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Bats Endangered & Threatened: more detail | |||||
61. Endangered And Threatened Species Recovery Program Status of Listed Species and Recovery Plan Development. Virginia Bigeared Bat.Plecotus townsendii virginianus endangered. West Virginia. Current Status http://www.greatplains.org/npresource/distr/others/recoprog/states/species/plect |
62. Endangered Species In Big Bend NP Peregrine Falcon, threatened, endangered, pesticide DDT, small population (9 pairs).Mexican Longnose bat, endangered, endangered, Agave harvesting bad reputation in http://www.nps.gov/bibe/endangered.htm | |
63. EPA: Federal Register: Endangered And Threatened Wildlife And Plants; Notice Of Notice of Public Hearings and Reopening of Comment Period on Proposed ReclassificationFrom endangered to threatened Status for the Mariana Fruit Bat From Guam http://www.epa.gov/fedrgstr/EPA-SPECIES/1998/May/Day-29/e14233.htm | |
64. Region 9 - Threatened, Endangered And Sensitive Species does a species become listed as endangered or threatened? are contributing to thebats decline Human Disturbance First listed as endangered largely because http://www.fs.fed.us/r9/wildlife/tes/indianabat.htm | |
65. CVBDB Stanislaus River Report spotted bat (Euderma maculatum) a Federal Category 2 candidate for listing by theUS Fish and Wildlife Service as threatened or endangered, and a California http://www.delta.dfg.ca.gov/reports/stanriver/sr34.asp | |
66. TIP For Endangered And Threatened Species Teacher Idea Packet for endangered and threatened Species A DesertDiscovery Class for Grades 46. Meet some Sonoran Desert native http://www.desertmuseum.org/education/tip_endangered.html | |
67. N-am - List A-c . AK, MO, OK. . There are many more bats that are endangered or threatenedall over the USA and the world Bear, American Black. Zwarte beer. . . yes. http://www.tenan.vuurwerk.nl/anim-na1.htm | |
68. Encyclopedia Smithsonian: List Of References On Endangered, Threatened, And Rece Heinsohn, G. 1986 Rare and endangered World s Only Strictly Marine Sea CowThreatened. Hill, JE and JD Smith 1984 bats. A Natural History. http://www.si.edu/resource/faq/nmnh/endsp6.htm | |
69. Longnosed Bats: WhoZoo Mexican LongNosed Bat. {short description of image}. Name Mexican Long-NosedBat. Scientific name Leptonycteris nivalis. Status endangered, 1991. http://www.whozoo.org/AnlifeSS2001/samdelag/SDLG_LongnosedBat.htm | |
70. Gray Bat What Can I Do to Help Prevent the Extinction of Species? Learn Learnmore about the gray bat and other endangered and threatened species. http://midwest.fws.gov/endangered/mammals/grbat_fc.html | |
71. Lubee was established in 1990 for the purpose of promoting the conservation of endangeredand threatened species of Old World fruit bats. Lubee s goals are http://www.lubee.com/p1.htm | |
72. Windpower Monthly News Magazine: In Windpower Monthly This Month So far, no endangered species have been identified among the hundreds of dead batscollected. Until an endangered or threatened species is involved, wildlife http://www.wpm.co.nz/oct03/cont.htm | |
73. Mountain Messenger: Weekend Newspaper For The Greenbrier Valley federally listed endangered speciesÂthe Virginia northern flying squirrel, theIndiana bat, the Virginia bigeared batÂand one threatened speciesÂthe http://www.mountainmessenger.com/news0424.html |
74. Arizona State Parks US Fish and Wildlife Service, 1992, Virginia Bigeared Bat and Ozark Big-eared Bat.endangered and threatened Species of the Southeastern United States (The http://www.pr.state.az.us/kartchner/batsimpact.html | |
75. Other Services Bat Call Library Sierra Club Spotted bat wildlife at risk Ethogramsinventories ofprimate behavioral patterns endangered and threatened Primates HUMBIOL http://public.srce.hr/botanic/cisb/Edoc/fauna/sisavci/sisdrugi.htm |
76. Nongame And Endangered Wildlife Program - N.H. Fish And Game The Nongame and endangered Wildlife Program is working to connect wildlife with Thisthreatened mammal lives in spruce and fir forests in the northern bats. http://www.wildlife.state.nh.us/Wildlife/nongame_and_endangered_wildlife.htm | |
77. PI-Endangered Species Index there are 264 endangered taxa and 9 threatened taxa listed birds; 4 sea turtle species,2 endangered mammals, the 2 species of snails, 3 anthropods, and 1 bat. http://pacificislands.fws.gov/wesa/endspindex.html | |
78. PI-Endangered Species: Mariana Fruit Bat However, the US Fish and Wildlife Service has proposed reclassifying these fruitbats from endangered to threatened status on Guam and establishing threatened http://pacificislands.fws.gov/wesa/marianabatindex.html | |
79. Forest Watch -- Endangered Bats Tracked To Vermont endangered bats Tracked to Vermont. Three years ago little was known in Vermontabout Indiana bats (Myotis sodalis), a federally listed endangered species. http://www.forestwatch.org/content.php?id=104 |
80. Land Mammals Of Mississippi The designations endangered and threatened are determined by federal as well asstate laws. ORDER MARSUPIALIAMarsupials. ORDER CHIROPTERABats. http://www.msstate.edu/org/MAS/apriljournal/land.html | |
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