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Bears Sloth: more detail | ||||
61. A Sloth Of Bears Broadsheet (15 x 21 inches). http://www.barbarianpress.com/catalog/tp-slothofbears.html | |
62. Wildlife Animal Shelter For Tigers, Panthers, Black Bears, Leopards And Other La TwoToed sloth Choloepus Didactylus. Kingdom Animalia. Phylum Cordata. ClassMammalia. Click Here to See sloth Photo Library. Average Statistics. Length, 2 ft. http://vanishingspecies.net/animals/sloth/ | |
63. Science North / Science Nord, Sudbury, ON, Canada - Media Centre is thought to be an adaptation to defend against termites and ants.Like other bears, sloth bears are threatened by habitat loss. http://www2.sciencenorth.ca/pastmediareleases/00165045-000F8126-0024EEF1 | |
64. The Seattle Press - Endangered Sloth Bear Born In Woodland Park Fewer than 10,000 sloth bears remain in the wild. sloth bears have a long,rough and shaggy coat of thick, reddishbrown to black fur. http://www.seattlepress.com/article-10020.html |
65. ThinkQuest : Library : The Virtual Zoo sloth bears. Ranging through the tropical forests of India and SriLanka is the sloth bear, named for its usually slow movements. http://library.thinkquest.org/11922/bears/bears.htm | |
66. ADW: Melursus Ursinus: Information Habitat. sloth bears live mainly in tropical areas. They sloth bearshave a shaggy black coat, especially over the shoulders. Brown http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Melursus_ursinus | |
67. A Day At The Zoo - Bears There are 8 different kinds of bears brown bears, American black bears, polarbears, giant panda bears, Asiatic black bears, sloth bears, spectacled bears http://userpages.umbc.edu/~jnale1/bears.html | |
68. Sloth Bear PEOPLE AND sloth bears Historically Due to increasing human population andencroachment for housing and farming, sloth bears and their habitat are http://arktofile.net/pages/bear_sloth.html | |
69. Bear Information: Bear Facts And Statistics There are eight different species of bear brown bears, American black bears, giantpanda bears, sloth bears, polar bears, Asiatic black bears, sun bears and http://wild.stormpages.com/bears/info.htm | |
70. Bears Week The sloth bear is unusual among bears because, rather than seeking out a solitaryexistence, it appears to enjoy and seek out the company of other bears. http://exn.ca/bears/bears.cfm?Show=World&WorldBear=58 |
71. Lesson Tutor :Theme Of The Week: Bears K-6 Unit Study There is a picture here Spectacled bear, so look for yourself. 7. sloth bears (Melursus ursinus) - This bear s favorite snack is termites. Yum! http://www.lessontutor.com/belm15.html | |
72. Where We Learned About Bears book has great pictures and facts about all kinds of bears brown bears, black bears,Asiatic black bears, polar bears, sun bears, sloth bears, spectacled bears http://www.edu.pe.ca/donagh/bears/lernbrs.htm | |
73. Untitled Document SCIENTIFIC NAME Melursus ursinus. POPULATION IN INDIA sloth bears are endemicto the Indian subcontinent, with most of them living in India and Sri Lanka. http://www.acapworldwide.com/bear.html | |
74. Monthly Features, May 2000 Bookstore National Wildlife chapters to this book that include species accounts of brown (grizzly) bears, blackbears, polar bears, panda bears, Asian black bears, sloth bears, sun bears http://www.nwf.org/bookstore/review00june.html |
75. Glasgow Zoo - Powered By VBulletin Asiatic black bears Selenarctos thibetanus and American black bears Ursus americanusare also rather common, while only a few sloth bears and spectacled bears http://www.glasgowzoo.co.uk/articles/carnivores/conferencebears3.php | |
76. Free The Bears Fund Inc, Free The Bears Fund Inc Free The bears Fund in Australia and International Animal Rescue (IAR) in Englandhave been solely responsible for the dancing sloth bears release .. http://www.freethebears.org.au/ | |
77. Sri Lankan Sloth Bear Even if sloth bears are reintroduced to this National Park, it seems doubtful whetherthey would survive, given the Park s poor habitat quality at present. http://www.lankalibrary.com/wlife/slothbear.htm | |
78. James Warwick : Natural History Photographer Ranthambhore National Park, India. Like most bears, sloth bears are omnivorousfeeding mainly on fruit and insects but also honey and sometimes carrion. http://jameswarwick.bn2web.com/gallery/india/Sloth-bear.html | |
79. HeraldNet - Snohomish County's Online News Source that s her choice. . sloth bears diet tends toward insects. The combination said. The sucking noise is unique to sloth bears. When http://www.heraldnet.com/ae/story.cfm?sectionname=FAMILY FUN&file=04041618467639 |
80. Sloth Bear Trapping, Killing Continues continues. HOME. January 18, 2004 (Agra) sloth bears are an endangeredspecies and are supposed to be protected under the Wildlife Act. http://www.indianjungles.com/240104b.htm |
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