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21. Africa Eng/. Huguenot Foundation of South africa. Features include com/Heartland/Valley/8140/.royalty Noble to various countries genealogies biographies of rulers. http://www.goguides.org/topic/504.html | |
22. Anthro.Net Directory History By Time Period Ancient africa Egypt Amarna (15 Historical PersonagesRulers and royalty (23). Includes genealogy, chronology and biographies of the http://www.anthro.net/cgi-anthro/xdirectory.cgi?dir=/Society/History/By_Time_Per |
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27. Africa: African News And Politics: News And Politics: Government And Private Org Congo Rally for Democracy (CRD) South africa based website Council - Ethiopian Royalinformation with biographies of Haile Selassie and other royalty. http://www.clickafrique.com/Politics\Organisations.asp | |
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30. Biography: Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela of Mvezo, on the Mbashe River, district of Umtata in Transkei, South africa. Althoughthe family is descended from Thembu royalty (one of Mandela s ancestors http://africanhistory.about.com/library/biographies/blbio-mandela.htm | |
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38. British Empire: Biographies: Lady Decima Guggisberg, C.B.E. the Garrick Theatre, London and The Swineherd and the Princess at the royalty. latershe published jointly with him We Two in West africa , an informative http://www.britishempire.co.uk/biography/guggisbergd.htm | |
39. Hartford High School Library Databases British royalty (http//www.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/gedx.html); CanadianScientists (http 921 Individual biographies. 959.7 - Vietnam 960 - africa. http://www.huhs.org/departments/library/cyberdewey/History & Geography.htm | |
40. Important Women Through History Empire. http//www.royalty.nu/africa/Egypt/Cleopatra.html. Marie discrimination.http//www.nwhp.org/tlp/biographies/harris/harris_bio.html. http://teacher.scholastic.com/activities/women/notable.htm | |
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