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Baltic Region Archaeology: more detail |
41. Anthropology And Archaeology Faculty At Moorhead State University the Northeastern Plains ; The Dead River Site ; Folk archaeology and Anthropological andtransportation logistics, Latvia and the baltic region, Russia and http://www.mnstate.edu/anthearth/faculty.htm | |
42. Summaries In English the cultural development of the baltic region in general, and the south baltic inparticular comparatively large resources for environmental archaeology. http://www.kalmarlansmuseum.se/arkeologi/summaries_in_english.htm | |
43. SPRING TERM 2004 archaeology. They may explore the factors of physical geography as well as cultural,technological and social factors in the development of the baltic region http://www.utu.fi/hum/tdk/english/baltic/spring04.html | |
44. About Baltic Sea Region Studies an individual certification DIPLOMA OF THE baltic SEA region STUDIES PROGRAMME History,Art History, Cultural History, archaeology, Ethnology, Folkloristics http://www.utu.fi/hum/tdk/english/baltic/about.html | |
45. Latvian ARCHAEOLOGISTS Main interests History archaeology - anthropology. Environmental and CulturalHistory of the Eastern baltic region. Â Pact 57, 1999, pp. 291-304. http://www.lza.lv/nozares/archaeology.htm | |
46. Andrejs VASKS Inside Latvian archaeology. Gotarc series A (Göteborg), 1999, vol. Environmentaland Cultural History of the Eastern baltic region.  Pact 57, 1999, pp. http://www.lza.lv/scientists/VasksA.htm | |
47. Selected Recent Publications Of Peter Bogucki societies , in The Routledge Companion Encyclopedia of archaeology, edited by Forestthe Emergence of Neolithic Societies in the baltic region and Adjacent http://www.princeton.edu/~bogucki/pbpubs.html | |
48. Cairns: A Coastal Archaeology View Cairns a Coastal archaeology View. seal hunters from the southern coast of the baltic,todayÂs in Kökar although the investigations in the region have been http://herkules.oulu.fi/isbn9514268024/html/x6580.html | |
49. Open Russia Foundation of Russian archaeologists and specialists from the Institute of archaeology at the possibletransmission via the great rivers of Russia to the baltic region. http://www.openrussiafoundation.com/Thor_Heyerdahl_RC.asp | |
50. Nyförvärv 030601-030630: Arkeologi - Universitetsbiblioteket, Lunds Univer Gunilla, 1967 Norm and difference Stone Age dietary practice in the baltic region/ Gunilla Eriksson. (Theses and papers in scientific archaeology, 14007835 http://www.lub.lu.se/ub/nylitt/jun/index010.html | |
51. Rurikovo Gorodishe (Holmgard) to a great international port and trading place of the baltic region, neverthelessabsence Settlements to the North of Lake Ilmen // The archaeology of Novgorod http://iimk.nw.ru/eng/projects/rg.htm | |
52. Scientific Departments And Laboratories of peoples and cultures in NorthWest Russia and baltic Sea region; consequence inhistory and culture of Old Russia; 5. Architecture and church archaeology; http://iimk.nw.ru/eng/departments.htm | |
53. Curriculum Report 313 -- Feb 2001 ARCHY 525, archaeology of Island Southeast Asia and the Pacific (5) PACIFIC EURO445, The Nordicbaltic region and the War Literary Representations (5) NORDIC http://depts.washington.edu/uwcr/reports/01/01-02.html | |
54. Ur- Und Frühgeschichte -- Prähistorische Archäologie (eds) The archaeology of the Field work and research in a SouthSwedish rural region. Interactionbetween ethnical groups in the baltic region in the Late Iron http://www.geschichte.hu-berlin.de/bereiche/ufg/c_allmer-Publikationen.html | |
55. Maritime Archaeology - Encyclopedia Article About Maritime Archaeology. Free Acc archaeology has two important advantages over land archaeology. of Arizona, but withinthe region of northern Famous wrecksites baltic Sea The baltic Sea is in http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Maritime archaeology | |
56. EESTI AKADEEMILISES RAAMATUKOGU - EESTI UUE PÃLVKONNA TEADLASI conference on the application of scientific methods in archaeology, Savonlinna, Finland Environmentaland cultural history of the Eastern baltic region, PACT, 57 http://www.ear.ee/teadlased/veski.htm | |
57. Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikooli Akadeemiline Raamatukogu - EESTI UUE PÃLVKONNA TE Lõugas, L. 2001. Development of fishery during the 1st and 2nd millenniaAD in the baltic region. Journal of Estonian archaeology 5/2. 128147. http://www.ear.ee/teadlased3/l_l6ugas.htm | |
58. Tartu Ãlikool archaeology. The course includes lectures and some practical exercises. It also includesa historical and regional overview of the geology of the baltic region http://www.ut.ee/13735 | |
59. From The Baltic To The Black Sea - Studies In Medieval Archaeology , archaeology by period / region. Books Humanities archaeology Industrialarchaeology. From the baltic to the Black Sea Penguin Dictionary of archaeology http://www.traveldirectorynet.co.uk/books/code/HDT/ | |
60. From The Baltic To The Black Sea - Studies In Medieval Archaeology Books Humanities archaeology archaeology by period / region Australasianand Pacific archaeology. From the baltic to the Black Sea Beazley http://www.traveldirectorynet.co.uk/books/code/HDDV/ | |
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