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41. GeographyIQ - World Atlas - Africa - Mali - People Facts And Figures HIV/AIDS people living with HIV/AIDS Religions Muslim 90%, indigenous beliefs 9%, Christian 1%. Languages French (official), bambara 80%, numerous African http://www.geographyiq.com/countries/ml/Mali_people.htm | |
42. Africa Stage: Jasmine Dispatch - September 22, 1999 For centuries indigenous people have relied on the land to bringing these resources to the people of Mali. In addition to bambara, his native language, Ibrahim http://www.worldtrek.org/odyssey/africa/092299/092299jasmineearth.html | |
43. Africa Direct-Ethnographic Art, Trade Beads, Masks, Carvings, Artifacts, Textile Mali $75.00. Male Statue. bambara(?). Mali. Nuna people. Burkina Faso. Wood, stain, pigments. Diameter of horns 22 inches. indigenous repair to horns. http://www.africadirect.com/new2.html?category=New_Products&pagenum=8&start=210 |
44. World And General Books (tw3)(worPage1) Montol, Songe, Pende, Senufo, bambara, Oceanic, Melanesia to be fully codified) (Keywords Ethnology, africa, Pacific to learn about the indigenous people of the. http://www.tribalworldbooks.com.au/worPage1.html | |
45. Africa Mali, French (official), bambara 80%, numerous African the white population, German 32%, indigenous languages Oshivambo the first language of most people is one http://www.ethiotrans.com/africa.htm | |
46. Virgin Voices of Europe, africa and the indigenous People of the satirical social commentary, focusing on politics and people. The bambara tribe boils the bark of leaves of http://new.onepaper.com/virginvoices/?v=d&i=&s=Contents:Culture&p=1075612343 |
47. Virgin Voices The bambara tribe boils the bark of leaves of certain trees privately, between lovers.Love, the eros of Europe, africa and the indigenous People of the http://new.onepaper.com/virginvoices/?v=d&i=&s=Contents:Culture&p=48148 |
48. BLACK PEOPLE; BLACK WORLD: AFRICA, AMERICAS, INDIA, MELANESIA FROM THE FORESTS OF PANAMA BLACK indigenous NATIVE OF Black Africans to Mexico include people called Magicians Sirus Star System and the bambara another system http://community-2.webtv.net/BARNUBIANEMPIRE/BLACKPEOPLEBLACK/page4.html | |
49. ArtMattan Productions - Films From Africa And The African Diaspora - Our Films From Burkina Faso/France Year 2001 Minutes 96 Language bambara with English power from one man to another, challenged by the indigenous people they come http://www.africanfilm.com/title_mz.htm | |
50. The Official Home Page Of The Republic Of Sénégal They were arbitrarily, cutting across traditionally established boundaries, homelands, and ethnic groupings of African peoples and cultures. bambara. indigenous. http://www.earth2000.com/ar/westafrica.html | |
51. Africa Update Archives of oral tradition, and explore the indigenous African philosophy The bambara live closely with the cycles of education to raise the African people s level of http://www.ccsu.edu/Afstudy/upd2-3.html | |
52. Native And Non-native Crops -- The Congo Cookbook: African Recipes Atlantic slave trade obviously took people from africa Important crops indigenous to africa include the african Paradise (a spice), the bambara Groundnut, a http://www.geocities.com/congocookbook/c0210.html | |
53. Prepared Foods: Out Of Africa - African Cuisine heritage, Cape Malay cuisine encompasses all facets of cultures, from the Dutch settlers and the indigenous Khoisan people to the bambara Groundnuts. http://articles.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m3289/is_7_168/ai_55412223 | |
54. Central African Republic 3.3million, most of the indigenous people of the In bambara, a favorite porridge is Âbouiller http://www.journeymart.com/DExplorer/Africa/CentralAfrica/default.asp?SubLink=DE |
55. The Largest Ethnic Group Is The Bambara Followed By The Dogon And People Society. government is working out a strategy, which will give indigenous tribes decision The largest ethnic group is the bambara followed by the Dogon http://www.journeymart.com/DExplorer/Africa/Mali/default.asp?SubLink=DExplorer/A |
56. FAO Agricultural Information Management Series Vigna subterranea L. Verdc) is an indigenous grain legume In much of africa, bambara groundnut is the third most food crop of many local people (Linnemann, 1990 http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/003/Y0494E/Y0494e04.htm | |
57. Harmful Health Practices: Program Examples World Bank Incorporating indigenous knowledge (IK), customs, and the village of Malicounda bambara pledged to were able to alleviate peoples concerns about http://www.rho.org/html/hthps_progexamples.htm | |
58. Bio The indigenous cultures of africa and the Americas make the harvest ceremony of the bambara tribe of the antelope who taught the people agricultural techniques http://www.inspiredplanet.com/library/bio.html | |
59. Balancing Act News Update - African Internet Developments the barriers to greater use of the indigenous languages of the open e ). This was done with bambara at http However, as increasing numbers of people in africa http://www.balancingact-africa.com/news/back/balancing-act_69.html | |
60. ThinkQuest : Library : The Global Relations Of The Many Nations Christian 1% Languages French (official), bambara 80%, numerous Christian 45%, Muslim 35%, indigenous beliefs 20 is the mother tongue of Bantu people living in http://library.thinkquest.org/18401/text/africa.html | |
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