for Rare, threatened, or EndangeredSpecies, Fully Amphibian, Bird, Fish, Invertebrate, Mammal, Plant, Reptile. http://www.dfg.ca.gov/hcpb/species/t_e_spp/tespp.shtml | |
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