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61. Brama, Gateway Ukraine, Sports in the tough 13th stage individual time test Ukrainian biathlon Federation Ukr/Eng;Ukrainian Billiards Federation site Eng Skiing/Snow sports; Ukrainian Ski http://brama.com/sports/ |
62. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Sports > Events > Olympics > Biathlon biathlon Army Cadet League of Canada The of National Defence and individual Corpssponsors http://www.alexa.com/browse/general?catid=557749&mode=general |
63. All.info: Recreation And Entertainment / Sports / Smallbore / Rimfire sports Custom specializes in sports rimfire firearms individual Leagues AirRifle individual League Air USBA About biathlon USBA About biathlon About http://all.info/directory/Recreation_and_Entertainment/Sports/Smallbore/ | |
64. 1800-Olympics.com -- Winter Olympics: Biathlon biathlon as a sport is a test of crosscountry and within the Olympic discipline,the biathlon has eight 10km sprint 12.5km pursuit 20km individual 4 x 7.5km http://www.travelnotes.org/1800/Olympics/Biathlon.htm | |
65. MSN Encarta - Biathlon The biathlon became a Winter Olympic sport in 1960, with only themenÂs individual event contested. The relay was added to the http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761582426/Biathlon.html |
66. Sports Multi-Sports Biathlon This category is for sites about the biathlon. Several events exist which call themselves biathlon.' For this category, the term is for events which combine crosscountry skiing with shooting. a http://www.aodr.com/Sports/Multi-Sports/Biathlon | |
67. Czech Earns Second Medal At Biathlon Worlds won the women s 15kilometre individual event Tuesday medal at the world biathlonchampionships http://slam.canoe.ca/SlamResults030318/ski_biathlon-ap.html | |
68. Americans Embrace Teams, Heroes On TV, Can't Find Lonely Biathlon Americans embrace teams, heroes on TV, can't find lonely biathlon. BY PEGGY WALSHSARNECKI. Free Press Staff Writer. Americans love to watch Olympic hockey but aren't exactly channel surfing to find http://www.freep.com/sports/98olympics/qolymp14.htm | |
69. INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC COMMITTEE - SPORTS Men and women compete in a sprint, pursuit, individual and relay. Although all biathlondisciplines combine skiing and marksmanship, the sport features several http://www.olympic.org/uk/sports/programme/disciplines_uk.asp?DiscCode=BT |
70. Olympics 2002: Biathlon sport at the Olympic level, used the sport as a The first known biathlon competitiontook place between two 10km sprint; 12.5 km pursuit; 20 km individual; 4x7.5 http://www.factmonster.com/spot/02olbiathlon1.html | |
71. Biathlon Multi-Sports Sports English program. Men and women compete in a sprint ? pursuit ? individualand relay competitions. sports Multisports biathlon ? Olympics http://www.interactiva.org/Dir/I/English/Sports/Multi-Sports/Biathlon/ | |
72. The History Of Biathlon date the sport grew quickly. 1960 The first Olympic biathlon competitions were heldin Squaw Valley, California (USA). These were 20km mens individual races http://biathlon.hit.bg/history.htm | |
73. ThinkQuest : Library : Unusual Sports In The Olympics The first time biathlon showed up was in the rules of 1955. In 1957 it officiallybecame a sport. They were team events, but no individual competitions. http://library.thinkquest.org/J002862/bia.htm | |
74. Germany Info: Culture & Life and two bronze medals for her speedskating excellence, more than any other Olympianfrom her country in any sport. biathlon (Women) individual, 15 km http://www.germany-info.org/relaunch/culture/new/cul_germany_no_1.html | |
75. USATODAY.com - Czech Earns Second Medal At Biathlon Worlds Russia (AP) Â Katerina Holubcova of the Czech Republic won the 15kilometer individualevent Tuesday, her second medal at the biathlon world championships. http://www.usatoday.com/sports/olympics/winter/2003-03-18-biathlon-worlds_x.htm | |
76. World Cup Biathlon Wednesday s competition will be the Men s 20K individual. come to Lake Placid s VerizonSports Complex for The US biathlon Team competes under the auspices of http://www.orda.org/wc.biathlon.news.4.htm | |
77. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results champion in the women s 15K individual biathlon at Soldier Hollow. If there is asport more alien to most Americans than biathlon (besides curling, that is), I http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_thesauru |
78. Winteruniversiade Innsbruck/Seefeld 2005 en sport disciplines biathlon The biathlon combines opposites on the onehand athletes have to 150m penalty loop or as in the individual event - one http://www.universiade-innsbruck.org/en/sport/disciplines/biathlon.html | |
79. S T U D E N T . C O M - The College Site sport of shooting, and the result is the biathlon. 22 caliber rifle are standard equipmentfor this sport. and three for women the individual competition, the http://articles.student.com/article/biathlon | |
80. KidsSportsNet.com individual View Demo site The individual category is perfect for anyonewishing to let the world know about their interest in sports. http://www.kidssportsnet.com/ | |
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