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81. K-12 Lesson Plans: Western Hemisphere Countries & Cultures ancient Inca, Maya, Aztec. Colonial Mexico (the Road to Independence) Elementary/Mrs Donn s Special Section NW Pacific Native Americans (ancient history). http://members.aol.com/MrDonnHistory/K12west.html | |
82. Pacaritambo - Machu Picchu Magazine Magazine dedicated to the study of the ancient Americas, with emphasis on the Inca/Incas civilization and culture. We also cover the aztecs, Mayas, Anasazi. http://www.pacaritambo.com/ | |
83. Ancient Aztec, Olmec, And Mesoamerica By History Link 101 history Link 101 s ancient Aztec, Olmec, and Mesoamerican page connects you to the best of Art, Daily Life, Maps, Pictures, and Research. http://www.historylink101.com/1/aztec/ancient_aztec.htm | |
84. Ancient Civilizations MesoAmerican Ballgame Explore the Mesoamerican world and the history of this ancient ball game in nine cultures including the Olmec, Maya, Toltec, and Aztec. http://www.cusd.chico.k12.ca.us/libraries/elementary/ancient.html | |
85. Homework Helper - Ancient History Aztec and Mayan Calendars http//www.public.iastate.edu Cities of the ancient Maya http//www.civilisations Mayan history http//www.oneworldjourneys.com/jaguar http://www.mcallen.lib.tx.us/library/child/homework/ancient.htm | |
86. Aztec History Little is known of the earliest aztecs, they did not keep a written record. Their history was passed on by word of mouth from one generation to the next. http://www.crystalinks.com/aztechistory.html | |
87. History Lesson Plans Three ancient Cultures Mayan, Aztec, Incan and Their Math A webbased lesson plan for grades 4-12 integrating history and math. http://www.cloudnet.com/~edrbsass/edhist.htm | |
88. Ancient Artifacts--Geography/Ancient History Lesson Plan (grades 6-8)--Discovery Three of the most advanced ancient civilizations in the Books Eyewitness Aztec, Inca and Maya by Elizabeth The history Atlas of South America (a Macmillan http://school.discovery.com/lessonplans/programs/ancientartifacts/ | |
89. Mexico Site are stories to read, explanations to understand, pictures to think about, ancient writings to Click on an Aztec. By popular request The history of Chocolate. http://home.freeuk.net/elloughton13/mexico.htm | |
90. Links Jefferson Davis Senior High School (Houston, TX, USA) Library Site ancient history Links. ancient history Resources. ancient history A Trip Back in Time. http://home.echo-on.net/~smithda/links.html | |
91. Ancient Aztec Religion In Directory.co.uk 17. BUBL LINK / 515 Internet Resources ancient history pottery, eyeliner, olive oil soap, Aztec calendar wheels, candles, Archimedes Screw http://www.directory.co.uk/Ancient_Aztec_Religion.htm | |
92. CNN Food: Chocolate Treasures From Ancient Civilizations To Today Originally consumed as a spicy drink, chocolate can be traced back to the ancient Mayan and Aztec civilizations in Mexico, Central and South America where the http://www.cnn.com/HEALTH/indepth.food/sweets/history/ | |
93. Introduction To Archaeology (ANTH 110/310) of the ancient state by Jane Stevenson Day, a former curator at the Denver Museum of Natural history....... The Aztec Empire http://www.cc.ukans.edu/~hoopes/mexico.html | |
94. Mexican And Aztec History Several cultures developed in the history of Mexico.The Tula, one of Mexico s most impresssive ancient cities strongly influenced later Mayan and Aztec cultures http://montezumas.com.au/aztec.htm | |
95. Books About Ancient History of the ancient Americans Explore the Wonders of the Aztec, Maya, Inca, North American Indian and Arctic Peoples (Illustrated history Encyclopedia), The http://www.dailypast.com/amazon/books-ancient.shtml | |
96. »»Reviews For Ancient History«« experts to an ancient culture without being pedantic or boring. In one hundred and fifty pages, Boone gives us a very readable summary of Aztec history, culture http://www.booksunderreview.com/Kids_and_Teens/School_Time/Social_Studies/Histor | |
97. WestWeb: Ancient Peoples Of The American West Bibliography on Aztec history by Ricardo J. Salvador at Indiana Tarlton Law Library Resources on Aztec and Maya from a Navaho word meaning ancient ones. The http://www.library.csi.cuny.edu/westweb/pages/ancient.html | |
98. Wauu.DE: Kids And Teens: School Time: Social Studies: History: By Time Period: A Wauu.DE Kids and Teens School Time Social Studies history By Time Period ancient history Americas, The Aztec. http://www.wauu.de/Kids_and_Teens/School_Time/Social_Studies/History/By_Time_Per | |
99. Homework Center - Ancient & Classic Cultures The Multnomah County Library Homework Center organizes over 3500 carefully reviewed K12 education and homework help resources for students, teachers, media specialists, and librarians. ancient http://www.multnomah.lib.or.us/lib/homework/anchsthc.html | |
100. Ancient Civilizations WQ ancient Civilizations. ancient Greece. http://coe.west.asu.edu/students/dmatousek/ancientwq/ancient_civilizations_wq.ht | |
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