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Bears Spectacled: more detail | ||||||
41. Bears There are eight species of bears Asiatic black bears, American black bears, brownbears, giant panda, polar bears, sloth bears, spectacled bears and sun bears http://firsttravelweb.org/id92.htm | |
42. Leningradsky Zoo - Spectacled Bears. Our collection comprises one more species of bears the so called spectacledbear, the only species inhabiting South America. spectacled bears. http://www.lenzoopark.spb.ru/english/s_zv_2.shtml | |
43. MSN Encarta - Related Items - Bear polar bears. sloth bears. spectacled bears. sun bears. animals that hunt bear. bearbaiting. spectacledbears are mostly black or brown, mottled with View article, http://encarta.msn.com/related_761572258_0.5/spectacled_bears.html | |
44. Bears bears. Ailuropoda; Black bears; Giant Pandas; Grizzly bears; Pandas, Giant; Pandas,Greater; Polar bears; spectacled Bear; Tremarctos; Ursidae; Ursus; Bear; Bear http://medical.webends.com/kw/Bears | |
45. Polar Bears divided into three subfamilies, Ursinae (black bears, brown bears, polar bears, slothbears, and sun bears), Tremarctinae (spectacled bears), and Ailuropodinae http://www.solcomhouse.com/polarbears.htm | |
46. Lesson Tutor :Theme Of The Week: Bears K-6 Unit Study 6. spectacled bears (Tremarctos ornatus) -Is this bear really wearing glasses?There is a picture here spectacled bear, so look for yourself. http://www.lessontutor.com/belm15.html | |
47. Education Sites Ursus thibetanus). 6. spectacled bears (Tremarctos ornatus). 8.Sun bears - (Helarctos malayanus). Links to other resources Bear http://mywebpage.netscape.com/ecnewletter/ | |
48. ThinkQuest : Library : The Virtual Zoo The sloth bear s scientific name is Melursus ursinus. spectacled bears. spectacledbears are the only bears that inhabit South America. http://library.thinkquest.org/11922/bears/bears.htm | |
49. Exhibit Zoo Zürich. spectacled bears. UP DESCRIPTION spectacled bears have been keptat Zoo Zürich since 1976, coatis from 1958 to 1972 and from 1990 on. http://www.zoolex.org/zoolexcgi/view.py?id=119 |
50. BioMEDIA's Bear Biology Web Links Multimedia bear information centre for grizzly and brown bears, polar bears, pandabears, black bears, asiatic bears, spectacled bears, sun bears and sloth http://ebiomedia.com/teach/BearLinks.html | |
51. Spectacled Bear Facts In reference to other bears, the spectacled bear is of intermediate size, withthe adult male measuring between 1,5 and 2 meters in length (headbody length http://www.cecalc.ula.ve/bioinformatica/oso/spectacled_bear_cont.htm | |
52. Captivity Breeding Of The Spectacled Bear In Venezuela register is published annually, together with an inventory of data showing the differentcountries around the world possessing spectacled bears in captivity. http://www.cecalc.ula.ve/bioinformatica/oso/captivity_cont.htm | |
53. Daytime Activity And Stereotyped Behavior In The Spectacled Bear (Tremarctos Orn Task Observe the daytime activity of three spectacled bears with specialemphasis on stereotyped behavior in a temporary enclosure. http://www.zoovienna.at/old/e_brillbaer.html | |
54. Lioncrusher's Domain -- Spectacled Bear (Tremarctos ornatus) Facts And Pictures spectacled Bear (Tremarctos ornatus). Range and Habitat spectacled bears livein a wide variety of habitats, from rainforests, steppe, and scrub desert. http://www.lioncrusher.com/animal.asp?animal=92 |
55. WWF-UK: Bears black, polar, sloth, sun, spectacled and the giant panda though scientists arestill debating whether the giant panda is a bear or a racoon. bears occupy a http://www.wwf.org.uk/core/wildlife/fs_0000000012.asp | |
56. Andean Bear - Tremarctos Ornatus spectacled bears live along the slopes of the Andes mountains fromVenezuela to Peru. Protection for spectacled bears is minimal. http://www.sanmartinzoo.org/images/animals/bearANDEAN.html | |
57. Where We Learned About Bears pictures and facts about all kinds of bears brown bears, black bears, Asiatic blackbears, polar bears, sun bears, sloth bears, spectacled bears, and panda http://www.edu.pe.ca/donagh/bears/lernbrs.htm | |
58. Spectacled Bear Physical Characteristic Male spectacled bears can weigh between 28044Opounds, while females are much smaller, only weighing 80-145 pounds. http://www.rossparkzoo.com/virtualtour/cejadeselva/bears.htm | |
59. Bears - Family Ursidae Roscoe the spectacled Bear; SCZ Animals; The Bear Denspectacled BearsPage; ZooNet Endangered Species. Genus Ursus American Black Bear http://www.animalomnibus.com/bears.htm |
60. Bears wearing glasses. There are no records of spectacled bears hibernatingdue to the availability of food sources throughout the year. http://www.planet-pets.com/plntbear.htm | |
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