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121. Ayurveda ayurveda is an ancient Indian medical practice that encompasses a range of treatmentsincluding medicinal herbs, changes in diet, meditation, massage, and yoga http://www.wholehealthmd.com/refshelf/substances_view/1,1525,672,00.html | |
122. Bipha Drug Laboratories A leading manufacturer in ayurvedic, nutraceutical, aromatherapy segment. Indepth information about ayurveda, the corporate profile, and product details. http://www.bipha.com/ |
123. Tulsi Amrit Pvt. Ltd. (Leading Company In Herbal Extracts) Processing of plants and minerals used in ayurveda, Siddha and Unani system in readyto-use forms; powder, granular, soft oleoresins and oils. Manufacturer in Indore, India. http://www.tulsiamrit.com/ | |
124. Ayurvedic Medicine Ayurveda Products Alternative Medicine Offering alternative medicine Ayurvedic medicine and ayurveda products a Tibetanmedicine. Educate yourself in Ayurvedic medicine and the ayurveda products. http://web.inetba.com/diamondwayayurveda/ | |
125. Oasis Ayurveda Beach Resort Renowed Sri Lanka Beach Resort and Spa in Hambantota Sri Lanka. http://oasis-ayurveda.de |
126. Hobbytip Nr.315 - Ayurveda Für Alle Translate this page Ausführlichere Informationen enthält das Hobbythekbuch ayurveda - Lebenselixiereaus Indien. Vorwort. Das Bild vom Menschen im ayurveda vata, pitta und kapha. http://www.hobbythek.de/archiv/315/ | |
127. Ayurveda ayurveda is a system of preventative medicine and health care that dates back inIndia more than 5000 years. ayurveda means knowledge (or science) of life . http://www.healthhappiness.com.au/wellbeing/Ayurveda/ | |
128. Ayurveda Azienda di prodotti ayurvedici, descrive le basi dell'ayurveda. Test online per determinare il proprio tipo ayurvedico. http://www.divya.it/ayurveda/ayurveda.html | |
129. Therapy Directory - Ayurveda ayurveda. Everything you need to know about ayurveda. Free ayurveda relateddownloads. Links to ayurveda related pages. Chakra Tuning. ayurveda. http://www.worldofalternatives.com/UKHomeopathy/links/ayurveda.html | |
130. Ayananda Ayurveda Academy - Herzlich Willkommen Das Institut beschreibt die Seminare f¼r Heilpraktiker, Ârzte und Privatpersonen und erl¤utert die M¶glichkeiten eines Fernstudiums. D64372 Ober-Ramstadt http://www.ayananda.de/ | |
131. Ayurveda-care Home Page Translate this page care that cures - ayurveda care http://www.ayurveda-care.de/ |
132. Maharishi Ayurveda Shop Versand f¼r ayurvedische Produkte in Âsterreich. http://www.ayurvedashop.at/ | |
133. AYURVEDA - ZENTRUM - MÃNCHEN Translate this page Wissensschatz indianischer Pflanzenkunde Amerikas verbunden mit traditionellenHerstellungsverfahren der jahrtausend alten Gesundheitslehre ayurveda mehr? http://www.ayurveda-muenchen.de/ | |
134. Ayurveda Of Kerala ayurveda. ayurveda, harmony of body, mind and soul. ayurveda evolvedaround 600 BC in India. This Kerala, the land of ayurveda. Kerala s http://www.keralatourism.org/index.jsp?resource=ayur |
135. Seyfried Naturwaren Versandhandel f¼r Maharishi ayurveda Produkte, Nahrungsmittel und Kosmetikprodukte. Ohne Produktbeschreibungen. http://www.seyfrieds.de/ |
136. WebHealthCentre.com - Alternative Medicine - Ayurveda ayurveda. ayurveda means Knowledge of Life . The basic concept of ayurveda isthat the body is composed of three principles pittha, kapha and vatha. http://www.webhealthcentre.com/altmed/ayurveda/index.asp | |
137. Ayurveda Cured Organic Sesame Oil - Youthing Strategies Holistic natural skin care for baby, teen and mature skin. Pure ayurveda cured organic sesame oil, blended with other essential oils. http://www.youthingstrategies.com | |
138. L'ayurveda ayurveda. L ayurveda è un antica scienza indiana che insegna le dinamichedell essere e le leggi che presiedono all universo e governano l uomo. http://www.albanesi.it/Medalt/ayurveda.htm | |
139. Kurhotel Parkschloesschen Bad Wildstein Traben Trarbach Prevention and cure at the Bad Wildenstein Parkschloesschen (in English, âÂÂLittle Park CastleâÂÂ), in a quiet valley branching off the Moselle Valley in Germany. http://www.parkschloesschen.de/englisch/default.htm |
140. Ayurveda Treatments Ayurv©da health resort. Objectifs et remarque, le module de traitement, l'h´spital et les industries; puis le jardin pour les produits alimentaires et l'usine pour les engrais organiques, h©ritage et mus©e. Mont Lavinia, Sri Lanka. http://www.ayurvedaresort.com/french/Ayurveda/ | |
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