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81. Discover - Australian Literature Entries point to biographical information in a wide variety of sources, includingWho s Whos, biographical dictionaries, topical and local histories, and http://www.nla.gov.au/guides/discoverguides/ausbiography.html | |
82. AU Libraries -- E-Gateway -- Biographical Dictionaries In Art Biographical dictionaries listing Minor Artists. New York Historical Society. BiographicalDictionary of Women Artists in Europe and American since 1850. http://www.lib.auburn.edu/hum/humweb/beyondda.html | |
83. Locating Biographical Resources Biographical dictionaries and Directories. Biographical dictionaries providebrief, factual information about people, living or deceased. http://www.library.wwu.edu/ref/howtoguides/biog3.htm | |
84. Society Of Australian Genealogists - Basics On Australian Family Histories, Biog In addition, we hold biographical dictionaries related to particular occupationseg The convicted gunsmiths of New South Wales a definitive history, 17881850 http://www.sag.org.au/ozsources/bio.htm | |
85. ClayGate 920 : Biography 920. biography. 920, ABCNEWS.com Newsmaker Bios. 927, OzSearch Entertainment People. 928. (Persons in literature, history, biography, genealogy). http://library.bendigo.latrobe.edu.au/irs/webcat/920.htm | |
86. BLISS (LIS1001) -- Using Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Handbooks, And Other Quick Try the search in the WebWebLUIS Advanced Search screen. Biographical dictionariesBiographical dictionaries provide basic information on notable people. http://www.unf.edu/~alderman/BLISS2/usingdictionaries.html | |
87. A Web Of Specialized On-line Dictionaries HomeBiography. A E Biographical Dictionary (20,000 entries); Biographical Dictionary(18,000 entries); Biographical Dictionary (historical figures of WW I). http://angli02.kgw.tu-berlin.de/call/webofdic/diction4.html | |
88. Who Is Who In Japan Appendix contains list of institutions with addresses and phone numbers. Relieson voluntary submission of material. Biographical dictionaries Who was Who. http://www.lib.duke.edu/ias/eac/jpnwhoswho.htm | |
89. Research Tools For Chinese Studies - 4. People Biographical dictionaries; Indexes to biographies and biographical materials;Dates of famous people; Chronological biographies (nianpu); Indexes to http://venus.unive.it/pregadio/tools/04_people.html | |
90. SAAM :: Biographical Resources Biographical Resources. If you know the artist s name, consult biographicaldictionaries to learn some basic, but important facts about the artist. http://americanart.si.edu/art_info/artdetective/biography.cfm | |
91. Biographical Sources Biographical Database This database was initiated by providing the texts of thetitles listed in ChadwyckHealey s Black Biographical dictionaries, 1790-1950 http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/e/su/edu/people.html | |
92. Medical Reference Resources US Dept. of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, 1999. Biographical dictionaries. Whonamedit.com Biographical dictionary of medical eponyms. Directories. http://www.health.library.mcgill.ca/resource/e-refs.htm | |
93. Biographical_Dictionaries McDermott Library Biographical dictionaries McDermott Elementary SchoolNorthside Independent Schools 5111 USAA Boulevard San Antonio, Texas. http://www.nisd.net/mcdermww/Library/biopage.htm | |
94. Biographies: Biography, Famous People, Biographical Information - LibrarySpot.co Desk. http://www.libraryspot.com/biographies/ | |
95. Ready Reference: Biographies DESCRIPTION A keyword searchable metaindex for locating names, termsand phrases in encyclopedias and biographical dictionaries. http://www.itcompany.com/inforetriever/biog.htm | |
96. Module 3 Main Page Biographical dictionaries will identify an author s qualificationsand identify other publications he or she has written. Who s http://ollie.dcccd.edu/library/Module3/mod3main.htm | |
97. WWW Virtual Library: General Reference - Biographical Sources Infoplease.com People The Infoplease biography search page. Data from The ColumbiaEncyclopedia , Fifth Edition; The Infoplease Dictionary ; and Information http://home.istar.ca/~obyrne/biog.html | |
98. Biography campus access) Comprehensive index to current and retrospective biographicaldictionaries and Who s Who books more. biography http://infotree.library.ohiou.edu/bysubject/general/biography/ | |
99. Lii.org: People Advanced Search. People. http://www.lii.org/search/file/people | |
100. Biographical Achives ItalyBiographyDictionaries/Dalmatia (Croatia)BiographyDictionaries/MaltaBiographyDictionaries/Savoy(France and Italy)BiographyDictionaries http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/e/su/hist/biog.html | |
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