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Baltic Region Archaeology: more detail |
81. 10.2 Thor Heyerdahl - Thor Heyerdahl's Final Projects - By J. Bjørnar Storfjell He had already contacted Dr. Sergey Lukiashko of the Institute of archaeology atthe They showed a clear affinity with fibulae from the baltic region and would http://www.azer.com/aiweb/categories/magazine/ai102_folder/102_articles/102_heye | |
82. The Problems Of Urbanism In The Baltic Region Uppsala universitet. Inst f arkeologi och antik historia Afrikansk och jämförandearkeologi. The Problems of Urbanism in the baltic region. by. Evgenij Nosov. http://www.arkeologi.uu.se/afr/projects/BOOK/Balticregion.htm | |
83. Baltic German Ethnic Germans started to come to the baltic region as traders and missionarieswho first in the 12th century, then already inhabited by vatrious finnougric http://www.sciencedaily.com/encyclopedia/baltic_german | |
84. Latvia Archaeological Resources Search. archaeology Latvia. Ilze Loze IndoEuropeans in the Eastern baltic regionAn archaeologist s perspective , in Humanity and Social Sciences Latvia. http://archaeology.about.com/library/atlas/bllatvia.htm | |
85. Bozena Werbart - Publikationer - Arkeologi One sea, many landscapes and human interactions. (Cultural interactionism in theBaltic Sea region) Current Swedish archaeology, vol 11. 2003. Stockholm. http://www.umu.se/archaeology/personal/bozena_werbart/bozena_werbart_publikation | |
86. Baltic Sea Heritage Co-operation: Working Groups: Under Water Heritage of all underwater heritage through a regional agreement forbidding sources on wrecksin the baltic Sea Training courses in marine archaeology with participants http://balticheritage.raa.se/groups/water.html | |
87. PROGRESS REPORT the promotion of the northwestern region, the most implies the creation in the Balticcountries of theory, linguistics, art history, archaeology, etc., thereby http://www.bm30.es/plan/stat/prsF_uk.html | |
88. Interests -History- Historic Highlights Of Germany MaryÂs Church, the thirdlargest church building in Germany, served as the modelfor countless Gothic style brick churches in the entire baltic region. http://www.hhog.de/en/showSubInterest_en.php?interestID=10301&sub_interestString |
89. Science, Social Sciences, Archaeology, Regional, Europe: Russia in several languages including English and Russian pertaining to Khazar archaeology. tobeginning of St Petersburg s construction found in baltic sea From http://www.combose.com/Science/Social_Sciences/Archaeology/Regional/Europe/Russi | |
90. Untitled Document Problems and methods of modern regional stratigraphy, Riga sensitive coastal areasof the baltic Sea, 7 of scientific methods in archaeology, Savonlinna, Finland http://gaia.gi.ee/~veski/kirjandus.html | |
91. Research Report 1998 the Sea, Farming the Forest The Emergence of Neolithic Societies in the BalticRegion. Journal of Danish archaeology 12, 8798p; Faunal remains and antler http://www.dur.ac.uk/pr.office/resrep98/arch.htm | |
92. Archaeologia Baltica - 1 Artefacts. Because of the long Soviet occupation, the archaeology of the Balticregion is not well known to archaeologists and historians in the West. http://www.istorija.lt/ab/body_ab1.html | |
93. IBE-publications Journal of Danish archaeology, 12 (19941995) 99-106. 1999 Fishing in the Balticregion from the 5 th century BC to the 16 th century AD Evidence from http://www.zmuc.dk/VerWeb/staff/ibe1.htm | |
94. IBE-publications Journal of Danish archaeology, 12 (19941995) 99-106. 1999 Fishing in the Balticregion from the 5 th century BC to the 16 th century AD Evidence from fish http://www.zmuc.dk/VerWeb/staff/ibe2.htm | |
95. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Mesolithic Period (Human Evolution) - Encyclopedia The Maglemosian, named for a site in Denmark, is found in the baltic regionand N England. It occurs in the middle of the Mesolithic period. http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/M/Mesolith.html | |
96. History - Sweden As A Great Power It may basically be divided into three sequences; In the 1560´s the northern BalticRegion was incorporated; During the former part of the 17th century parts http://www.kalmarlansmuseum.se/kronan/english/history/sweden.html | |
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