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1. ENDANGERED AND THREATENED SPECIES LIST shall be included on the official list of endangered and threatened species when one or more of the following criteria Return to top. birds. endangered. threatened. Ammodramus henslowii http://dnr.state.il.us/espb/datelist.htm | |
2. Endangered Species Information, U.S. Fish And Wildlife Service Division of endangered Species, threatened and endangered Wildlife and Plants the endangered Species Act, it must first be placed on the Federal list of endangered and threatened wildlife and plants Flowering Plants. birds. Snails. Conifers Cycads http://endangered.fws.gov/wildlife.html | |
3. NYS DEC Endangered Species List Fact sheets on New York State's endangered and threatened birds and other wildlife. http://www.dec.state.ny.us/website/dfwmr/wildlife/endspec/etsclist.html | |
4. The Ornithological Web Library Links To Endangered Species: Programs & Research The Ornithological Web Library a comprehensive library of endangered and threatened wild birds endangered birds. Programs Research. Updated 23 September 2001 Canadian birds at Risk. US Shorebird Conservation Plan. threatened Species of Indonesia. endangered Wildlife Trust Africa http://www.aves.net/the-owl/blnkrare.htm | |
5. Space Today Online - Tracking Threatened Birds And Animals By Satellite How biologists track endangered species by satellite birds and fish in their natural environments. Data collected through satellite tracking helps us understand and protect the endangered and threatened http://www.spacetoday.org/Satellites/Tracking/SatTracking.html | |
6. Encyclopedia Smithsonian: List Of References On Endangered, Threatened, And Rece List of References on endangered, threatened, and Recently Extinct birds. This section focuses on a specific vertebrate King, W.B. ( Compiler) l98l endangered birds of the World http://www.si.edu/resource/faq/nmnh/endsp5.htm | |
7. Endangered And Threatened Birds In North Carolina endangered and threatened birds in north carolina Extirpated in North Carolina, Link is to National endangered Species Page http://nc-es.fws.gov/birds/bird.html | |
8. Bird Population Modeling Projects related to the ecology and conservation of bird species, involving data analysis on the dynamics of endangered and threatened species, developing models for extinction risk assessment, and performing population viability analysis with habitatbased metapopulation models linked to geographic information systems. http://www.ramas.com/birds.htm | |
9. Maine Endangered And Threatened Species List Includes birds, reptiles, amphibians, mammals, fish, mollusks, mayflies, damselflies, dragonflies, butterflies and moths. http://www.state.me.us/ifw/wildlife/etweb/slist.htm |
10. State Of Texas Threatened And Endangered Species Listings Plants; birds; Invertebrates. Additional Links. Federal endangeredSpecies Act; Texas threatened and endangered Species Regulations; Map http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/nature/endang/ | |
11. Endangered Birds | Georgia Ecological Service Current U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service profiles including classifications, status details, life histories, sighting reports, and press releases. http://athens.fws.gov/endangered/tebirds.html | |
12. State Of Texas Threatened And Endangered Species Listings UsNature threatened and endangered Species State of Texas threatened and endangered Plants. birds. Invertebrates. Learn more about Texas endangered and threatened animals in http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/nature/endang/endang.htm | |
13. Endangered Birds In Texas Nature threatened and endangered Species Animals birds endangeredbirds in Texas. State of Texas threatened and endangered http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/nature/endang/animals/birds/ | |
14. Index Of Threatened And Endangered Bird Species Of Texas Index of threatened and endangered Bird Species of Texas Emily Dolan for Wildlife Diversity http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/nature/endang/birds |
15. Endangered Peregrine Falcons of amphibians, 8 endangered and 7 threatened species of reptiles, 26 endangeredand 8 threatened species of birds, 5 endangered and 3 threatened species of http://dnr.state.il.us/entice/birds/endangeredfalcons_3to5.htm | |
16. Connecticut Wildlife Division Endangered And Threatened Species Series Fact sheets on Connecticut's mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish and invertebrates which are either endangered or threatened. http://dep.state.ct.us/burnatr/wildlife/Learn/esfact.htm | |
17. Don Edwards San Francisco Bay NWR Home Page Dedicated to preserving and enhancing wildlife habitat, protecting migratory birds, protecting threatened and endangered species, and providing opportunities for wildlifeoriented recreation and nature study for the surrounding communities. http://desfbay.fws.gov/ | |
18. Cookies Mark MacAskill and Donald Collins. The future of the capercaillie, one of Scotlandùs most endangered species of birds, is being threatened by snares set by landowners to catch foxes in response to the hunting ban. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2090-533032,00.html | |
19. Sec. 2167. Endangered Or Threatened Species It is the duty of every officer having authority to enforce this title to seizeall endangered or threatened wild birds or wild animals, or any part thereof. http://sites.state.pa.us/PA_Exec/PGC/title34/34_2167.htm | |
20. Endangered & Threatened Page endangered threatened birds OF THE WORLD. portal to photo discussion pagesby Don Roberson creagrus@montereybay.com. endangered threatened birds. http://www.montereybay.com/creagrus/endangered.html | |
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