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41. Web Site Directory, The Best Sites For The Student In The Web, Provided By Stude Archery Badminton Baseball, Basketball biathlon Bobsled, Coaching sports (2) Entertainment(23) History of sports (8), individual sports (22) Olympic sports (39 http://www.students.net/st/Directory/Category.asp?id=386 |
42. Biathlon : Essential Information, Explanation, Recent Texts, Monographs, And Rel individual The 20 km individual race (15 unofficial?) summer competitions in rollerskibiathlon. Heptathlon, Decathlon (non-winter sports, totally unrelated http://essential-facts.com/primary/sport/Biathlon.html | |
43. Boxer Anderson Secures Slot On 2000 US Olympic Team 3 1998 US biathlon National Champion  individual. Nahrgang says . I joinedthe Army To be a positive role model in sports as well as life for youth and http://www2.armymwr.com/mwr/army_sports/wcap/2002wolympics/nahrgang.html |
44. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Biathlon, Sport (Sports) - Encyclopedia The biathlon features the 10km (6.2-mi) sprint, in The women s individual racesare shorter a 7.5-km after the skiing segment makes this a demanding sport. http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/B/biathlon.html | |
45. BIATHLON is interpreted as a joining of two sports crosscountry biathlon first appeared onthe Canada Games program at 15 km individual 10 km sprint 12.5 km pursuit 3 http://www.canadagames.ca/Content/Sports/Sport Profiles.asp?ItemID=2056&LangID=1 |
46. Information Headquarters: Biathlon The first World Championships in the sport were organised in 1958 in individual The20 km individual race (15 km for women) is the oldest biathlon event. http://www.informationheadquarters.com/Sports/Biathlon.shtml | |
47. Apex Sport Psychology Services Home Page assist coaches in their approaches to working with individual athletes and The followingis a partial list of sports where sport psychology techniques biathlon. http://www.ux1.eiu.edu/~cfglc/Apexmain.htm | |
48. ESPN.com: OLY - Winter Sports Calendar Friday, September 21 Updated January 11, 658 PM ET Winter sports Calendar. biathlon. 1216,World Cup-Pokljuka, Pokljuka, Slovenia, individual, Pursuit, Relay. http://espn.go.com/oly/wintercalendar.html | |
49. SPORTS AND GAMES of sport is into two major groups team and individual sports. CROSS COUNTRY SKIINGis the sport of skiing biathlon combines crosscountry skiing with shooting http://www.studentske.sk/anglictina/Sports_and_Games.htm | |
50. Smugmug - John Ruttenberg's Photo Galleries John Ruttenberg s galleries sports XC Skiiing. individual skating at the 2004Bill Koch Festival in Waterville EM BKL biathlon - Group 2 - 31 January 04 http://rutt.smugmug.com/Sports/348 | |
51. CNNSI.com - 2002 Winter Olympics - Biathlon - Henkel Wins Women's 15k Biathlon G laps. The 15kilometer individual event is the longest women s biathlonrace. Besides position. From sports Illustrated. http://www.cnnsi.com/olympics/2002/biathlon/news/2002/02/11/womens_15k_ap/ | |
52. CNN/SI - 1998 Nagano Winter Olympic Games - Biathlon Fatigue is as big a part of the sport as aim. There are three biathlon events forboth men and women. Men run a 20K individual race, a 10K sprint and a 4 x 7.5 http://www.cnnsi.com/olympics/events/1998/nagano/sports/biathlon.html | |
53. Biathlon/Olympic Champions - Encyclopedia Article About Biathlon/Olympic Champio country codes for competitors in sports events. biathlon World Championships The firstbiathlon World Championship held in 1958, with individual (official) and http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Biathlon/Olympic Champions | |
54. CFPSA - Sports - Hall Of Fame Inductees EH Grossek Served 19541985. Elected to the Canadian Forces sports Hall of Head Coachof Canadian Olympic biathlon Team in France (individual place 46 th ). http://www.cfpsa.com/en/psp/sports/halloffame/grossek_e.asp | |
55. Penn State Altoona - Ivyleaf Spring 2003 PENN STATE ALTOONA sports s cross country coach turned in the best individual performanceby an American during the Summer biathlon World Championships in http://www.aa.psu.edu/ivyleaf/fa03/sports.asp |
56. Sports Banquet Female Scholar Athlete), Monica Munro (Jr. Female Athlete). individual SportAward Recipients. AWARD, WINNER. Sr. Boys biathlon, Katy Pollock. Sr. http://www.kes.ns.ca/banquet.htm | |
57. Fablis Directory For /Sports/Events/Olympics/Biathlon biathlon Army Cadet League of Canada - The Army Cadet League of Canada is in partnershipwith the Department of National Defence and individual Corps sponsors http://directory.fablis.com/guide/Sports/Events/Olympics/Biathlon | |
58. Offcial Website Of The Chinaese Olympic Committee 03/04/2004 Underwater sports - 13th World 04/04/2004 - biathlon - Internationalbiathlon Masters Championships 02/01/2004 - Fencing - individual Senior World http://en.olympic.cn/news/calendars/2003-12-17/34241.html | |
59. Military Women In Sports Kristina Sabasteanski biathlon, SPC Andrea Nahrgang biathlon. of integration servicewomen ssports teams were emerge as participants in individual sporting events http://userpages.aug.com/captbarb/sports.html | |
60. EdGate Summer Games Slalom, Sailing, Pentathlon, Handball. Curling, biathlon, Baseball, Scoring. Canyou make a graph of the number of individual and team sports? http://www2.edgate.com/summergames/lesson_plans/efg/lp/?lp=efg_lp3 |
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