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Home - Basic_B - Birds Endangered & Threatened |
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61. Bluebirds - Common, Rare, Endangered, Or Threatened? Bluebirds Common, Rare, endangered or threatened? last year are splitting in thefront yard and falling on still standing trees ..birds are flocking to http://www.bestofbbml.audubon-omaha.org/bluebirds_common.htm | |
62. Hawaii's Endangered Species Hotlinks birds Kauai akailoa, Kauai ou, and the Kauai o o. Hawaii s endangered SpeciesThis website includes an updated list of Hawaii s endangered and threatened http://www.hisurf.com/~enchanted/hawaii'shotlinks1.html | |
63. GORP - Federally Endangered Or Threatened Species - Silvio O. Conte National Wil Ten federally listed endangered or threatened species occur within the ConnecticutRiver watershed These include three birds, a fish, an insect, a mussel and http://gorp.away.com/gorp/resource/us_nwr/vt/sil_enda.htm | |
64. World Species List - Endangered, Expanded Index Databases plants macrolichens, endangered, threatened checklist University of Oslo, NO toyen.uio.nouio; plants and animals endangered,birds,mammals,fish,disease agreement http://species.enviroweb.org/oes.html | |
65. Endangered And Threatened Species - The Green Gate From NRDC are locally extinct, while three mammals, six birds, one amphibian, three reptiles,and seven fish have been classified as endangered or threatened by the US http://www.nrdc.org/greengate/wildlife/endangeredf.asp | |
66. WCRP FY02 Proposed Project - Rehabilitation Of Native And End. Birds During the Tesoro SPM hose spill of 1998, 34 birds were admitted to rehabilitationfacilities. endangered Hawaiian Monk Seals, and threatened sea turtles were http://www.hawaii.gov/dlnr/programs/wcrp/FY02/Rehab_Asst.htm | |
67. MBNMS Ecosystems Observations 1999 - ENDANGERED AND THREATENED SPECIES Fissiped. Southern sea otter (Enhydra lutris nereis). threatened (14Jan-77). FullyProtected. endangered (13-Oct-70). endangered, Fully Protected (27-Jun-71). birds. http://www.mbnms.nos.noaa.gov/educate/newsletters/2000Eco/Pages/endangered.html | |
68. MBNMS Ecosystems Observations 1998 - ENDANGERED AND THREATENED SPECIES threatened. threatened. Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus). threatened. None.birds. California Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis). endangered. endangered. http://www.mbnms.nos.noaa.gov/educate/newsletters/1999Eco/Pages/endangered.html | |
69. NSiS: Florida's Protected Birds Protected birds. Status designations are current as of August, 1997. endangered.Arctic peregrine falcon, Falco peregrinus tundrius. threatened. http://www.nsis.org/wildlife/wildlife-pr-bird.html | |
70. Bird List Maine endangered Species Program. endangered and threatened Species.birds THAT ARE endangered OR threatened IN MAINE. Note F = Federally http://www.state.me.us/ifw/wildlife/etweb/birdlist.htm |
71. Canada's Endangered Species threatened a species likely to become endangered in Canada if the factors or forsome other reason, but not a threatened species Mammals, 2; birds, 3; Fish, 4. http://raysweb.net/specialplaces/pages/canada-es.html | |
72. Platte River Assessments For Endangered And Threatened Species Are Scientificall least terns, as well as threatened piping plovers waters provide important habitatfor endangered pallid sturgeon. water preferred by the listed birds are being http://www4.nationalacademies.org/news.nsf/isbn/0309092302?OpenDocument |
73. Yellowstone Birds threatened endangered birds. Yellowstone Three bird species found in thepark are listed as threatened or endangered as of May 1999. (Two http://www.yellowstonenationalpark.com/birds.htm | |
74. New Jersey's Threatened And Endangered Species Of Birds Washington Crossing Audubon Society, Checklist of New Jersey s threatened andendangered Species of birds. Compiled by Herb Lord. endangered Bird Species. http://www.washingtoncrossingaudubon.org/pages/consrv/thrtend.htm | |
75. Forest Preserve District Of Cook County and animals designated as State endangered or threatened by the Illinois endangeredSpecies Protection 3 fish, 2 reptiles, 1 amphibian, 39 birds, 1 mammal http://www.fpdcc.com/tier3.php?content_id=23&file=cnr_23e |
76. Endangered/Threatened Species birds. birds endangered Common Name, Scientific Name, Fed*. Bachman s Sparrow,Aimophila aestivalis, MC. birds - threatened Common Name, Scientific Name, Fed*. http://www.state.tn.us/twra/nong001.html | |
77. PI-Endangered Species Index are 264 endangered taxa and 9 threatened taxa listed 44 endangered animals listedunder the US endangered Species Act. 44, there are 32 species of birds; 4 sea http://pacificislands.fws.gov/wesa/endspindex.html | |
78. Endangered And Threatened Wildlife Of New Hampshire - N.H. Fish And Game birds. endangered piedbilled grebe, Podilymbus podiceps. * bald eagle, Haliaeetusleucocephalus. threatened common loon, Gavia immer. osprey, Pandion haliaetus. http://www.wildlife.state.nh.us/Wildlife/Nongame/endangered_list.htm | |
79. The Atlas Of Endangered Species - Earthscan Environmental Books guide to the worldÂs endangered plants and ata-glance information on species lost,threatened and surviving trees and other plants, birds, animals, reptiles http://www.earthscan.co.uk/asp/bookdetails.asp?key=3601 |
80. Arizona IBA Selection Criteria--Tucson Audubon Society Federal endangered Species Act (ESA) listed bird species (endangered or threatened),Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) threatened birds, priority bird http://www.tucsonaudubon.org/azibaprogram/ibacriteria.htm | |
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