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61. Memorable Days In Azerbaijani History. Azerbaijan Internet Links Travel, recreation. Hotels. Society and Culture. Close. history of azerbaijan. Political parties, NGOs. Television and Radio. Mass media, press. http://resources.net.az/h/ | |
62. Azerbaijan - History And Photo Catalog Of World Paper Money history and Photo Catalog of World Paper Money. azerbaijan. A brief monetary history Rubles = 100 Kopeks, from 191722; Manat = (10 Russian Rubles), from 2002. http://www.atsnotes.com/catalog/azerbaijan/azerbaijan.html | |
63. Azerbaijan agricultural zone. Government. Constitutional republic. history. Northern azerbaijan was known as Caucasian Albania in ancient times. The http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0107305.html | |
64. HIV/AIDS In Azerbaijan, History HIV/AIDS main events. HIV/AIDS history around the world. The Republican AIDS Center for prophylaxis and prevention started its activity in azerbaijan. 1991. http://aids.mednet.az/frames/aids1e.htm | |
65. HIV/AIDS In Azerbaijan, History The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://aids.mednet.az/frames/aids1r.htm | |
66. FSU New Issues - Azerbaijan - History Of Airships history of Airships. Date of issue 20th July 1995. For buying FSU stamps, Postal stationery and Postal history, please see Classified Ads. http://nestor.minsk.by/fsunews/azerbai/1995/az237-43.html | |
67. FSU New Issues - Azerbaijan - History Of Airships history of Airships. Date of issue 20th July 1995. Enlarged Image. For buying FSU stamps, Postal stationery and Postal history, please see Classified Ads. http://nestor.minsk.by/fsunews/azerbai/1995/az243.html | |
68. Azerbaijan Culture | Lonely Planet World Guide Includes facts and figures, culture, history, and tourist information. http://www.lonelyplanet.com/destinations/europe/azerbaijan/culture.htm | |
69. Azerbaijan Page The present day inhabitants of azerbaijan are the heirs of it s rich history, the descendants of a long and fascinating blend of cultures and civilizations. http://mrashid.home.cern.ch/mrashid/azer.html | |
70. Karabakh.org Information about the Armeniaazerbaijan conflict and its consequences, the history and culture of Karabakh region of azerbaijan. http://www.karabakh.org/ |
71. A Short History Of Azerbaijan A Short history of azerbaijan. Little is known about azerbaijan s history until its conquest and conversion to Islam by the Arabs in 642 AD. http://www.abacci.com/atlas/history.asp?countryID=137 |
72. The International School Of Azerbaijan - History Location azerbaijan is situated on the western shores of the Caspian Sea and is bordered by Georgia and Armenia to the west, Iran to the south and the Russian http://www.tisa.az/history.htm | |
73. Welcome To Ancient Azerbaijan! This Site Dedicated To Oriental Arms And Armors, As the curtain of history unfolds you ll discover many mysteries and in her hoary past are the beautiful ancient monuments of azerbaijan culture discovered in http://members.fortunecity.com/shahink/anciental.htm | |
74. Azerbaijan It examines the last two centuries of azerbaijan s history, beginning with the Russian seizure of the northern part of the country in the early 19th century http://www.ils.unc.edu/~nazam/azerbaijan.htm | |
75. Azerbaijan Encyclopedia : Maps - Weather - Travel - History - Economy - Governme topics 9 External links and references. history. Main article history of azerbaijan Historically, azerbaijan included parts of what http://www.asinah.net/en/wikipedia/a/az/azerbaijan.html | |
76. Azerbaijan E-Cards - History And Culture - Details | MuseumStuff.com azerbaijan ECards - history and Culture map information and links .. details page and Culture. azerbaijan E-Cards - history and Culture. http://www.museumstuff.com/rec/gen6302.html | |
77. Azerbaijan. The Land Of Arts This overview of cultural traditions of azerbaijan people presents information arranged by regions and such topics as history, architecture, carpets, music and various branches of traditional arts, crafts and other components of ancient national culture. http://azerbaijan.aznet.org/ | |
78. Travel In Baku - Azerbaijan - Europe - History - WorldTravelGate.net®- WorldTravelGate.net®Information about Baku,azerbaijan,Europe,history,Gallery,Photos,Restaurants,Hotels,Car Rental,Rentals,Campings,Travel Agencies.! http://www.eurotravelling.net/azerbaijan/baku/baku_history.htm | |
79. Azerbaijan - Government, History, Population, Geography And Maps Search the Net history; 100% Free Clip Art including world flags and 1000 s more images and photos! azerbaijan source CIA World Factbook 1998, azerbaijan. http://www.worldrover.com/vital/azerbaijan.html | |
80. Azerbaijan Technical University Guide to university administration, news, faculties, chairs, history, admissions, and photos. http://www.aztu.org/eng/ | |
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