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81. TDS; Passports, Visas, Travel Documents PEOPLE Religions Islam 90%, indigenous 6%, Christian 4%. Languages French (official) and bambara (spoken by about 80% of the population). http://www.traveldocs.com/ml/people.htm | |
82. African Music Links to West African Manding Music ; the bambara (see Hum 211 Solomon Murugu) is a resource for people around the styles of music from the indigenous cultures of http://www.cocc.edu/cagatucci/classes/hum211/linksmusic.htm | |
83. FAO Agricultural Information Management Series Asia (Figure 12.8), all of India, the Lao People s Democratic Republic scope to achieve high yields of bambara groundnut (an indigenous African legume http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/003/Y0494E/Y0494e06.htm | |
84. Vitalog.com - Search By Location other 5% Religion Muslim 90%, indigenous beliefs 9 Christian 1% Languages French (official), bambara 80%, numerous search people who Born Died Burial. http://www.vitalog.com/cgi-bin/exploring/country.cgi?cod=1152&ctype=birth&sort=n |
85. IPGRI-SSA The Sub-Saharan Region The vast majority of these people depend directly it is being recognized that indigenous African farming finger, pearl), teff, fonio, bambara groundnut, cowpea http://www.ipgri.cgiar.org/regions/ssa/introduction/aboutssa.htm | |
86. The Center For Global Tolerance & Engagement: World Fast Facts Ethnicities, 47% Malay, 32% Chinese, 12% indigenous tribes, 8% Indian, 1 Density, 10 people per square km. Languages, bambara, Fulani, Senufo, Soninke, French. http://www.mc.maricopa.edu/dept/d34/cgte/cgtemcty.html | |
87. The Centre For Advanced Studies Of African Society the former colonial masters than the indigenous cultures from SothoTswana, Swahili, Amharic, Fulful, bambara, Igbo, Hausa the same book for 30 million people. http://www.casas.co.za/papers_language.htm | |
88. Artshub.com.au | For Australian Arts Workers Zazu is a word meaning ÂCrazyÂ, belonging to the bambara language in Mali Eventually some people travel to West africa themselves, either alone or http://www.artshub.com.au/ahau1/news/news.asp?Id=61183&ct=feature |
89. INDIGENOUS AFRICAN RELIGION > THE AFRICAN'S CONCEPT OF GOD Mendes of Sierra Leone, NGEWO; the bambara of Sudan to different religious concepts in indigenous African societies of God is found in the culture of the people. http://www.hypertextile.net/BLAKHUD/ind-reli/ind01.htm | |
90. WRITING ASSIGNMENTS COMPARE/CONTRAST indigenous culture with the new hybrid (Colonial Bamana (bambara) or Dogon of Mali. and literature for this group of people should include all http://faculty.uncfsu.edu/doyler/TCHNG/H490Write.htm | |
91. An A-Z Of African Studies On The Internet Nr3 languages, history, religion of Somali people) http//www ac.za/und/indic/press96.html indigenous publishing in featured Anywa Arabic bambara Bantu Languages http://www.lib.msu.edu/limb/a-z/az_nr3.html | |
92. Talk:Mali/CIA World Factbook 2002 Import - Wikitravel HIV/AIDS people living with HIV/AIDS Religions Muslim 90%, indigenous beliefs 9%, Christian 1%. Languages French (official), bambara 80%, numerous African http://wikitravel.org/en/article/Talk:Mali/CIA_World_Factbook_2002_import | |
93. Typophile Forums: Foreign Languages Fonts official), Mali French (official), bambara 80%, numerous the white population, German 32%, indigenous languages Oshivambo first language of most people is one http://www.typophile.com/forums/messages/14800/18836.html?1072891891 |
94. AMU CHMA NEWSLETTER #11 (09/01/1994) the cognitive processes used by the bambara population of centre also gives bibliographic support to people conducting research on indigenous Knowledge http://www.math.buffalo.edu/mad/AMU/amu_chma_11.html | |
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